Poll shows economic worries similar to 1992


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(CNN) – It's the economy, stupid — again.

A new survey from CNN and the Opinion Research Corporation suggests Americans are nearly as pessimistic now about the state of the economy as they were in 1992 — the year Bill Clinton defeated then-President George H. W. Bush by running a campaign focused largely on America's economic woes.

According to the new poll, three-quarters of all Americans think the country is going through a recession, and a majority thinks it will last at least a year. Close to a quarter of Americans expect it to last more than two years.

The technical definition of a recession is two or more quarters of negative economic growth. This has yet to happen, though many notable economists, including former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan, have said an actual recession is likely. Other economists say factors including skyrocketing gas and energy prices, six consecutive months of job losses, and the rise of home foreclosures have led to the worst economic conditions during a presidential election since perhaps 1980.

Americans' views toward the economy are similar to those 16 years ago, when the country experienced an official recession and voters largely blamed former President Bush at the ballot box. In a CNN/USA Today/Gallup poll taken two months before the 1992 election, just under 80 percent of Americans said the country was a in a recession.

In both the 1980 and 1992 elections, poor economic conditions led voters to overwhelmingly reject the incumbent party, a trend that appears to disadvantage the Republican presidential presumptive nominee.

“Whenever a solid majority of voters says the country is in a recession, it is bad news for the party holding the White House,” said CNN Senior Political Researcher Alan Silverleib. “Voters are in a sour mood and, if history is any guide, they are going to take out their anger on the Republicans. These numbers are a huge danger sign for John McCain.”

Topspin the dumbass can't imagine them just turning off the money creation spigot all the fascists are addicted to.
Oncelor I've seen you've had so good ones lately so I go high road.
Nearly every down turn is caused by a different reason.
that said when the economy picks back up on average the market is up 30% which is just retracing what was lost. Where people really get hurt is selling into the frenzy.
some things could have prevented the scope of the current problem entirely.

but we as a country are pretty shortsighted and stupid.
Umm average smaverage, this is not average. New rules, oil and global economy, china, India, etc at play now.

This is outside of your known box topper.

New rules?

LMAO.... that was the same stupid nonsense used to justify the insane run in the markets in 1999. When you ignore fundamentals and justify doing so because somehow there are "new rules" you are going to get caught with your pants down.