Preppers and Nutters, the party is over.


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I'm talking to the preppers and nutters scared of their own shadow... NOT the normal reasonable and safe gun owner.

I'm talking to the tiny minority out there that watch Walking Dead and don't get it's actors and special fx. Not a docudrama.

There is no practical purpose for citizens to own military style weapons. That is over.

There is no practical purpose for high capacity magazines. That is over.

You are not going to ever overthrow your government because you are your government. Your government is you. That is America. So, that is no longer a legitimate reason to own a firearm.

America is to blame for what happened in CT; we stupidly thought that most of you gun nutters and preppers either shoot each other in drunken family feuds or beers cans. But we can't even trust you to do that right, because every now and then one of you gets loose and hurts the normal Americans. We are to blame because we became complacent and kept seeing each tragic event as a one-off, a one-in-million freak 'accident'. These weren't freak accidents. These were ALL preventable with common sense legislation. Common sense checks. Common sense (here comes the R word) restrictions on firearms.

Many of the rights in the Bill of Rights have EXCEPTIONS. Reasonable EXCEPTIONS.

First Amendment EXCEPTIONS = Incitement to Crime, Fighting Words, True Threats, Obscenity, Child pornography.

Fourth Amendment EXCEPTIONS = consent, plain view, open field, Exigent Circumstances.

Fifth Amendment EXCEPTIONS = there are volumes of case law outlining reasonable procedural exceptions. e.g. the I.R.S. can compel you to turn over documents/records that may incriminate you.

Sixth Amendment EXCEPTION = public trial is NOT absolute.

Seventh Amendment EXCEPTION = lots of case law, procedural, $20 clause, etc.

Eight Amendment EXCEPTIONS = codifying punishment, not really an exception, just a long history of case law with exceptions for sanity and mental competence.

A reasonable and common sense reading of the Second Amendment. -- your rights can NOT interfere with our safety and security. See above: Incitement to crime, Exigent circumstances, public trial limits, etc.

Hunters and sportsmen. You're life, you're enjoyment of the outdoors will not change one bit. In fact, you will notice the tiny minority of dangerous and unsafe hunters disappear from hunting season. You're safety will improve as we remove guns from reckless and dangerous individuals like Ted Nudgent.

If you own a cash business or have to transport valuables such as diamonds and have a legitimate reason for a carry permit, we support that.

If you live in a remote area, removed from immediate LE response, we support you having firearms to protect yourself.

If you follow the rules, qualify for a permit, take the classes, we will not interfere with your life at all.

Some idiots have suggested we arm teachers, parents will never let this happen. I suggest we fill out the proper paperwork and make sure NICS is updated and accurate, all reasonable gun owners support this as it makes their life easier by eliminating the unsafe individuals from qualifying.

A simple way to solve gun show and internet sale would be to have a national firearm license that is recognized at gun shows and online sales. ATF agents should be empowered to monitor guns shows and check people for their IDs. ATF should also strictly monitor online sales, requiring very strict records for payment and shipping.

Online sellers should be supplying records of all shipments to buyers out of state to the federal government.

Private sales need to be monitored by a third party agency. This would generate taxable income and eliminate the personal liability. A stubhub for firearms.
We will not disarm.

You cannot convince us.

You cannot intimidate us.

You can try to kill us, if you think you can.

But remember, we’ll shoot back .

We are not going away.

We are not backing up another inch.

your move, wannabe tyrant......
You are an absolute idiot, the guns did not even belong to him, they belonged to his mother. A gun in the hand of just one of the administrators would have saved many lives.
I'm talking to the preppers and nutters scared of their own shadow... NOT the normal reasonable and safe gun owner.

I'm talking to the tiny minority out there that watch Walking Dead and don't get it's actors and special fx. Not a docudrama.

There is no practical purpose for citizens to own military style weapons. That is over.

There is no practical purpose for high capacity magazines. That is over.

You are not going to ever overthrow your government because you are your government. Your government is you. That is America. So, that is no longer a legitimate reason to own a firearm.

America is to blame for what happened in CT; we stupidly thought that most of you gun nutters and preppers either shoot each other in drunken family feuds or beers cans. But we can't even trust you to do that right, because every now and then one of you gets loose and hurts the normal Americans. We are to blame because we became complacent and kept seeing each tragic event as a one-off, a one-in-million freak 'accident'. These weren't freak accidents. These were ALL preventable with common sense legislation. Common sense checks. Common sense (here comes the R word) restrictions on firearms.

Many of the rights in the Bill of Rights have EXCEPTIONS. Reasonable EXCEPTIONS.

First Amendment EXCEPTIONS = Incitement to Crime, Fighting Words, True Threats, Obscenity, Child pornography.

Fourth Amendment EXCEPTIONS = consent, plain view, open field, Exigent Circumstances.

Fifth Amendment EXCEPTIONS = there are volumes of case law outlining reasonable procedural exceptions. e.g. the I.R.S. can compel you to turn over documents/records that may incriminate you.

Sixth Amendment EXCEPTION = public trial is NOT absolute.

Seventh Amendment EXCEPTION = lots of case law, procedural, $20 clause, etc.

Eight Amendment EXCEPTIONS = codifying punishment, not really an exception, just a long history of case law with exceptions for sanity and mental competence.

A reasonable and common sense reading of the Second Amendment. -- your rights can NOT interfere with our safety and security. See above: Incitement to crime, Exigent circumstances, public trial limits, etc.

Hunters and sportsmen. You're life, you're enjoyment of the outdoors will not change one bit. In fact, you will notice the tiny minority of dangerous and unsafe hunters disappear from hunting season. You're safety will improve as we remove guns from reckless and dangerous individuals like Ted Nudgent.

If you own a cash business or have to transport valuables such as diamonds and have a legitimate reason for a carry permit, we support that.

If you live in a remote area, removed from immediate LE response, we support you having firearms to protect yourself.

If you follow the rules, qualify for a permit, take the classes, we will not interfere with your life at all.

Some idiots have suggested we arm teachers, parents will never let this happen. I suggest we fill out the proper paperwork and make sure NICS is updated and accurate, all reasonable gun owners support this as it makes their life easier by eliminating the unsafe individuals from qualifying.

A simple way to solve gun show and internet sale would be to have a national firearm license that is recognized at gun shows and online sales. ATF agents should be empowered to monitor guns shows and check people for their IDs. ATF should also strictly monitor online sales, requiring very strict records for payment and shipping.

Online sellers should be supplying records of all shipments to buyers out of state to the federal government.

Private sales need to be monitored by a third party agency. This would generate taxable income and eliminate the personal liability. A stubhub for firearms.

Place holder
We will not disarm.

You cannot convince us.

You cannot intimidate us.

You can try to kill us, if you think you can.

But remember, we’ll shoot back .

We are not going away.

We are not backing up another inch.

your move, wannabe tyrant......

If you have followed the law and practice firearm safety, then you're not who I'm talking about.

If you are of the fringe variety of gun owners, the nutters and preppers, dangerous, unpredictable, law-breaking, we will not waste time trying to convince or intimidate you.

We will not ever intentionally kill you or harm you. That will be your choice if it happens.

If you fire at LEO, then you have made a choice.

If you break the law, you will go away.

What you're not understanding is that if you are part of the minority fringe of unsafe and un-American gun owners, then you will be left out of the conversation.

It will be the NRA member sitting next to you, the reasonable NRA member who will help us enforce the rules and turn you in.

It will be the gun store owner who you've given so much business to that will supply the AFT with your address rather than lose his business.

Please, I beg of you, call us tyrants, stormtroopers, big brother, write it on your blogs and scream it at the top of your lungs when the Federal Marshals handcuff you to a table in federal court. Show the judge a dangerous paranoid mind while you represent yourself because that will speed things up and save us money.
If you have followed the law and practice firearm safety, then you're not who I'm talking about.

If you are of the fringe variety of gun owners, the nutters and preppers, dangerous, unpredictable, law-breaking, we will not waste time trying to convince or intimidate you.

We will not ever intentionally kill you or harm you. That will be your choice if it happens.

If you fire at LEO, then you have made a choice.

If you break the law, you will go away.

What you're not understanding is that if you are part of the minority fringe of unsafe and un-American gun owners, then you will be left out of the conversation.

It will be the NRA member sitting next to you, the reasonable NRA member who will help us enforce the rules and turn you in.

It will be the gun store owner who you've given so much business to that will supply the AFT with your address rather than lose his business.

Please, I beg of you, call us tyrants, stormtroopers, big brother, write it on your blogs and scream it at the top of your lungs when the Federal Marshals handcuff you to a table in federal court. Show the judge a dangerous paranoid mind while you represent yourself because that will speed things up and save us money.

Who the fuck do you think you are?
If you have followed the law and practice firearm safety, then you're not who I'm talking about.

If you are of the fringe variety of gun owners, the nutters and preppers, dangerous, unpredictable, law-breaking, we will not waste time trying to convince or intimidate you.

We will not ever intentionally kill you or harm you. That will be your choice if it happens.

If you fire at LEO, then you have made a choice.

If you break the law, you will go away.

What you're not understanding is that if you are part of the minority fringe of unsafe and un-American gun owners, then you will be left out of the conversation.

It will be the NRA member sitting next to you, the reasonable NRA member who will help us enforce the rules and turn you in.

It will be the gun store owner who you've given so much business to that will supply the AFT with your address rather than lose his business.

Please, I beg of you, call us tyrants, stormtroopers, big brother, write it on your blogs and scream it at the top of your lungs when the Federal Marshals handcuff you to a table in federal court. Show the judge a dangerous paranoid mind while you represent yourself because that will speed things up and save us money.
maybe you're not understanding something. your 'reasonable' laws run afoul of the constitution and infringe on my freedoms. you do not have the right to eliminate my rights simply because i'm in the minority. If that were the case, then slavery would still be in effect. and do not even try to wash your hands of the blood that WILL BE SPILLED, because you will directly be responsible for it by paying a mercenary gang to enforce them with lethal force.
Don't you all just LOVE the way these people have become so brazen and confident lately? It's over... game changer... we're taking your guns... fuck you! Uhm, no you're not!

I have the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, and in order to take that away, you need to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

If any of you, including the ATF or whatever government agency you think is appropriate, come on my property with the intention of removing my weapons, you best be well-armed and prepared to fight to the death. I speak for MILLIONS, perhaps TENS of MILLIONS!

All you are doing now is inciting anger and hostility. Your popping off your smart mouths which you have absolutely NO intention of backing up, because you somehow think that sounds intimidating. You can spew this shit all you like, you're free to do that just like I am free to own guns, but you're not taking my guns.
Don't you all just LOVE the way these people have become so brazen and confident lately? It's over... game changer... we're taking your guns... fuck you! Uhm, no you're not!

I have the Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, and in order to take that away, you need to repeal the 2nd Amendment.

If any of you, including the ATF or whatever government agency you think is appropriate, come on my property with the intention of removing my weapons, you best be well-armed and prepared to fight to the death. I speak for MILLIONS, perhaps TENS of MILLIONS!

All you are doing now is inciting anger and hostility. Your popping off your smart mouths which you have absolutely NO intention of backing up, because you somehow think that sounds intimidating. You can spew this shit all you like, you're free to do that just like I am free to own guns, but you're not taking my guns.

You should write dialogue for Westerns!!
If you have followed the law and practice firearm safety, then you're not who I'm talking about.

If you are of the fringe variety of gun owners, the nutters and preppers, dangerous, unpredictable, law-breaking, we will not waste time trying to convince or intimidate you.

We will not ever intentionally kill you or harm you. That will be your choice if it happens.

If you fire at LEO, then you have made a choice.

If you break the law, you will go away.

What you're not understanding is that if you are part of the minority fringe of unsafe and un-American gun owners, then you will be left out of the conversation.

It will be the NRA member sitting next to you, the reasonable NRA member who will help us enforce the rules and turn you in.

It will be the gun store owner who you've given so much business to that will supply the AFT with your address rather than lose his business.

Please, I beg of you, call us tyrants, stormtroopers, big brother, write it on your blogs and scream it at the top of your lungs when the Federal Marshals handcuff you to a table in federal court. Show the judge a dangerous paranoid mind while you represent yourself because that will speed things up and save us money.

Just keep being part of the group that continues to drag the bodies of 20 dead children, through the streets. :palm:
You are an odd cove, you are a liberal on virtually all issues and then you turn out to be a gun nut. It's a fucked up world!!

Why are people that demand their rights under the 2nd Amend. automatically labeled 'gun nuts'......?

do you call women to demand their right to an abortion, "abortion nuts"?

And wtf is a 'Prepper' ?
There is no practical purpose for citizens to own military style weapons. That is over.

There is no practical purpose for high capacity magazines. That is over.

“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government”

Thomas Jefferson
You call them sluts

Not me sweetheart.....its those idiots that use so many contraceptives that they can't afford the cost and want me to pay for them....they're the sluts....

Is it that you never get a story right or are you a cronic liar....?
Why are people that demand their rights under the 2nd Amend. automatically labeled 'gun nuts'......?

do you call women to demand their right to an abortion, "abortion nuts"?

And wtf is a 'Prepper' ?

If you want to be a member of a militia and carry a blunderbuss, who is stopping you?
Not me sweetheart.....its those idiots that use so many contraceptives that they can't afford the cost and want me to pay for them....they're the sluts....

What do you call the ones who don't use contraception, have unwanted babies & then need your money to help raise them (much more than contraception, btw) - your many wives?