Potentially troubling news for Clinton in Michigan 'win'


Abreast of the situations
Potentially troubling news for Clinton in Michigan 'win'
Posted: 09:45 AM ET
Clinton won less than a quarter of support from black voters.

(CNN) — Hillary Clinton faced a grim statistic in Michigan tonight, despite her primary "win" there: results revealed that she may have reason to worry about her grasp on the African-American vote.

The Michigan primary vote was essentially meaningless: the national party stripped the state of its delegates because it held its contest too early in the election season, and Clinton was the only major Democratic contender whose name appeared on the ballot.

Even so, roughly 70 percent of Michigan’s African-American voters — a group that makes up a quarter of Michigan’s Democratic electorate — did not cast their votes for Clinton, choosing the “uncommitted” option instead. Yet these voters weren’t uncommitted at all: in fact, according to CNN exit polls, they overwhelmingly favored Barack Obama, whose name did not appear on the ballot.

Had Obama’s name been on the Michigan ballot, CNN exit polls show that he would have won an overwhelming 73 percent of the African-American vote, in contrast to 22 percent who say they would have voted for Clinton under those circumstances. If South Carolina’s large African-American community votes as Michigan’s, Hillary may not be feeling much ‘southern hospitality’ in that state.
Well what did anyone expect, as i said in another post rascism crosses all boundaries.
Poor black folks voting for a rich white woman vs a black man ? esp since they are both dems.
before clintons played the gender card.. obama haddent played the race card. but leave it to the Clinton's to re-invent again as the poor me woman with the crying crap.
Getting into a racism battle with Obama... priceless.

poor Clinton's.. they are not black anymore.

something else to consider.. if hillary does go on to win primary.. this backlash may lose allot of votes for her in general.
It was inevitable. I hope this does not divide my country any more, bush and his crew has pretty much shreddud us already.
poor Clinton's.. they are not black anymore.

something else to consider.. if hillary does go on to win primary.. this backlash may lose allot of votes for her in general.

perhaps but i expect they will not go to the republicans either.
just no votes.
poor Clinton's.. they are not black anymore.

something else to consider.. if hillary does go on to win primary.. this backlash may lose allot of votes for her in general.
The nastier it gets the lower the turnout. This is one of the issues with nasty politics. I just find that it is the mistake that would cost her the WH, either by not securing the Nomination, or because black voters would be far less likely to turn out in her support.

So, yeah. I think if she gets the nod this will hurt her in the general.
poor Clinton's.. they are not black anymore.

something else to consider.. if hillary does go on to win primary.. this backlash may lose allot of votes for her in general.

Just like Bill, no Clinton wins the White House without overwhelming black support.
poor Clinton's.. they are not black anymore.

something else to consider.. if hillary does go on to win primary.. this backlash may lose allot of votes for her in general.

Don't be a puppet. The media is stringing you along for the ride.

No doubt, that clinton and obama's surrogates have lapsed into some lame crap. In some cases they've been fired or reprimanded for doing so.

But this whole race/gender thing is fodder for infotainment on cable news. You don't think cable news really covers policy and substantive issues, do you? Its all about the horse race, and tittilating infotainment. I'm quite sure the MSM has had more stories on hillary's "tears" than on John Edwards iraq withdrawl policy or healthcare plan.