Polls Show Voters Trust McCain Over Obama or Clinton on Key Issues


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The Economy

Forty-eight percent (48%) trust Democrats more than Republicans when it comes to the economy while 40% trust the GOP more. Those numbers are reversed when real names are inserted instead of party labels.

Given a choice between McCain and Clinton, 47% trust McCain more while 42% prefer the former First Lady. Given a choice between McCain and Obama on the economy, 46% trust the GOP nominee while 39% opt for the Democratic frontrunner.

The economy is the top issue of Election 2008 and is considered Very Important by 79% of voters.

National Security

Currently, 47% of voters trust Republicans more on this issue while 42% trust the Democrats more.

However, once again, McCain outperforms the party label and dominates against either Democrat. When it comes to national security, McCain is trusted more than Clinton by a 54% to 34% margin. With Obama, McCain’s advantage is 52% to 31%.


On taxes, Republicans are preferred over Democrats, 46% to 42%. McCain is trusted over Clinton 45% to 36% and by a 41% to 38% margin over Obama.

On average, McCain outperforms the generic Republican label by seven points when matched against Obama and by thirteen points against Clinton. The gap between Obama and Clinton is caused almost entirely by the difference on the issue of Government Ethics and Corruption.

Government Ethics and Corruption

This is the issue that breaks the pattern. Democrats are trusted more than Republicans by a 38% to 32% margin. Most unaffiliated voters don’t trust either party on the topic. Here, Obama outperforms the Democratic Party label and is trusted more than McCain by a 44% to 33% margin. However, McCain is trusted more than Clinton, 47% to 34%.
If Obama picks up Bill Richardson, it could give him the edge among hispanics and independents he needs to pick up places like New Mexico and New Hampshire and to firmly keep California out of the claws of McCain.

Then again, Hillary would also keep him from losing those industrial states like Ohio and Pennsylvania (if the Republicans won both of those the Democrats would have no chance at all), she would also do well among hispanics, and she'd give him an edge amongst women.

She'd also kill off his advantage with independents...