Prediction: S&P +8% in both 2009 and 2010

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During the first two years of the Obama Presidency,* the S&P 500 will rise about 8.4% each year, under-performing both of the oft cited figures of 12% for Democrat Presidencies and 9% for Republican Presidencies.

*Yes, I think he is going to win.
Yeah it is going to be slow now matter who is president.

I consider that 8.4% outlook a bit optimistic btw.
During the first two years of the Obama Presidency,* the S&P 500 will rise about 8.4% each year, under-performing both of the oft cited figures of 12% for Democrat Presidencies and 9% for Republican Presidencies.

*Yes, I think he is going to win.

Ya have to be on kool-aid.

He is not lowering coporate taxes, so our jobs are not coming back. There was a day when Budwiser bought companies--not the other way around.

With Obama---taxes will go up for everybody along with inflation. poverty will rise for the middle class to at least double 9because they can't take more taxes and less jobs oppertunity), and even the rich will produce less--because it is pay back time for the rich in any Marksist mind.

under both Obama and McCain (unless he listens to Palin and fair minded business experts)--things wil, get worse for our citizens. we have not seen the bottom yet, but share holders may still do pretty well--we sold out to slave labor too much, and we are rotting from the bottom up this time.

I believe when we count our GDP with product that is made by US companies, but outside of the USA. That is not really domestic product now--- is it? The numbers that are spewed to us do not reflect the economy of the majority of the citizens of this country. we are not in hock yet (michigan is though)--it is a PROGRESSIVE process.
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Ya have to be on kool-aid.

He is not lowering coporate taxes, so our jobs are not coming back. There was a day when Budwiser bought companies--not the other way around.

With Obama---taxes will go up for everybody along with inflation. poverty will rise for the middle class to at least double 9because they can't take more taxes and less jobs oppertunity), and even the rich will produce less--because it is pay back time for the rich in any Marksist mind.

under both Obama and McCain (unless he listens to Palin and fair minded business experts)--things wil, get worse for our citizens. we have not seen the bottom yet, but share holders may still do pretty well--we sold out to slave labor too much, and we are rotting from the bottom up this time.

Kool-aid? I've made up my mind to vote for McCain. I still think Obama will win though.
Kool-aid? I've made up my mind to vote for McCain. I still think Obama will win though.

McCain drank the kool-aid a bit too. I don't think Obama has a chance now though--to much dirt is coming out, and he can't debate his points head to head with a unexperienced female Rep candidate (she is smarter than McCain IMO).

We can keep this friendly. I am willing to put my money where my mouth is, because I think I know the majority better than you do (since you think Obama can win). Would you be interested in making this a bit interesting, and put a small amount of money on this election? I say McCain wins by quite a bit with Palin (but a win is a win). I smell a consertative revolution coming. How does $50.00 sound? We can give it to a non homesexual charity--lol.

I know you don't mind McCain, and probably don't like Palin too much (give her a chance, let her talk--and listen like a college student), but I applaud the fact that your a Democrat, and still see the Obama any red blooded American can see. Congrats---you are a great American. you must have skipped a few kool-aid sessions. :)
Umm Presidential candidates do not debate VP candidates. It will interesting thought to see how Biden deals with the Alaska looker though.

Obama will slaughter McSame in any debate.

rovian tricks and rascism are the only hopes that McSame has.

Nice to know that you realize that McSame needs another skirt to hide behind though :D