Pre-Thanksgiving Day news


Shaken, not stirred!
This just in regarding The NYC Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - the inflating of the Parade Balloons. It's reported that the much popular and anticipated proposed "Jessica Rabbit" balloon was cancelled due to the cost amount of helium needed, as well as the health concerns for elderly male spectators. (::p
I remember back to the Good Old Days when America could put on an awesome parade.

The WOKE cant stand either pride or fun.
This just in regarding The NYC Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - the inflating of the Parade Balloons. It's reported that the much popular and anticipated proposed "Jessica Rabbit" balloon was cancelled due to the cost amount of helium needed, as well as the health concerns for elderly male spectators. (::p

People still go to that?
These fuckers are destroying all the holidays, and then making BullShit new ones.

"Problemizing" I heard it called today...

I like it.
As Macys continues to shrink as they close stores every year as America fails.

Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Is Vegas giving odds on the Revolutions paramilitary BLM/ANTIFA allowing this to take place uninterrupted this year?
I’ve never liked the parades. My wife loves them. This year she refused to watch the Macy’s parade though. Something about an article she read.

But the OP joke was funny.
This just in regarding The NYC Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade - the inflating of the Parade Balloons. It's reported that the much popular and anticipated proposed "Jessica Rabbit" balloon was cancelled due to the cost amount of helium needed, as well as the health concerns for elderly male spectators. (::p

They could use hot air to inflate it the DNC has an excess of it. :dunno: