Possibly one of the most retarded paragraphs I have ever read


New member
Dixie, explaining why he thinks it's okay now to make fun of homeless people and give 'em hilarious lines that leave them with "priceless" expressions:

"I used to feel a little sorry for these people, until one day when I worked for the newspaper, and one of our reporters wanted me to go with them on a story. They had seen this bum outside walmart with a 'work for food' sign, and felt compelled to investigate his situation from a journalistic point of view. The reporter was a female liberal, of course. Anyway, we get to where this guy is, and start 'interviewing' him. The first question she asked, "Do you have a place to stay tonight? it is going to be below freezing." He says, "Yeah, I gotta room paid up through the week, up the street at the Town & Country Inn!" Next question, "do you have food?" reply: "yeah, got this bag full of hamburgers someone gave me." During the 10 minutes we spent 'interviewing' him, about 6 people stopped to 'donate' to his cause. I told the reporter when we left, I bet he made more money during that interview than we made the whole day. He was also offered two legitimate jobs, but turned them down because, "he had a bad back", you see."

Reminds me of Reagan demonizing welfare with the tale of the "Chicago welfare queen" who drove a cadillac on the public's dime. Maybe it's just a conservative trait to do this? Whatever it is, it's about as stupid as "logic" gets.
....Reminds me of Reagan demonizing welfare with the tale of the "Chicago welfare queen" who drove a cadillac on the public's dime. Maybe it's just a conservative trait to do this? Whatever it is, it's about as stupid as "logic" gets.

Reagan's story was made up but the social darwinist republicans needed an enemy, needed someone to blame, to point their ultra moral finger at. Since Ronnie only the rich have done well, a rather odd fact given trickle down, aka voodoo economics, was supposed to raise all boats.
But we need 4 more years of the same . We do not yet have enough data to say that trrickle down does not work.