Predictions on who will be joe bribem's Replacement


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Most liberals that possess even a single viable brain cell (which is very few) will come to the conclusion that their
current president can no longer mis-govern from the nursing home or from his basement gravesite. So, that leaves
the chaotic dem party in a real mess by trying to figure out who they want to replace the disaster with. I don't see
them picking his cackling idiot veep in Camela harris.

So my prediction is that they'll pick Kalifornicator's worst governor of that state in gavin newsome.
Certainly joe bribem can't continue onward toward being the dem's eventual pick to take on the great
Donald Trump.

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Clinton wants it but she has not been forgiven for the Trump years, she is blamed for that happening....NO.

Newsom wants it but his performance has been so bad he is a no-go.

Some say otherwise but apparently M Obama just wont do it.

So Harris with adult (very corrupt, very loyal to the Revolution) supervision.

Low confidence, but is my best guess.
There really is no available democrat young-or-old that has a shot at becoming a reasonable, functionable,
successful and or capable person of securing the most powerful position in the world today. Anyone and
everyone that is a democrat and is an America Last person has no chance to become president. If joe
bribem is the best they have to offer, then their party is headed to the dustbin of history, and it can't happen
soon enough for the sake of America and for the sake of Americans of every stripe.
There really is no available democrat young-or-old that has a shot at becoming a reasonable, functionable,
successful and or capable person of securing the most powerful position in the world today. Anyone and
everyone that is a democrat and is an America Last person has no chance to become president. If joe
bribem is the best they have to offer, then their party is headed to the dustbin of history, and it can't happen
soon enough for the sake of America and for the sake of Americans of every stripe.
Your party are fascists.
There really is no available democrat young-or-old that has a shot at becoming a reasonable, functionable,
successful and or capable person of securing the most powerful position in the world today. Anyone and
everyone that is a democrat and is an America Last person has no chance to become president. If joe
bribem is the best they have to offer, then their party is headed to the dustbin of history, and it can't happen
soon enough for the sake of America and for the sake of Americans of every stripe.
Boy are you out of date, America is run by a shadow government, the Revolution high command.....and the American Empire is crashing. Xi and Putin are by far the most important world leaders.
Boy are you out of date, America is run by a shadow government, the Revolution high command.....and the American Empire is crashing. Xi and Putin are by far the most important world leaders.
I know America is run by a shadow government and a Deep State chuck full of democrat traitors. The empire certainly would collapse if any dem were to be elected potus in Nov, but we all know now that the great Trump will win and will put a stop to this shadow, deep state, radical leftist authoritarian government for good.
I know America is run by a shadow government and a Deep State chuck full of democrat traitors. The empire certainly would collapse if any dem were to be elected potus in Nov, but we all know now that the great Trump will win and will put a stop to this shadow, deep state, radical leftist authoritarian government for good.
America is run by an oligarchy.

A group of wealthy and powerful people who don't give a shit about the welfare of the nation. Why they support Trump.
I know America is run by a shadow government and a Deep State chuck full of democrat traitors. The empire certainly would collapse if any dem were to be elected potus in Nov, but we all know now that the great Trump will win and will put a stop to this shadow, deep state, radical leftist authoritarian government for good.
I have been saying for 3.5 years that there is not a snowball's chance in Hell that the Regime will allow Trump back in the WH.....they will kill him before they let that happen.
I have been saying for 3.5 years that there is not a snowball's chance in Hell that the Regime will allow Trump back in the WH.....they will kill him before they let that happen.
As desperate and as dangerous the radical liberals are, there is no way in hell that they're going to kill Trump. However, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised that any empty minded anti American leftist might just try to take Trump out, for there are people out there on the left who shot up Republicans and wounded Steve Calise and had an armed one try to take out a Republican supreme court justice.
As desperate and as dangerous the radical liberals are, there is no way in hell that they're going to kill Trump. However, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised that any empty minded anti American leftist might just try to take Trump out, for there are people out there on the left who shot up Republicans and wounded Steve Calise and had an armed one try to take out a Republican supreme court justice.
And to you Trump liars, Jan. 6 was a peaceful tour.
As desperate and as dangerous the radical liberals are, there is no way in hell that they're going to kill Trump. However, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised that any empty minded anti American leftist might just try to take Trump out, for there are people out there on the left who shot up Republicans and wounded Steve Calise and had an armed one try to take out a Republican supreme court justice.
The CIA routinely kills world leaders, and has already killed a are in denial.
Counting on the SS to protect Trump is a mistake....I had someone on my grapevine....likely Larry Johnson.....say that they cooperated with the CIA in the killing of JFK.
NOBODY serious thinks at this point that the CIA can be fixed. It can only be killed and replaced, but that wont happen till the American Empire is dead.
Most liberals that possess even a single viable brain cell (which is very few) will come to the conclusion that their
current president can no longer mis-govern from the nursing home or from his basement gravesite. So, that leaves
the chaotic dem party in a real mess by trying to figure out who they want to replace the disaster with. I don't see
them picking his cackling idiot veep in Camela harris.

So my prediction is that they'll pick Kalifornicator's worst governor of that state in gavin newsome.
Certainly joe bribem can't continue onward toward being the dem's eventual pick to take on the great
Donald Trump.

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My prediction: Yomama! 🖕