Politically speaking; Are you a Shark or a Dolphin?

Shark or Dolphin?

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Politically speaking we know what the fuck you are. You hate the pretty girls on Fox, you're gay. You claim to lean right, (just right of Joe Stalin.) You claim your parents abused you physically and you loved it because it turned you into a tough son-of-a-bitch, but you cry and piss & moan here all the time about rich folks. You want BIG government to rob the rich and bribe the vote of the poor with the proceeds. You love Obama’s buddy the anti-Second Amendment, tax hiking Democrat ass kissing neo-con fat fuck Christie and you’re an economic moron.
Politically speaking we know what the fuck you are. You hate the pretty girls on Fox, you're gay. You claim to lean right, (just right of Joe Stalin.) You claim your parents abused you physically and you loved it because it turned you into a tough son-of-a-bitch, but you cry and piss & moan here all the time about rich folks. You want BIG government to rob the rich and bribe the vote of the poor with the proceeds. You love Obama’s buddy the anti-Second Amendment, tax hiking Democrat ass kissing neo-con fat fuck Christie and you’re an economic moron.

Hard to add anything to this; except perhaps bring your hip waders to any debate with that asshat because the bullshit gets mighty deep. ;)
Politically speaking we know what the fuck you are. You hate the pretty girls on Fox, you're gay. You claim to lean right, (just right of Joe Stalin.) You claim your parents abused you physically and you loved it because it turned you into a tough son-of-a-bitch, but you cry and piss & moan here all the time about rich folks. You want BIG government to rob the rich and bribe the vote of the poor with the proceeds. You love Obama’s buddy the anti-Second Amendment, tax hiking Democrat ass kissing neo-con fat fuck Christie and you’re an economic moron.

I don't hate pretty girls on fox, I think they are pretty and spend lots of money to get that way. My wife is pretty when she wakes up. No Corporation or name brand made her that way.

I'm not gay, I'm married and I have triplets. I may as well fess up, the NSA knows everything about me anyway.

Two of my stepdads hit me constantly but my mom only used fly swatters and wooden spoons on me, the wooden spoon never left a fly swatter image on my legs. I never stated I loved it but I did state that it made me as tough as a boy named Sue.

I don't cry about the rich or the sloth lazy leeches. I only expose that one worships money instead of sharing it with the people that help make it and the other are exposed in history such as "Those who do not work will not eat"

I don't want to attack the 2A but I do want to have a conversation about guns <--this is where the Left lost the Right. Right says "THEY'RE COMING FOR OUR GUNS" because the NRA is now paid $33Million a year by gun manufacturers

And in the end you attack me for favoring politicians who pay their debt. If you don't know the difference between deficit and debt you are an idiot. Democrats always attempt to pay the tab, even when attempting to spend more. Republicans always pay less than the tab in order to buy votes. And they spend pretty much the same if not more. Last election, when considering Unnecessary war, Democrats were more Conservative than Republicans. This is fact.
I'll analyze my own post..;

Sharks have been around about 400 Million years. Yea, they were here and survived when dinosaurs didn't, they are tough SOB's. They are subjects you do not want to take lightly. Their dominant feature is their teeth which is their weapon. Their weapons have made them the master of the Ocean.

Dolphins have bigger brains and Dolphins fight in mobs to protect humans that are in danger because of their sonar.
Politically speaking we know what the fuck you are. You hate the pretty girls on Fox, you're gay. You claim to lean right, (just right of Joe Stalin.) You claim your parents abused you physically and you loved it because it turned you into a tough son-of-a-bitch, but you cry and piss & moan here all the time about rich folks. You want BIG government to rob the rich and bribe the vote of the poor with the proceeds. You love Obama’s buddy the anti-Second Amendment, tax hiking Democrat ass kissing neo-con fat fuck Christie and you’re an economic moron.

Politically speaking I'm the Shark that was smart enough to study the dolphin.
I don't hate pretty girls on fox, I think they are pretty and spend lots of money to get that way. My wife is pretty when she wakes up. No Corporation or name brand made her that way.

So Fox spends millions painting up their girls but your wife is a natural beauty? She’s Miss America and a movie star, right Goober?

I'm not gay, I'm married and I have triplets. I may as well fess up, the NSA knows everything about me anyway.

Gay marriages are legal many places and the NSA knows everything about everybody. That’s why we don’t need any more fucking gun background checks. Just ask the fucking NSA who has guns if you need to know.

Two of my stepdads hit me constantly but my mom only used fly swatters and wooden spoons on me, the wooden spoon never left a fly swatter image on my legs. I never stated I loved it but I did state that it made me as tough as a boy named Sue.

The couldn’t even beat it into you, huh? You still never learned shit about economics.

I don't cry about the rich or the sloth lazy leeches. I only expose that one worships money instead of sharing it with the people that help make it and the other are exposed in history such as "Those who do not work will not eat"

Horseshit! You’re all over this forum slobbering your leftist bleedin heart sharing of the wealth crap. I’ve educated you several times about our founders brilliant system of allowing for the “Several States Laboratory “ that gives “THE STATES” all of the authority for social programming that allows for maximum freedom because citizens can vote with their feet and move to where their political desires and beliefs are most respected and implemented by government, as opposed to the fucking stupid one size fits all bankruptcy system unconstitutionally mandated by the fucking federal bastards.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” (Amendment 10, United States Constitution)

I don't want to attack the 2A but I do want to have a conversation about guns <--this is where the Left lost the Right. Right says "THEY'RE COMING FOR OUR GUNS" because the NRA is now paid $33Million a year by gun manufacturers.

You should get on your pathetic fucking knees and thank God for the NRA and its endless toil to defend your right to defend yourself. If you’re not an NRA member, you’re a pissy little wimping frightened bastard.

And in the end you attack me for favoring politicians who pay their debt.

The fat bastard Christie “paid the debt” on the backs of New Jersey’s senior citizens. He confiscated their homestead tax rebate and gave the loot to the fucking crooked teacher’s union pension fund. Christie and Sweeny are thick as thieves. Sweeny is a fucking leftist Democrat and BIG time union boss and President of NJ’s Senate. Christy supports all of NJ’s draconian fucking gun laws and opposes “conceal carry.” He hates the NRA because the NRA reveals him as the fucking gun grabbing bastard he really is.

If you don't know the difference between deficit and debt you are an idiot. Democrats always attempt to pay the tab, even when attempting to spend more. Republicans always pay less than the tab in order to buy votes. And they spend pretty much the same if not more. Last election, when considering Unnecessary war, Democrats were more Conservative than Republicans. This is fact.

Ronald Reagan/Tip O’Neal President and Speaker Of The House, Republican/Democrat. Together the two bastards damn near tripled the national debt. Democrats & Republicans are equal partners in a 17 trillion $ national debt. Republicans & Democrats alike are responsible for ALL of America’s undeclared, unnecessary, unconstitutional wars. Democrats & Republicans alike are responsible for a Supreme Court staffed by political partisan ideologues with no loyalty to the Constitution but every desire to further their particular political agenda. The vast majority of Democrats & Republicans are fucking BIG government socialist, fascist lite, communist lite, crony capitalist racketeering authoritarian bastards.