Poll: McCain springs ahead in California


JPP Modarater

A new survey indicates that presidential candidate Sen. John McCain has made dramatic gains with California Republicans.

Sen. John McCain is leading in California, according to a CNN poll out Monday.

The Arizona senator is 13 points ahead of his closest rival in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Monday: Thirty-nine percent of likely California Republican primary voters back McCain, while 26 percent support former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.


$hit. A week ago, I thought the democrats had the election in the bag. I'm really getting nervous about McCain's gains.

A new survey indicates that presidential candidate Sen. John McCain has made dramatic gains with California Republicans.

Sen. John McCain is leading in California, according to a CNN poll out Monday.

The Arizona senator is 13 points ahead of his closest rival in a CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll released Monday: Thirty-nine percent of likely California Republican primary voters back McCain, while 26 percent support former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney.


$hit. A week ago, I thought the democrats had the election in the bag. I'm really getting nervous about McCain's gains.

But if Romney wins Florida this could change really quickly.
Get use to it!

It is going tobe another GOP in office 2009! Ya may as well take a trip to the Bahamas and relax and accept the inevitable!