Pretty good summary of Hillary's speech


New member
Most people actually thought it was a fairly generous, unselfish speech.

I wondered how other people would react. I didn't see that, frankly. It seemed to be overwhelmingly self-serving, and she threw Obama a couple of crumbs here and there, but there was no ringing endorsement, to be sure. Perhaps it was in part her delivery; she has to be one of the worst speakers I've ever heard at that level, but to me the insincerity rang loud and clear.

I have to admit, though, that my judgment may be influenced by my profound dislike of the woman, though I think that what I saw both during her campaign and last night contributed to that personal opinion.

The part that I did like was near the end, when she cautioned her supporters about going over to the "dark side" because she wasn't the nominee. She asked them to reflect whether they had voted just for her, or whether they wanted a true change from the past eight years.
I wondered how other people would react. I didn't see that, frankly. It seemed to be overwhelmingly self-serving, and she threw Obama a couple of crumbs here and there, but there was no ringing endorsement, to be sure. Perhaps it was in part her delivery; she has to be one of the worst speakers I've ever heard at that level, but to me the insincerity rang loud and clear.

I have to admit, though, that my judgment may be influenced by my profound dislike of the woman, though I think that what I saw both during her campaign and last night contributed to that personal opinion.

The part that I did like was near the end, when she cautioned her supporters about going over to the "dark side" because she wasn't the nominee. She asked them to reflect whether they had voted just for her, or whether they wanted a true change from the past eight years.
It's the body language, it appeared forced. Did you see what I saw? Right at the point where she was supposed to say, "You should too!" (according to the prepared material) she turned her head to the left, shook her head and rolled her eyes.... I think she was looking at somebody else and answering something they did, but it was some poor timing.
It's the body language, it appeared forced. Did you see what I saw? Right at the point where she was supposed to say, "You should too!" (according to the prepared material) she turned her head to the left, shook her head and rolled her eyes.... I think she was looking at somebody else and answering something they did, but it was some poor timing.

So now we're reading body language? Give it up you knuckleheads.
Everybody reads body language, some just are better at it than others. She had much the same feeling I did, I asked her a question.

Yeah, I may suck at reading body language but I've got a pretty good bullshit detector and it's blaring right now.
Yeah, I may suck at reading body language but I've got a pretty good bullshit detector and it's blaring right now.
Stop pointing it at yourself then. Again, I asked her the question because she perceived it the same way I did. Now, go away to somewhere that you can be relevant.
It is neat how the different reads on the speech fall along party lines....even with the political pundits on TV last night. I thought it was a good speech and gave a pretty good endorsement of Obama. No doubt she wants him to win.
Yeah, I may suck at reading body language but I've got a pretty good bullshit detector and it's blaring right now.

Sorry, DH, but your detector is reading a false positive this time. My observations were just as I stated. It's part of my own profession to be able to speak publicly. Granted, it's a lot easier to talk about data and ideas that are more concrete. I meant it most sincerely that I was far from impressed by Hillary's speaking style; it was unconvincing at best. I also meant it that my own observations are undoubtedly influenced by the fact that I can't stand her.
It's amateur hour on the body language interpretation here. Damo admits that she's probably looking at someone else & responding to what they're doing, so whatever he saw has nothing to do with any subconscious feelings she might have.

Delivery seemed fine to me; I was actually expecting something much less sincere, but she came across as pretty believable & committed to what she was saying.
It's amateur hour on the body language interpretation here. Damo admits that she's probably looking at someone else & responding to what they're doing, so whatever he saw has nothing to do with any subconscious feelings she might have.

Delivery seemed fine to me; I was actually expecting something much less sincere, but she came across as pretty believable & committed to what she was saying.

But did it have a subconscious effect on the viewers who may not have caught that the motion was directed at someone else? Could that be why there is a disparity in opinions?

Disclosure... I have not seen the speech... I am just asking a question.
We have a bunch of CDS-stricken Republicans that want to foment angst among the Democratic rank and file claiming that the speech appeared forced and insincere based on their reading of her body language. Gee, I wonder why. At least Thorn admits that his reaction is based on his CDS.
We have a bunch of CDS-stricken Republicans that want to foment angst among the Democratic rank and file claiming that the speech appeared forced and insincere based on their reading of her body language. Gee, I wonder why. At least Thorn admits that his reaction is based on his CDS.

1) Thorn is a woman

2) Thorn leans left... not right
We have a bunch of CDS-stricken Republicans that want to foment angst among the Democratic rank and file claiming that the speech appeared forced and insincere based on their reading of her body language. Gee, I wonder why. At least Thorn admits that his reaction is based on his CDS.

OK, first of all, I'm not a Republican.

Secondly, I'm a woman.

Thirdly, I really hated her speech. My personal antipathy aside, I would not have been impressed by it no matter who had given this speech in the manner that it was delivered. To me the only acceptable content came near the end and it was delivered in a far different manner than the rest of it.
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OK, first of all, I'm not a Republican.

Secondly, I'm a woman.

Thirdly, I really hated her speech. My personal antipathy aside, I would not have been impressed by it no matter who had given this speech in the manner that it was delivered. To me the only acceptable content came near the end and it was delivered in a far different manner than the rest of it.

Sorry to group you in with the knuckle-heads and for not realizing you are a woman. Mainly, I was referring to Acorn and Damocles who were itching to post nonsense about how Hillary didn't really mean it as soon as the speech ended and even during it.

And it seems you just didn't like the speech, not that you thought she didn't mean what she said.
Sorry to group you in with the knuckle-heads and for not realizing you are a woman. Mainly, I was referring to Acorn and Damocles who were itching to post nonsense about how Hillary didn't really mean it as soon as the speech ended and even during it.

And it seems you just didn't like the speech, not that you thought she didn't mean what she said.

I think that she was very careful about what she said, and that she mostly backed off from a resounding endorsement of Obama. My impression during the speech was also that Michelle Obama was less than overwhelmed by it as well. I have serious doubts about Hillary's sincerity, and this is one of the main reasons I don't like her at all. I've dealt on a professional level with far too many people who for the purposes of their own personal agenda will say whatever might place themselves in what they feel is the best light at the moment and don't mean a word. I feel that Hillary fits into that category as well.
I think that she was very careful about what she said, and that she mostly backed off from a resounding endorsement of Obama. My impression during the speech was also that Michelle Obama was less than overwhelmed by it as well. I have serious doubts about Hillary's sincerity, and this is one of the main reasons I don't like her at all. I've dealt on a professional level with far too many people who for the purposes of their own personal agenda will say whatever might place themselves in what they feel is the best light at the moment and don't mean a word. I feel that Hillary fits into that category as well.
During most of the speech, except when she mentioned Michelle, Michelle appeared angry, IMO.

I've been watching these for good speeches and so far I have been underwhelmed. Her speech was definitely the best of the lot so far, but it was lacking and I believe even the worshipers will find it so in a very short time.