Preacher Wants People to know What is Really Going On


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I just read an article entitled, "Whosoever Shall Save His Life Will Lose It", By Rob Pue, September 27th, contributor for NewsWithViews.com2020, link to access it immediately appearing below


I like tis preacher and what he says very much. In this article he wants to make sure people really know what is going on in the world that could significant ally effect their lives. The dates some of the events could occur are between November 12 and November 3td.

The Department of Homeland Security is warning of a “Dark Winter,” as they’re actively preparing now for an EMP attack, which will knock out our power grid nation-wide and “fry” every computer and every electronic device — including those in cars and cell phones. You should also know that back in March, the Pentagon and NORAD sent high-level staffers and some of the most critical US senior military commanders and nuclear and special operations forces to the Cheyenne Mountain

On November 2nd, NASA is predicting a potential asteroid impact on earth, with three potential areas of devastation.

So on the 1st of November we have a threatened mandatory vaccine coming; on the 2nd, a potential devastating asteroid strike, and on the 3rd, our national elections. This year, more Americans than ever before have access to “mail in” ballots. Already, at least 20% of those ballots have been found to be fraudulent — including many in Texas, New Jersey, Michigan and California. In the end, I strongly suspect it will be many more than 20% of the ballots turning out to be fraudulent.

Therefore we need to prepare and do what is necessary before these three days begin

Before all that get right with God, if you haven’t make Him your Lord and Savior. He is the only one who can save you and this nation. Things are bad people and will only get worse as long as this country refuses to repent of the many sins of abomination it has committed and still commits on a daily basis against Him
This guy is not a prophet or a seer.

DHS and the military have had plans for responding to an EMP attack or even an asteroid hit for many years. Cheyenne Mountain is staffed by senior military commands and special forces. It is not possible to predict asteroids. We can't track them that well. NASA has made no such statement. No vaccine is mandatory. Ballots for the Nov 3rd elections haven't been mailed yet.
I just read an article entitled, "Whosoever Shall Save His Life Will Lose It", By Rob Pue, September 27th, contributor for NewsWithViews.com2020, link to access it immediately appearing below


I like tis preacher and what he says very much. In this article he wants to make sure people really know what is going on in the world that could significant ally effect their lives. The dates some of the events could occur are between November 12 and November 3td.

The Department of Homeland Security is warning of a “Dark Winter,” as they’re actively preparing now for an EMP attack, which will knock out our power grid nation-wide and “fry” every computer and every electronic device — including those in cars and cell phones. You should also know that back in March, the Pentagon and NORAD sent high-level staffers and some of the most critical US senior military commanders and nuclear and special operations forces to the Cheyenne Mountain

On November 2nd, NASA is predicting a potential asteroid impact on earth, with three potential areas of devastation.

So on the 1st of November we have a threatened mandatory vaccine coming; on the 2nd, a potential devastating asteroid strike, and on the 3rd, our national elections. This year, more Americans than ever before have access to “mail in” ballots. Already, at least 20% of those ballots have been found to be fraudulent — including many in Texas, New Jersey, Michigan and California. In the end, I strongly suspect it will be many more than 20% of the ballots turning out to be fraudulent.

Therefore we need to prepare and do what is necessary before these three days begin

Before all that get right with God, if you haven’t make Him your Lord and Savior. He is the only one who can save you and this nation. Things are bad people and will only get worse as long as this country refuses to repent of the many sins of abomination it has committed and still commits on a daily basis against Him

I'm sorry, but you sound like one of those paranoid nutsacks that bought up 100 bags of Cheetos, and 10 cases of Dr. Pepper and hid in your Storm Shelter for 3 weeks leading up to Y2K!

Hilarious! HAHA!