Politics Governing Reasonable Doubt Between Reproductions Producing Reproductions.


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Ancestral growth of global population only occurs this rotation, every rotation, ancestries populating space today with lifetimes never duplicated in form or shape as existed so far.

Capitalism creates equal opportunities for each generation gap.
Capitalizing off reasonable doubt corrupts each generation gap forward.
Philosophies project possibilities life isn't self evident evolving only happens this rotation for each ancestor alive today.
Specificity of kinetic how and why the distance between details and results are separated now at the universal scale.

31st parallel to the specificity of life unique to this atmosphere every rotation of the planet reproductions are never same results yesterday, today, tomorrow.
Algorithm for human evolving as uniquely existed since inception of species and its ancestral lineages(races within same atmosphere).
0.0, 0.0-9, 1.0, 1.5, 1.25, 1.125, 1.0625, 1.03125, 1.0156125. 1.007806125, 1.0039020625. this is first 10 generation gaps to origins of each ancestral lineage of any species plant or animal kingdoms single cell to homo sapien in same atmosphere, same time, each reproduction is occupying space in series parallel positions, when specifically alive.

Next 10 generation gaps and how the original chromosomes got diluted each next generation gap changing population each rotation forward sustaining a universal positions constantly here proportionately physically part of the universe perpetually balancing outcomes of each incoming replacement adapting to this ever changing situation equally alive today.

1.00195303125, 1.000976515625, 1.0004882578125, 1.00024412890625, 1.000122064453125, 1.0000610322765625, 1.0000305163828125, 1.00001525017140625. there are 13 more generation gaps to go since original homo sapien arrived to point that reproduction regardless male or female became a parent, grandparent, great grandparent, upto 27th great great grandparent to each male and female as a 27th great great grandchild generation. Now there have been over 350 generation gaps since this species started pretending now isn't eternity since I estimated 20 year gap for each generation forward life never duplicated a reproduction ever in this atmosphere. Just repeating the process with new details every heartbeat of each ancestor ever added.

Compounding chromosomes per ancestral DNA streaming life per lifetime each rotation of this planet specific life is specifically alive this rotation.

Actual evolving process mathematics to the specificity of each lifetime occupying space this rotation.
No reality goes that deep since debating possibilities doesn't exceed the 5 generation gaps debating anything else is possible each rotation last 7,000 revolutions around this unique star, this unique solar system, this unique galaxy, today.
I am waiting for the critique this isn't relative to global current events since everyone knows everything is absolutely corrupted in each generation gap alive yesterday, today, tomorrow and nobody is trying to correct the means, motives, methods, promising tomorrow, when nobody is evolving outside the common situation of adapting as displaced now uniquely here since rotation of conception. I was alive as a fetus in its second trimester 73 years ago.
Never same shape since but always me trying to balance between everyone else pretending life isn't self evident.