Politifact Is a Joke


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Are you one of those people who have accepted Politifact as a credible judge of people's credibility ? I'm not sure if I am one of those people or not. I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere in these threads is me using Politifact as a source for something. Well, from a couple of reviews I saw recently it looks bad for Politifact's own credibility.

Politifact is PolitiFALSE. Most recently, they claimed Rubio wasn't weak on immigration by pointing to his Gang of 8 bill having border security measures. How about the AMNESTY in that bill, Politifact ? They also made a false claim about Trump's keep Muslims out policy.

Despite FBI director James Comey saying Syrian refugees can't be vetted, Politifact said Syrian refugees CAN be vetted, and based this on 2 govt agencies that are set to do the supposed vetting ? HUH ???
Hey Politifact, if we get some 3rd grade 8 year olds to manage our nuclear power plants, will you say the nuclear power plants are going to be managed ? Dumb asses. If anybody's pants are on fire, it's PolitiFARCE.
Are you one of those people who have accepted Politifact as a credible judge of people's credibility ? I'm not sure if I am one of those people or not. I wouldn't be surprised if somewhere in these threads is me using Politifact as a source for something. Well, from a couple of reviews I saw recently it looks bad for Politifact's own credibility.

Politifact is PolitiFALSE. Most recently, they claimed Rubio wasn't weak on immigration by pointing to his Gang of 8 bill having border security measures. How about the AMNESTY in that bill, Politifact ? They also made a false claim about Trump's keep Muslims out policy.

Despite FBI director James Comey saying Syrian refugees can't be vetted, Politifact said Syrian refugees CAN be vetted, and based this on 2 govt agencies that are set to do the supposed vetting ? HUH ???
Hey Politifact, if we get some 3rd grade 8 year olds to manage our nuclear power plants, will you say the nuclear power plants are going to be managed ? Dumb asses. If anybody's pants are on fire, it's PolitiFARCE.

Your credibility is much more in question here, racist liar.
PolitFARCE just sent one of their ambassadors to a PBS show again today, I turned it off before he could say one word. ha ha - God, that felt good. Greatest invention of modern man - the TV remote control (and its mute button) hee hee hee
PolitFARCE just sent one of their ambassadors to a PBS show again today, I turned it off before he could say one word. ha ha - God, that felt good. Greatest invention of modern man - the TV remote control (and its mute button) hee hee hee

PBS must be crying because you used your mute button.
You are an incredible fool, racist republican liar.
Politifact Is a Joke




Moronic PolitiFARCE just goes on and on with more and more BULLSHIT. I don't believe a liberal "fact check" site would actually tell the truth if it meant demeaning other liberals. Hell...the ones we have here can't even admit when they're wrong. f_whistle.gif

Gotta careful about any media sources. Now we must do our own fact checking, by actually listening to what the candidates say and not take these media sources at their too often biased words.
Politifact continues to establish themselves as non-credible. Now they've called Donald Trump's claim of Obama being a founder of ISIS, "Pants on Fire"

Well, once again (as so often is the case) it is Politfact's pants that are on fire, as well as airhead commentators in the media. Of course, Obama is one of the founders of ISIS, since he removed the US troops from Iraq in 2011. And NO, ISIS did NOT begin in 2004, with al Zarqawi and the al Qaeda in Iraq group. That was a seperate organization, led by a seprate leader, who died before ISIS began. If we were to go by Politifact's rationale, we could say Mohammed created ISIS in 622 AD.
Now at screwball PolitiFARCE, they're saying they have 75 false statements made by Donald Trump. Yeah ? Wanna buy a bridge in Brooklyn ? In the meantime, here's a list of Hillary big boo boos >>> View attachment 3169


Let’s Be Friends


White House says Clinton did not heed e-mail policy


Unease at Clinton Foundation Over Finances and Ambitions


Clinton charities will refile tax returns, audit for other errors


Hillary Clinton fired from Judiciary Committee Investigating Watergate


Many Clinton charity donors also got State Department awards under Hillary


Despite Hillary Clinton promise, charity did not disclose donors


For Clinton’s, speech income shows how their wealth is intertwined with charity


Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation as Russians Pressed for Control of Uranium Company


The Disastrous Clinton Post-Presidency


Do Hillary’s Fair-Pay Talking Points Apply to Her Own Family?


Clinton Foundation Quietly Revises Mexican Billionaire’s Donation


The Spy Satellite Secrets in Hillary’s Emails


Senate committee seeks email facts from Clinton’s tech company


Hilliary Servers Kept in Bathroom Closet of Loft Apartment


Hillary Clinton’s Computer Company Wasn’t Cleared for Classified Material


The Time Hillary Clinton Networked from a Funeral


Hillary Clinton’s Million Little Lies


Hillary Clinton Violated Law on Classified Material?

http://www.judicialwatch.org/press-...udicial Watch Tipsheet (27)&utm_content=#anc1
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Gotta careful about any media sources. Now we must do our own fact checking, by actually listening to what the candidates say and not take these media sources at their too often biased words.

Yeah......GOOD LUCK, WITH THAT!!!!

September 4, 2016 - "Several of Donald Trumps top campaign advisers and allies on Sunday struggled to explain the Republican presidential nominee’s stance on mass deportation — insisting that he will prioritize undocumented criminals for deportation, but falling short on other details and playing down the scale of his deportation priorities by millions of people."
