Powell: 'I am still a Republican'


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WASHINGTON (CNN) – Former Secretary of State Colin Powell struck back Sunday at critics of his decision to support Barack Obama's presidential candidacy last year.

Calling for his divided party to widen its ranks, Powell declared, "I am still a Republican."

In an appearance on CBS' Face the Nation, Powell responded to attacks from former Vice President Dick Cheney and talk show host Rush Limbaugh, saying they are "not members of the membership committee of the Republican Party."

"Rush will not get his wish, and Mr. Cheney was misinformed. I am still a Republican", he said. "I would like to point out that in the course of my 50 years of voting for presidents, I have voted for the person I thought was best qualified at that time to lead the nation. Last year, I thought it was President Barack Obama. For the previous 20 years, I voted solidly for Republican candidates."

Earlier this month on the same program, Cheney was asked about a dispute between Limbaugh and Powell over the role each plays in the GOP. "My take on it was Colin had already left the party. I didn't know he was still a Republican," Cheney responded.

Powell said Sunday that he didn't want to trade insults with Limbaugh, but that he thought it was "unfortunate" Limbaugh framed his support of Obama along racial lines.

Limbaugh, on his radio program, argued that Powell supported Obama "solely based on race."

Discussing divisions over the direction of the party in the wake of its losses in the 2006 midterm elections and 2008 presidential election, Powell said Sunday the party should expand its base.

"I have always felt that the Republican Party should be more inclusive than it generally has been over the years and I believe that we need a strong Republican Party that is not just anchored in the base but has built on the base to include more individuals. And if we don't do that, if we don't reach out more, the party is going to be sitting on a very, very narrow base," he told "Face the Nation."

Powell added, "Let's debate the future of the party and let all segments in… What we have to do is debate and define who we are and what we are, and not just listen to dictates that come down from the right wing of the party."
I recall that in those early halcyon days of the last election I had discussions with many here where I alleged that Colin Powell could NOT win the nomination of the republican party because he was not right wing enough. That his own party had no tolerance for his brand of politics, his moderate stances on issues like Affirmative Action and Choice. I don't remember who but I am sure that some of you told me what a big tent the republican party was and had PLENTY of room for a Colin Powell. Not so much huh?
Lets not forget that Powell was a great part of the Bush I administration and along with Brent Scowcroft had a workable vision for the mideast. Powell has long been an asset and important part of the GOP.
Lets not forget that Powell was a great part of the Bush I administration and along with Brent Scowcroft had a workable vision for the mideast. Powell has long been an asset and important part of the GOP.

absolutely.... if all republicans were like Colin Powell and all democrats like George Mitchell, what a wonderful world this would be:clink:
I recall that in those early halcyon days of the last election I had discussions with many here where I alleged that Colin Powell could NOT win the nomination of the republican party because he was not right wing enough. That his own party had no tolerance for his brand of politics, his moderate stances on issues like Affirmative Action and Choice. I don't remember who but I am sure that some of you told me what a big tent the republican party was and had PLENTY of room for a Colin Powell. Not so much huh?
If men like Collin Powell, the late Jack Kemp and Tom Ridge were the face of the Republican party I'd probably still be a Republican. Hasn't it become obvious to the most hardened partisan the damage that Fox News, Limbaugh, Hannity, et al., have done to the Republican party?
You mean the The republicans like Obama who still favor gitmo, torture, perpetual war, and covering it up under state secrecy?
I recall that in those early halcyon days of the last election I had discussions with many here where I alleged that Colin Powell could NOT win the nomination of the republican party because he was not right wing enough. That his own party had no tolerance for his brand of politics, his moderate stances on issues like Affirmative Action and Choice. I don't remember who but I am sure that some of you told me what a big tent the republican party was and had PLENTY of room for a Colin Powell. Not so much huh?

lets see....two people, cheney - i thought he was no longer a republican; rush - he should switch parties, make up the entire republican opinion....nah...powell asserts the truth that dems lie about, that is, the republican is larger than rush and rush is not the leader and republicans do not walk/vote in unison.

while i wholly disagree with powell for voting for obama (anyone care to guess why), and a few other issues, if he wants to be a republican, go for it. he has given his country great service under the republican banner and his military banner.
lets see....two people, cheney - i thought he was no longer a republican; rush - he should switch parties, make up the entire republican opinion....nah...powell asserts the truth that dems lie about, that is, the republican is larger than rush and rush is not the leader and republicans do not walk/vote in unison.

while i wholly disagree with powell for voting for obama (anyone care to guess why), and a few other issues, if he wants to be a republican, go for it. he has given his country great service under the republican banner and his military banner.

bullshit...you only give that consideration to republican military officers...
If men like Collin Powell, the late Jack Kemp and Tom Ridge were the face of the Republican party I'd probably still be a Republican. Hasn't it become obvious to the most hardened partisan the damage that Fox News, Limbaugh, Hannity, et al., have done to the Republican party?

The real person to blame is Nixon. He did in the GOP with his election strategy.
The real person to blame is Nixon. He did in the GOP with his election strategy.
Him and Goldwater, they are the Godfathers of the Southern Strategy. The real problem with southern conservatism is that it is white male dominated and the south has some of the highest populations of minorites in the nation. Not only that but with forced integration, which never happened in the North or at least not to the degree it has occurred in the south, the younger generations have grown up as class mates and friends with minorites that the older generations were segregated from. White southern conservatism, as we presently know it, is by no means dead in the south but it appears to be moving in that direction as Pandora is out of the box now.
Him and Goldwater, they are the Godfathers of the Southern Strategy. The real problem with southern conservatism is that it is white male dominated and the south has some of the highest populations of minorites in the nation. Not only that but with forced integration, which never happened in the North or at least not to the degree it has occurred in the south, the younger generations have grown up as class mates and friends with minorites that the older generations were segregated from. White southern conservatism, as we presently know it, is by no means dead in the south but it appears to be moving in that direction as Pandora is out of the box now.

If the North could go conservative again, I'd gladly see so-called Southern conservatism die...
Powell has the blood of tens of thousands of dead and wounded US soldiers on his hands as he KNEW the information he was presenting before the UN was false.

He should be in front of a firing squad.

But don't let me interrupt the pity party for such a dispicable character.

Colin is black, so surely he can't be blamed for shufflin' .. can he?
Powell has the blood of tens of thousands of dead and wounded US soldiers on his hands as he KNEW the information he was presenting before the UN was false.

He should be in front of a firing squad.

But don't let me interrupt the pity party for such a dispicable character.

Colin is black, so surely he can't be blamed for shufflin' .. can he?

I dont' think he'll be running for office any time soon on that account. His support of the Iraq war has permanently damaged his reputation. Having said that, he's one of the few rational Republicans left. Scary, aint it?
If men like Collin Powell, the late Jack Kemp and Tom Ridge were the face of the Republican party I'd probably still be a Republican. Hasn't it become obvious to the most hardened partisan the damage that Fox News, Limbaugh, Hannity, et al., have done to the Republican party?

I agree, Most people are moderate or center of the road with maybe a tilt to one side or the other. That's why Independents are growing as are "swing" voters. I've never voted a straight ticket.
I agree, Most people are moderate or center of the road with maybe a tilt to one side or the other. That's why Independents are growing as are "swing" voters. I've never voted a straight ticket.

Yea, whenever I hear hard core partisans like Dixie or Darla going on one of their rants I want to lock them in a room and force them to listen to George Washington's farwell address over and over again....but that would hardly be constitutional, would it? LOL

In fact that gives me a good idea.
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