President Edwards


Well-known member
January 14, 2008

The corporate media have put the freeze on Edwards since the beginning of his campaign, even though he consistently performs better than idiots and neocons like Fred Thompson, Guilliani, and Romney. Why? Because Edwards is a threat to corporate duopoly and unmitigated corporate influence in Washington.

For the Blowhards Who Insist It's a Two-Way Race...

David Sirota

For those of you who think the Democratic presidential nomination fight is just a two-way race between Obama and Clinton, check out this brand new poll from the Reno Gazette-Journal. Yup, that's right - it shows the Nevada caucus race a three-way, dead heat with John Edwards right in the mix.

For those of you who think the Democratic presidential nomination fight is just a two-way race between Obama and Clinton, check out this brand new poll from the Reno Gazette-Journal. Yup, that's right - it shows the Nevada caucus race a three-way, dead heat with John Edwards right in the mix.

Interestingly, this poll comes right on the heels of the Establishment viciously ratcheting up its angry attacks on the Edwards candidacy. Late last week, we saw a Reuters story headlined "Corporate Elite Fear Candidate Edwards" detailing how Wall Street moneymen and K Street lobbyists are frightened about Edwards populist, power-challenging message against greed and corruption. We also saw self-anointed Democratic "expert" Lawrence O'Donnell pen a fulminating screed demanding Edwards get out of the race - not surprising coming from a man who made his name running the U.S. Senate Finance Committee - long the most corrupt, lobbyist-ravaged panel in all of Washington (somehow, running the U.S. Congress's version of a pay-to-play casino now makes people credile "experts" in campaign strategy and political morality).

According to the nonpartisan Project for Excellence in Journalism, Edwards has long faced a media blackout - one that at least some honest media brokers like Keith Olbermann have noted. As I said a long time ago, that Edwards has even been able to compete in such a hostile environment is a testament to the power of his message.

The question we should ask is what the hostility and media blackout is really all about? I'd say the media's behavior is motivated by the same impulses that moves lobbyists to whine and cry to Reuters and self-important bloviators like O'Donnell to publicly burst a blood vessel on the Huffington Post - the people who have gotten used to the status quo are truly terrified by any candidates who they really believe will change things and threaten their power and status. Edwards is just such a candidate - one who threatens to muck up what the media and political elite want to be a race between two "nonthreatening," Wall Street-approved candidates. Obviously, it's a three-way race at this very moment - whether the Establishment likes that or not.

Hey, I can wish, can't I?

The Polls You Won’t Hear Much About: Who's the strongest Democratic candidate in a general election? Edwards.

Oh wait... the Michigan primary. Yeah, whoever wins Michigan will probably win Nevada. Michigan wanted to influence the process, and they certainly do. Kind of unfair, though, and completely disregards the point of placing the Nevada caucus so early. Now we have two simialar midwestern states with primaries right at the front, one western, one northern, and one southern state.
It's been a media freeze out. During his much anticipated run up to entering the race, Fred Thompson and his great smelling aftershave got more MSM coverage in a few months, than Edwards had gotten in two years of running.

And Fred got, what, 1% in New Hampshire?
It's been a media freeze out. During his much anticipated run up to entering the race, Fred Thompson and his great smelling aftershave got more MSM coverage in a few months, than Edwards had gotten in two years of running.

And Fred got, what, 1% in New Hampshire?

Sorry guys. At some point you're going to have to stop blaming the mainstream media, and start asking your selves why, after 50 years and now a lavishly funded candidate, libertarian theology never polls out of the single digits.

Cry more whiner.
Oh and dumbass Cypress..... Kos bashes John Edwards all the time.... You would know that if your a liberal....

Dumbass nub...

I support Edwards. In the primary, that is. I think it would bring untold humiliation on the Dem Party, not because he is more liberal than the other two (which he is), but because he is a white southerner, and it is imperative that a woman and a black not be passed up in favor of some Dixiecrat for it to survive as a party...
here is the thing... Edwards is not going to win.. The longer he stays in the race the better chance hillary has of winning. The quicker he pulls out the better chance obama has of winning.

Pick your poison. Keep him in only to lose and hillary becomes your candidate.. or get him out and potentially cut a deal with obama to get him a spot on his admin.
here is the thing... Edwards is not going to win.. The longer he stays in the race the better chance hillary has of winning. The quicker he pulls out the better chance obama has of winning.

Pick your poison. Keep him in only to lose and hillary becomes your candidate.. or get him out and potentially cut a deal with obama to get him a spot on his admin.

The silver lining, is the Edwards is, and has, pushed Obama/Clinton to adopt marginally more progressive positions. First, with health care, and most recently with Hillary's Keynesian proposal (which she copied from Edwards) to quickly and aggresively confront the onset of an (apparently) bad economic downturn.
Oh wait... the Michigan primary. Yeah, whoever wins Michigan will probably win Nevada. Michigan wanted to influence the process, and they certainly do. Kind of unfair, though, and completely disregards the point of placing the Nevada caucus so early. Now we have two simialar midwestern states with primaries right at the front, one western, one northern, and one southern state.

The Michigan primary is a waste of taxpayer dollars.