Polling Data...

I think it would be accurate to say that McCain has a small lead right now.

It won't really shake out for a few more days. Weekend polling is not quite as reliable.
I think it would be accurate to say that McCain has a small lead right now.

It won't really shake out for a few more days. Weekend polling is not quite as reliable.

I'm kind of shocked that anybody is actually taking the position that this hockey mom is in any way even remotely qualified to be president. I guess I thought nothing could shock me after the bush years....but this one did. I mean, it's a joke, on its face. Yet, as we see here on this board, and apparently all over the country...the Republican in your face pushback position is once again working. They are able to take the most ludicrous position and, through propoganda, make people believe it. I think the most important first step is actually having the balls to make a ludicrous argument, I really do. I've been thinking about that. I think that's the trick. Once something is open for debate...it's debatable. Implying that there is something to debate, that there are two rational positions to be held.

I'm further amazed that they have been able to apparently make their acolytes swallow the idea that it is remotely acceptable to take an unknown, propose to put her one heart beat away from the most powerful position on the planet...and then run her to ground. She's in hiding. The Mccain campaign will not allow interviews, and says that until she is guaranteed to be "treated with deference" she will continue to refuse to answer any questions and do any interview.

One question:

Could a man get away with this? Name one.
I'm kind of shocked that anybody is actually taking the position that this hockey mom is in any way even remotely qualified to be president. I guess I thought nothing could shock me after the bush years....but this one did. I mean, it's a joke, on its face. Yet, as we see here on this board, and apparently all over the country...the Republican in your face pushback position is once again working. They are able to take the most ludicrous position and, through propoganda, make people believe it. I think the most important first step is actually having the balls to make a ludicrous argument, I really do. I've been thinking about that. I think that's the trick. Once something is open for debate...it's debatable. Implying that there is something to debate, that there are two rational positions to be held.

I'm further amazed that they have been able to apparently make their acolytes swallow the idea that it is remotely acceptable to take an unknown, propose to put her one heart beat away from the most powerful position on the planet...and then run her to ground. She's in hiding. The Mccain campaign will not allow interviews, and says that until she is guaranteed to be "treated with deference" she will continue to refuse to answer any questions and do any interview.

One question:

Could a man get away with this? Name one.

It's complete BS. I did a whole post on their strategy now, which is to villify the media, make Palin the victim and intimidate any reporter from trying to do their actual job, which is to be a watchdog for our democracy (for some reason, I can't start new posts on weekends).

And yeah - seeing the posts from righties on this board is scary. It's much more "Messiah" oriented than anything I can think of any poster here saying about Obama. They're also repeating many of the lies that were so carefully crafted in Palin's speech & throughout the GOP convention verbatim.

They've got it figured out; there are enough people who are stupid enough to just buy anything that you say to tip an election, so they say anything they need to.
It's complete BS. I did a whole post on their strategy now, which is to villify the media, make Palin the victim and intimidate any reporter from trying to do their actual job, which is to be a watchdog for our democracy (for some reason, I can't start new posts on weekends).

And yeah - seeing the posts from righties on this board is scary. It's much more "Messiah" oriented than anything I can think of any poster here saying about Obama. They're also repeating many of the lies that were so carefully crafted in Palin's speech & throughout the GOP convention verbatim.

They've got it figured out; there are enough people who are stupid enough to just buy anything that you say to tip an election, so they say anything they need to.

It wouldn't be the first time intimidating the media and working the refs had worked for them, and I think that you have it nailed.

I just ignore a lot of the shit on this board, because and i know this will sound "elitist" - I don't have the interest in talking to anyone that dumb, or that duped.

I don't think they're going to pull it off, but they'll come closer than they should in any sane society.
Funny in light of what she said about Hillary and the gender card.

No man could get away with this hiding and no man with her resume would have ever been picked either.
Funny in light of what she said about Hillary and the gender card.

No man could get away with this hiding and no man with her resume would have ever been picked either.


And that's not feminism. The thing about Hillary is - she played on the boys field, and she kicked ass. Calling Hillary in is like saying you are going to the big guns. She did that. And that's feminism. That's "no, I'll earn it, thanks." And she did.

this? This is bullshit man. This puts feminism back a hundred years. She's run to ground. She has said she must be treated as a princess, or she won't play. Now obviously, this is all because she cannot do an interview and still stay in the race. That would burst the facade like nothing else. And in order to get out of it, she's said "I'll have to be treated special if you want me to do with every other single person has had to do and is doing".

That's not only not feminism - that's anti-feminist.
Darla I understand that you don't agree with her politics, but I don't see how you can say having a female VP puts feminism back a hundred years.
Another "repeating lie" that is starting to piss me off - which they got their little lapdog Lieberman to repeat this past week - is that Obama has "never reached across the aisle" or been bipartisan in any way.

He's worked w/ Lugar on defense issues, and with Coburn on budget issues. He also worked with Republicans & opposed his own party a few notable times in IL.

It's just an outright lie, but it's the old thing they do - repeat it enough, and it doesn't matter if it's true or not.
Another "repeating lie" that is starting to piss me off - which they got their little lapdog Lieberman to repeat thia

He's worked w/ Lugar on def , issues. He also worked with Republicans & opposed his , but it's the old thing they do - repeat it enough, and it dr if it's true or not.
well ge has voted with his party 97 prevent of the time so I think its understandable why obama does not have a bi-partisan reputation.
well ge has voted with his party 97 prevent of the time so I think its understandable why obama does not have a bi-partisan reputation.

But it's a lie to say NEVER.

And 97% is just a few % over McCain - "Mr. Bipartisan" - over the past year.

Why are you being an apologist for this? It's a friggin' LIE, cawacko. You don't have to defend everything Republican.
But it's a lie to say NEVER.

And 97% is just a few % over McCain - "Mr. Bipartisan" - over the past year.

Why are you being an apologist for this? It's a friggin' LIE, cawacko. You don't have to defend everything Republican.

because he's not really that bi-partisan. I have never said he's done nothing bi-partisan but his bi-partisan work is limited. It's not a matter of defending anything it's just what it is.
Funny in light of what she said about Hillary and the gender card.

No man could get away with this hiding and no man with her resume would have ever been picked either.

Clearly she was chosen because she is a woman... Which to me is as bad as voting against her because she is a woman... Or voting for or against someone because they are black.
Clearly she was chosen because she is a woman... Which to me is as bad as voting against her because she is a woman... Or voting for or against someone because they are black.

Guess you haven't spent much time in San Francisco where identity politics is the name of the game.
Darla your ditz #2 just behind desh, at least you can teach immagrants english.
She's more qualified than Obama, Clearly