Positive Ethnic Identity

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Some people are allowed to have a postive ethnic identity. Others are shamed for it. This double standard is glaring and obvious.
here's an interesting study
Developmental theory suggests that a well-developed ethnic identity serves as a secure position which allows people to be more open and accepting to people from other ethnic groups. To examine this prediction, two studies were carried out. In Study 1, 713 college freshmen from four ethnic groups were surveyed regarding positive attitudes toward other groups and were assigned to ethnic identity statuses on the basis of scores on the Multigroup Ethnic Identity Measure (Phinney, 1992). The results showed that Asian American and Latino students with an achieved ethnic identity reported significantly more positive attitudes toward other groups than did those in ethnic identity diffusion. Study 2 used qualitative methods with 124 adolescents from five ethnic groups. Ethnic identity and intergroup attitudes were assessed with open-ended questions regarding views of one's own ethnicity and experiences with other ethnic groups. Results showed that ethnic identity achieved adolescents, compared to diffuse adolescents, gave responses indicating greater awareness and understanding of intergroup relations. Overall, the results provide evidence that a secure ethnic identity is associated with positive intergroup attitudes and mature intercultural thinking.
It's funny so much money is spent on something that allegedly doesn't exist, according to some people who frequent the board.
Obviously you've got a lot of time on your hands.

This is meaningless .. and it ignores hundreds of years of American history where only one ethnic identity was favored.
How is history being ignored? You make no sense.

This conversation doesn't make any sense.

Are you suggesting that ethnic idenity is a good or a bad thing .. and what groups have been shamed for it .. and who on this board claims that ethnic identity doesn't exist?

Perhaps I'm just not understanding your point.
This conversation doesn't make any sense.

Are you suggesting that ethnic idenity is a good or a bad thing .. and what groups have been shamed for it .. and ho on this board claims that ethnic identity doesn't exist?

Perhaps I'm just not understanding your point.

Its a thing, and people are either shamed for being proud of it, or glorified for being proud about it.

Whites are shamed in this day and age for being proud , blacks are glorified and considered heros for being proud.

Many people say there's no such thing as race. I say that's pretty fucking retarded considering there are checkboxes on all applications.

Anything cleared up?

How is history being ignored?
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I think you are confused. Race = human, ethnicity = tan, religion(sometimes), so forth.

You're oversimplifying, some ethnic identities are strongly based on race (tan, in your unique vernacular), sometimes it's country of origin.

The races are actually a larger domain than just "human". There's black, white, yellow, etc. You're one race credo is mostly just a fantasy, and something you bring up to silence whites on behalf of your jew masters.
You're oversimplifying, some ethnic identities are strongly based on race (tan, in your unique vernacular), sometimes it's country of origin.

The races are actually a larger domain than just "human". There's black, white, yellow, etc. You're one race credo is mostly just a fantasy, and something you bring up to silence whites on behalf of your jew masters.
Yeah, that's what I do.

Personally I think it is easy to understand that humans are all one race with many ethnicities. You like to bandy about "race" as being the same thing as ethnicity, but IMO it isn't. You want to take pride in your ethnicity, so be it.

Take pride. I personally think pride is better reserved for something that I do rather than something that I was born as. I don't need to transfer somebody else's accomplishments onto mine based on similarity of tan alone to find something for which I should be proud.
Yeah, that's what I do.

Personally I think it is easy to understand that humans are all one race with many ethnicities. You like to bandy about "race" as being the same thing as ethnicity, but IMO it isn't. You want to take pride in your ethnicity, so be it.

Take pride. I personally think pride is better reserved for something that I do rather than something that I was born as. I don't need to transfer somebody else's accomplishments onto mine based on similarity of tan alone to find something for which I should be proud.

Personally I feel your word games are irrelevant.

On the pride thing, in a world where other individuals ARE taking pride from their race, made to feel proud for being who they are, the individual SHAMED For his race is at a disadvantage.
Personally I feel your word games are irrelevant.

On the pride thing, in a world where other individuals ARE taking pride from their race, made to feel proud for being who they are, the individual SHAMED For his race is at a disadvantage.
People who find shame or pride in their ethnicity are, IMO, the people who have fully committed to the lie they use to maintain separation which they use to maintain the status quo.

You've become part of the machine.
People who find shame or pride in their ethnicity are, IMO, the people who have fully committed to the lie they use to maintain separation which they use to maintain the status quo.

You've become part of the machine.

Nope. I seek to gain the same rights for white people that everyone else has. The right to be proud.

You never give proud blacks your canned speech, do you?
Nope. I seek to gain the same rights for white people that everyone else has. The right to be proud.

You never give proud blacks your canned speech, do you?
But I do. Ask BAC, or even read a bit that isn't centered around you and you will see it.

The longer we are willing to establish our own pride on the backs of what others of similar tans have done rather than what we ourselves accomplish the longer it will take to find "the Dream" that a certain person both BAC and I admire spoke about. He and I have had this conversation in the past.

Find false pride in the accomplishments of others, or accomplish something to be proud of those are pretty much your choices. I choose the more difficult route.
But I do. Ask BAC, or even read a bit that isn't centered around you and you will see it.

The longer we are willing to establish our own pride on the backs of what others of similar tans have done rather than what we ourselves accomplish the longer it will take to find "the Dream" that a certain person both BAC and I admire spoke about. He and I have had this conversation in the past.

Find false pride in the accomplishments of others, or accomplish something to be proud of those are pretty much your choices. I choose the more difficult route.

yes, but while the delusion of race still persists in our everdday lives, and hiring and firing, it's best to deal with it by advocating equal treatment for all the various "races", even if it is an "illusion". It;s real enough to get someone passed over for a job. That;s real enough.
I think ethnic pride is something that is being made more of than should be.

I am not ashamed because of my ethnicity or my race. I am proud of things I have accomplished.
I think ethnic pride is something that is being made more of than should be.

I am not ashamed because of my ethnicity or my race. I am proud of things I have accomplished.

If it wasn't a key consideration in hiring and firing and admission, it would be less of a deal. These are people's lives being fucked with, because of their tan.
If it wasn't a key consideration in hiring and firing and admission, it would be less of a deal. These are people's lives being fucked with, because of their tan.

Indeed, racial bigotry should be iradicated. But that has nothing to do with ethnic pride.