Possible EU scandal breaking?

I thought they bought some Diebold machines or something....


j/k <-for Onceler and BAC this means "just kidding" which denotes a joke.
So widespread is the abuse that the AVERAGE amount being nicked is £125,000 ($245,000, €166,000) for each one of the Parliament’s 785 MEPs. So bad is the situation that Hans-Gert Pöttering, its president, and a group of senior MEPs are desperately trying to find ways to ensure that there was no “collateral damage” from the report (which presumably means trying to ensure that their heads do not roll as a result of their failure to act in the matter which would thus have the effect of removing them from the gravy train). The excuse being given for this exercise is laughable:

“We want reform but we cannot make this report available to the public if we want people to vote in the European elections next year.”

Some might think that publication would actually increase turnout at these elections when the people of Europe realise just why all these largely Europhile MEPs love the European Union and its Parliament so much. Perhaps then they might turn to some more Eurosceptic politicians of their own, less inclined to view the European Parliament as a milch cow upon whose hind teat they can fasten. That, one suspects, is what the source really meant: “We are frightened for our own place on the gravy train”.

Even more laughable is the explanation that the document is not being kept secret as such, merely confidential, a circumlocution that is both worthy of Sir Humphrey Appleby of Yes Minister and Orwellian:

“The document is not secret. It is confidential. It can be read by Euro-MPs on the budget control committee, in the secret room but not generally. That is not the same as a secret document nobody can read.”

So that is all right then.

What is clear, though, is that the public interest demands that this document be published forthwith so that the people who pay for all this, Europe’s Taxpayers, can see what is going on.

And the New World Order you brainwashed cretins desire will be worse on a grander scale. Congratulations, dumbasses. A pox on your houses.
Please don't use Shakespeare to promote your idiocy, AHZ.

Shut up, fascist. You say you're a collaborativist, but you're not, you're just another asshole promoting national divisiveness and selling out everyone for your own personal profit. Your paymaster will betray you next.
Shut up, fascist. You say you're a collaborativist, but you're not, you're just another asshole promoting national divisiveness and selling out everyone for your own personal profit. Your paymaster will betray you next.
Yeah I heard that! Gonzo quit selling me out for your own personal profit. UNLESS you wanna talk kickbacks and then I will help you devise the way to sell me out. We'll make a bundle!
Oh, by selling out I mean sending as many jobs as possible overseas to cut costs, despite the long term impact on the american people or the abject stupidity of becoming dependant upon nuclearized totalitarian enemies.
And the New World Order you brainwashed cretins desire will be worse on a grander scale. Congratulations, dumbasses. A pox on your houses.

The waste and corruption in the EU has been spoken about for years, eventually the pus-filled boil had to break. Can you imagine though, the possibilities of an NWO? Man, you'd want to get in there and get some of that!