Poll Shows J.D. Vance Barely More Popular Than Herpes, Analyst Jokes


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J.D. Vance is not polling well among 18- to 29-year-olds nationwide.

A Harvard Youth poll found that only 18 percent of respondents had a favorable view of Donald Trump’s running mate. The Bulwark editor Jonathan V. Last argued Wednesday that this was a particularly bad number for Vance, especially when compared with the favorability of North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson.

A recent Elon University poll found that 27 percent of female respondents had a favorable opinion of the now-disgraced Republican gubernatorial candidate. The poll was taken before Robinson’s scandal broke last week—but after he’d said and done a slew of other insane things.

“The guy who says the Holocaust was overblown and Hitler was great, who wants to own slaves, who was a frequenter of backroom porn video booths, and who bragged about banging his wife’s sister.… That guy was able to get to 27 percent favorable with women in North Carolina,” Last wrote.

A closer look at the Elon University poll found that 15 percent of female respondents found Robinson “very favorable” and 13 percent found him “favorable.” Forty-two percent of female respondents said Robinson was “very unfavorable.”

Meanwhile, in the Harvard poll, 46 percent of respondents found Vance to be “unfavorable” and only 33 percent found his opponent, Tim Walz, unfavorable.

Last tried to throw Vance a bone.

“This Harvard poll did not test favorability ratings for the Taliban, or Vladimir Putin, or herpes. If they had, I’m sure all three would have been less popular than JD Vance,” Last wrote. “But not by much.”


What don't
they like about JD? Better question what do they like about Walz? 🤣

That's a great question. Your question is very much like a rorshach test for basic human decency.

Should we elect the guy spreads lies about minorities in order to score political points or the guy who seems to have wandered out of central casting for everyone's favorite high school teacher/gym coach?

Some people appear on the public stage with that almost ineffible vibe of "creepy and weird". These people should NOT run for public office. JD Vance may be a pretty decent bloke (aside from the aforementioned Hillbilly Heinrich Himmler routine which he's doing for purely political reasons), but he's clearly awkward in public and doesn't really "connect" with people.

No one elects the vice president. They tend to just come along for the ride. But the ONE JOB they have during the campaign is to NOT make the campaign look bad. JD doesn't quite hit that mark.
That's a great question. Your question is very much like a rorshach test for basic human decency.

Should we elect the guy spreads lies about minorities in order to score political points or the guy who seems to have wandered out of central casting for everyone's favorite high school teacher/gym coach?

Some people appear on the public stage with that almost ineffible vibe of "creepy and weird". These people should NOT run for public office. JD Vance may be a pretty decent bloke (aside from the aforementioned Hillbilly Heinrich Himmler routine which he's doing for purely political reasons), but he's clearly awkward in public and doesn't really "connect" with people.

No one elects the vice president. They tend to just come along for the ride. But the ONE JOB they have during the campaign is to NOT make the campaign look bad. JD doesn't quite hit that mark.
Should we elect the gal who helped off her boss and the President? Talk about awkward... And Someone
who doesn't even come close to the mark... I wouldn't even vote for her for sorority president... (Your description of Walz is hilarious by the way...)

Should we elect the gal who helped off her boss and the President? Talk about awkward... And Someone
who doesn't even come close to the mark... I wouldn't even vote for her for sorority president... (Your description of Walz is hilarious by the way...)

Do try to keep up. We were talking about the VP candidates. Perhaps you are confused. Kamala is not running for VP this time around.

I suggest you watch some TV news to catch up.
J.D. Vance is not polling well among 18- to 29-year-olds nationwide.

A Harvard Youth poll found that only 18 percent of respondents had a favorable view of Donald Trump’s running mate. The Bulwark editor Jonathan V. Last argued Wednesday that this was a particularly bad number for Vance, especially when compared with the favorability of North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson.

A recent Elon University poll found that 27 percent of female respondents had a favorable opinion of the now-disgraced Republican gubernatorial candidate. The poll was taken before Robinson’s scandal broke last week—but after he’d said and done a slew of other insane things.

“The guy who says the Holocaust was overblown and Hitler was great, who wants to own slaves, who was a frequenter of backroom porn video booths, and who bragged about banging his wife’s sister.… That guy was able to get to 27 percent favorable with women in North Carolina,” Last wrote.

A closer look at the Elon University poll found that 15 percent of female respondents found Robinson “very favorable” and 13 percent found him “favorable.” Forty-two percent of female respondents said Robinson was “very unfavorable.”

Meanwhile, in the Harvard poll, 46 percent of respondents found Vance to be “unfavorable” and only 33 percent found his opponent, Tim Walz, unfavorable.

Last tried to throw Vance a bone.

“This Harvard poll did not test favorability ratings for the Taliban, or Vladimir Putin, or herpes. If they had, I’m sure all three would have been less popular than JD Vance,” Last wrote. “But not by much.”


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Vance was brought on to troll Biden. Now that Biden is gone, the troll has no direction. Which is clear.

Unfortunately, most people don't vote for VP. trump's shadow is so huge, Vance is just a blip.
No one elects the vice president. They tend to just come along for the ride. But the ONE JOB they have during the campaign is to NOT make the campaign look bad. JD doesn't quite hit that mark.
Good point. In this instance though, trump could keel over from a bad Big Mac at any time. Do we want the hillbilly running the nation? Vance is grossly unqualified to even serve in the Senate. He's done absolutely nothing constructive during his short tenure.
Good point. In this instance though, trump could keel over from a bad Big Mac at any time. Do we want the hillbilly running the nation? Vance is grossly unqualified to even serve in the Senate. He's done absolutely nothing constructive during his short tenure.
Kam never made a big Mac....;)🤣
she is too busy running FROM her time as V.P.

I suggest you let the lobotomies heal up

I'm so sorry you don't know that Kamala is running for PRESIDENT. Vice President is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT OFFICE.

I can see you have some learning to do on basics of American government. I hope you get it figured out soon.
Vance was brought on to troll Biden. Now that Biden is gone, the troll has no direction. Which is clear.

Unfortunately, most people don't vote for VP. trump's shadow is so huge, Vance is just a blip.
Exactly, Vance has become more of a distraction than help, and you are also correct, no one votes for VP

Win or lose, Vance is setting himself up for ‘24 or ‘28, the inheritor of the MAGA mantel, although he’ll have a lot of competition, grievance populism isn’t going away
she is too busy running FROM her time as V.P.

I suggest you let the lobotomies heal up
Kinda humorous, throughout American History ever VP has had about as much influence on the policies of the Administration they were part of as the First Lady. Yet MAGA has Harris responsible for everything and anything the Biden Administration did throughout its four years
J.D. Vance is not polling well among 18- to 29-year-olds nationwide.

A Harvard Youth poll found that only 18 percent of respondents had a favorable view of Donald Trump’s running mate. The Bulwark editor Jonathan V. Last argued Wednesday that this was a particularly bad number for Vance, especially when compared with the favorability of North Carolina Lieutenant Governor Mark Robinson.

A recent Elon University poll found that 27 percent of female respondents had a favorable opinion of the now-disgraced Republican gubernatorial candidate. The poll was taken before Robinson’s scandal broke last week—but after he’d said and done a slew of other insane things.

“The guy who says the Holocaust was overblown and Hitler was great, who wants to own slaves, who was a frequenter of backroom porn video booths, and who bragged about banging his wife’s sister.… That guy was able to get to 27 percent favorable with women in North Carolina,” Last wrote.

A closer look at the Elon University poll found that 15 percent of female respondents found Robinson “very favorable” and 13 percent found him “favorable.” Forty-two percent of female respondents said Robinson was “very unfavorable.”

Meanwhile, in the Harvard poll, 46 percent of respondents found Vance to be “unfavorable” and only 33 percent found his opponent, Tim Walz, unfavorable.

Last tried to throw Vance a bone.

“This Harvard poll did not test favorability ratings for the Taliban, or Vladimir Putin, or herpes. If they had, I’m sure all three would have been less popular than JD Vance,” Last wrote. “But not by much.”


View attachment 32390
Fuck you asshole, you supported the assassination of your political opponent so, fuck you!
Vance was brought on to troll Biden. Now that Biden is gone, the troll has no direction. Which is clear.

Unfortunately, most people don't vote for VP. trump's shadow is so huge, Vance is just a blip.
You are right most people don't vote for VP but with the way Trump is looking and with the stress he is under he could stroke out at any time or have a heart attack so voting for Trump could be voting for Vance as President.
Trump is getting old and seems to be going off his rocker.
Have a nice day
Kinda humorous, throughout American History ever VP has had about as much influence on the policies of the Administration they were part of as the First Lady. Yet MAGA has Harris responsible for everything and anything the Biden Administration did throughout its four years
one difference - nobody thinks Biden is running things
I'm so sorry you don't know that Kamala is running for PRESIDENT. Vice President is a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT OFFICE.

I can see you have some learning to do on basics of American government. I hope you get it figured out soon.
derp derp goes the shit stains

she is flip flopping all over the place

when she loses - will her career be over? I think so
You are right most people don't vote for VP but with the way Trump is looking and with the stress he is under he could stroke out at any time or have a heart attack so voting for Trump could be voting for Vance as President.
Trump is getting old and seems to be going off his rocker.
Have a nice day
Agree 100%

It's clear that MAGA knows America does NOT support another trump reign of terror. Which is why key states with MAGA election staff are plotting to send the election to the McConnel Supreme Court.