Prediction vs revisionism

In November, assuming that the Hildebeast fails in her attempt to to steal the nomination, the Jackass Party line will be that "a vote for McCain is racist".

If Obama loses, it will be a "stolen election" and will "prove that America is a racist country".

Sound far-fetched? Well, it's a prediction.

It may, or may not come to pass. Predictions concern events that haven't happened yet, and may never happen at all.

As opposed to the revisionism indulged in by Dems frustrated in their attempts to elude their party's ineradicable stain of racism. Dems are fond of rewriting history to obscure the bits that discredit their policy of racism (now in it's second century).

The problem with revisionism is that the events distorted by the Dems have already happened, so a bit of creative Stalinization is necessary to pretend things happened that never did, or that things never happened that did.

Unable to find any evidence of GOP racism, Jackass Party Kool-aid drinkers are now claiming that Ronald Reagan began his 1980 campaign in Philadelphia, Missisippi as a means of sending a "secret, codeworded, dogwhistle" signal to racists (who were almost all Democrats) that he was "one of them".

Regans' heinous crime?

He uttered the phrase "state's rights", which Dems claim is a "dogwhistle" or "codeword" that indicates the speaker is a racist. Well, they're the experts.

The states' rights reference in context is: "Programs like education and others should be turned back to the states and local communities with the tax sources to fund them. I believe in states' rights. I believe in people doing as much as they can at the community level and the private level."

I guess if you're a racist, like many Democrats, that "codeworded message" sends a shiver down your Klan-robed spine.

Now, watch the deconstructionists scramble to tell us that even though there's no public record of Reagan committing a racist act, he was one, because "they understand these things better than the rest of us".
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More right-wing whining.


Obama will win in a landlside.

Democrats will win a supermajority in Congress.

The Republican Party will continue to shrink.

Revisionism will happen when republicans look back on the good ol' days .. that never were.

Who's whining? Unlike the Crybaby Party, the GOP abides by the results of an election.

I also notice that you ignored the facts in the original post in your haste to gloat over things you wish will occur.

Why is that?

If Obama wins, maybe the Teamsters will "drive" him to victory, quid pro quo:

Now there's some change the Mob can believe in!

Let's be clear to avoid any misinterpretation.

I take neither you or your whining posts seriously .. and I recognize a dead horse and refuse to beat it.

You don't post facts, you post right-wing braindead bullshit that is at the core of why you and the rest of your right-wing goosesteppers are so rejected by Americans today.

As republican guru Ed Rollins has said, "Todays republican brand is like tainted dog food" .. and here you are trying to sell it.

You need a new song, this one is boring .. and it doesn't bring you one step, one vote closer to avoiding the coming blowout of republicans in November.

You should thank me because at least I stop and take the time to have fun with your sad song, whereas most posters simply ignore you.