Poor Biden

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty

The media simply refuses to pay attention to him.... so many gaffes and yet the big story of the day is that the GOP uses makeup for their candidates.

"On the stump recently, Sen. Biden declared he had "three words" for what the nation needs: "J-O-B-S."

Lucky for him, his name isn't Dan Quayle, or that would have followed him for the rest of his career. "

Pretty much says it all. No love for Biden
People always say this..."if Palin had said that, look out!"

I saw the JOBS thing on 3 MSNBC shows, and on CNN. I have seen the guaranteed attack on every network -both on their websites, and on the cable shows. Rachel Maddow & Chris Matthews both did whole segments on it.
I have three words... J-O-B-S! LOL. I'm sorry that really did make me laugh out loud.

It's like watching Homer Simpson as a VP candidate...

"I am so smart! S-M-R-T! I am so smart! um... S-M-AY-R-T!"
The J-O-B-S think made me laff so hard I snorted. Three words for four letters. It is going to be an interesting 8 years. :)