Polling returns to pre debate numbers?!?


Well-known member
I am shocked at the polling numbers considering the last two weeks for Biden, but it looks like they are returning to the pre debate numbers.

As I’ve always said, and I shocked it’s this extreme…. But this race is about Trump not Biden. The people do not seem to care if Biden is too old when faced with Trump as the alternative.
I am shocked at the polling numbers considering the last two weeks for Biden, but it looks like they are returning to the pre debate numbers.

As I’ve always said, and I shocked it’s this extreme…. But this race is about Trump not Biden. The people do not seem to care if Biden is too old when faced with Trump as the alternative.
Just in case you haven't figured out why the polls looks so surprising, where a good man and successful president is neck and neck, even with a VERY BAD MAN, Convicted felon, rapist, and HORRIBLE EX-PRESIDENT, you may want to consider that the Democrats are dug in and are a part of a coalition to defeat Donald Trump, and are not participating in the polls by large.

This election is not even about Joe Biden- It is about a want-to-be dictator- DONALD TRUMP!

67% of the Democrats think Biden is too old, and so they are just not participating in the polls, because they do not want Biden to run again.

The mentality there is, if Biden looks bad in the polls, perhaps he will pass the torch.

Have you participated in any poll? Well neither have I, and I do not know anyone else who has either.

But, just because I haven't participated in any poll, and millions of other Democrats haven't either, we still will all be voting on election day in record numbers.
I am shocked at the polling numbers considering the last two weeks for Biden, but it looks like they are returning to the pre debate numbers.

As I’ve always said, and I shocked it’s this extreme…. But this race is about Trump not Biden. The people do not seem to care if Biden is too old when faced with Trump as the alternative.
Hunter Biden attending government meetings to watch over Joe......Demmycrats cheer......
Just in case you haven't figured out why the polls looks so surprising, where a good man and successful president is neck and neck, even with a VERY BAD MAN, Convicted felon, rapist, and HORRIBLE EX-PRESIDENT, you may want to consider that the Democrats are dug in and are a part of a coalition to defeat Donald Trump, and are not participating in the polls by large.

67% of the Democrats think Biden is too old, and so they are just not participating in the polls, because they do not want Biden to run again.

The mentality there is, if Biden looks bad in the polls, perhaps he will pass the torch.

Have you participated in any poll? Well neither have I, and I do not know anyone else who has either.

But, just because I haven't participated in any poll, and millions of other Democrats haven't either, we still will all be voting on election day in record numbers.
Exactly, the only polls that count are the voting polls.
Exactly, the only polls that count are the voting polls.
Another reason why Democrats are not participating in polls, is they want the public to not get complacent, and think they can ride it out without voting, should Biden be ahead in the polls.

So, if the polls seem to be showing Trump in the lead, it puts more pressure on getting every Democrat, AND EVERYONE ELSE THAT DOES NOT WANT TRUMP TO BE THE PRESIDENT, out to vote in November.

And, I will also say, that the Democrats have no faith in polls anymore, after the POLLS in 2016 made it look like Hillary was a SHOE-IN- and she ended up losing!

Since Donald Trump has been on the BALLOTS in the last 3 election cycles, nothing in our lives has been normal anymore- and certainly not the polls!

Polls are totally useless today!
I see this presidential race like the old Aesop Fable- the Tortoise And The Hare!

Joe is the slower low energy tortoise- and Trump is the energetic Hare full of piss and vinegar.

Biden just keeps on slowly plodding ahead, as Donald Trump is taking his CULT FOLLOWING down every RABBIT HOLE along the way, and loses track of his own progress by getting lost in the Rabbit Holes- many he dug for himself thinking they were short-cuts to winning the race!

Biden simply walks across the finish line first in the end- BECAUSE HE STAYED ON TRACK AND STAYED OUT OF ALL THE RABBIT HOLES!
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I am shocked at the polling numbers considering the last two weeks for Biden, but it looks like they are returning to the pre debate numbers.

As I’ve always said, and I shocked it’s this extreme…. But this race is about Trump not Biden. The people do not seem to care if Biden is too old when faced with Trump as the alternative.
Jarod, the polls that I am hearing about has Biden either trailing or tied....nothing about any of these polls should make Democrats feel a sense of we got this. Bottom line, turn out, turn out and turn out will be the defenitive factor of who wins this Nov. and I hate to say this, most Democrats, but especially the youth and minority voters simply will just stay home and not vote. And I get this shit about Hillary lead Trump all the way with polls, and lost. But two things were in play, nobody really liked the bitch and nobody knew the real Trump we're all seeing today. Most saw this guy from The Apprentice , the fact he was raw as hell and took a chance

We must be clear, in crucial key states that Biden won, none were landslides, most if not all were less than a few thousand. So this notion of his having a repeat victory, with no stimulus money to entice lazy negro voters, no real proof that the price of goods have fallen, that immigrants have been delt with....these key state voters need a push or, will simply stay home.

We are a nation packed with superficial beings, we need more, demand more from those of power to get us to vote. Most people could give a fuck about how unfit Trump is, they just like what the liar is saying.
I see this presidential race like the old Aesop Fable- the Tortoise And The Hare!

Joe is the slower low energy tortoise- and Trump is the energetic Hare full of piss and vinegar.

Biden just keeps on slowly plodding ahead, as Donald Trump is taking his CULT FOLLOWING down every RABBIT HOLE along the way, and loses track of his own progress by getting lost in the Rabbit Holes- many he dug for himself thinking they were short-cuts to winning the race!

Biden simply walks across the finish line first in the end- BECAUSE HE STAYED ON TRACK AND STAYED OUT OF ALL THE RABBIT HOLES!
Yall KEEP down playing this Nov all you want, but nobody gets to the white house without BLACK VOTERS, NOBODY!! Especially with a race this close. Immigration is real to a lot of these key states negro's...they see their schools being made into shelters, they see all this free shit they use to get going to them, they see them given free housing in their communities, these negro's are pissed at Biden and a lot will simply stay home. They could give a fuck about how messy and unfit Trump is...Trump is threatening deportation of a million of these ppl and the negro's is loving this...that's how mentally and politically damaged they are and unlike most cultures...we treat our elderly like shit. So seeing or hearing about how old and feeble Joe is, they buying into this shit, hook line and sinker!! You got Biden going into these black churches, rarely will you see a lot of young black people there.
Can somebody please please explain to me, how Joe Biden is so convinced that the American Democrats are all aboard with support simply because all state primaries elected him on the ballot....has anybody ever said to this aged lovable lunatic...YOU WAS THE ONLY FUCKIN PERSON ON THE DAMN BALLOT; YOU STUPID FOOL!!!1720801007291.png
Another reason why Democrats are not participating in polls, is they want the public to not get complacent, and think they can ride it out without voting, should Biden be ahead in the polls.

So, if the polls seem to be showing Trump in the lead, it puts more pressure on getting every Democrat, AND EVERYONE ELSE THAT DOES NOT WANT TRUMP TO BE THE PRESIDENT, out to vote in November.

And, I will also say, that the Democrats have no faith in polls anymore, after the POLLS in 2016 made it look like Hillary was a SHOE-IN- and she ended up losing!

Since Donald Trump has been on the BALLOTS in the last 3 election cycles, nothing in our lives has been normal anymore- and certainly not the polls!

Polls are totally useless today!
Suddenly polls are inaccurate again, you people are funny.
Jarod, the polls that I am hearing about has Biden either trailing or tied....nothing about any of these polls should make Democrats feel a sense of we got this. Bottom line, turn out, turn out and turn out will be the defenitive factor of who wins this Nov. and I hate to say this, most Democrats, but especially the youth and minority voters simply will just stay home and not vote. And I get this shit about Hillary lead Trump all the way with polls, and lost. But two things were in play, nobody really liked the bitch and nobody knew the real Trump we're all seeing today. Most saw this guy from The Apprentice , the fact he was raw as hell and took a chance

We must be clear, in crucial key states that Biden won, none were landslides, most if not all were less than a few thousand. So this notion of his having a repeat victory, with no stimulus money to entice lazy negro voters, no real proof that the price of goods have fallen, that immigrants have been delt with....these key state voters need a push or, will simply stay home.

We are a nation packed with superficial beings, we need more, demand more from those of power to get us to vote. Most people could give a fuck about how unfit Trump is, they just like what the liar is saying.
True, but listening to the news lately you’d have thought Trump was 15 pts ahead. Considering the few weeks Biden has had…. He normally would be, except Trump has a sealing .
Those are mostly within the MOE, and the debate bump appears to be fading.
which states were you thinking of?........I think regarding AZ, NV, PA, GA, NC, WI and MI there are only two that Trump is not currently leading by less than 4 points......