primary analysis


100% recycled karma
so Bernie is more then just a next door neighbor, he's got a national message and a win and a tie going forward.
He's reduced Hillary to using his talking points in her Democratic interest group type language.
All Hillary has left is pandering to her base -she has no personal magnetism

Hillary "I can get it done" -Bernie "nothing short of a political revolution",

I recognize a movement when I see it, this is bigger then just anti-establishment..
it's REAL HOPE for REAL CHANGE. See if it can swamp the Democratic machine's inevitability.
Hilary has lots of chinks in her armour - hopefully it becomes like the "emperor has no clothes"


The Repubs are more complicated. Trumps personality is the movement.
His ideas are plebian and do not stand scrutiny , but it doesn't matter.
Those who trust Trump trust his abilities to make things different/better

The governors are interchangeable flavors of the week -see which if any shake out as the one
to challenge Trump.
And then there is Cruz. I can't stand the guy -he's a big phoney -but he gets the traditional conservative vote.

The whole process reminds me of the Chinese curse "may you live in interesting times"
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I like it when people pay attention. Here is one man's colledtion for "Donny".

Taarak an hour agoExcerpts from Trump's Stump Junk:
"We're going to build a wall. It's going to be built. It's not even, believe it or not, it's not even a difficult thing to do"
- Except it won’t work, Donny. It’s a waste of time, resources, and money. But you already know that, don’t you, Donny?
“We're going to beat all of these countries that are taking so much of our money away from us on a daily basis.“
- It’s not the countries that are taking our money, Donny. It’s the multi-national
corporations that are sending our money to those countries. Are you going to
give them tax-breaks as well, Donny?

“We're going to use the finest business people in the world. We are going to do something so good and so fast and so strong”
- Which business people, Donny? Which business people will you have running our Government next?
"We're going to -- do we love our country? Do we love our country? I think one of the things that really caught on — it's very important”
- That’s right, Donny. We love our country. That’s very important. And?
“I see all of this money being poured into commercials and it's not their money; it's special interest money."
- Your money, too, Donny.
"When you see the kind of deals made in our country: They're made for their benefit. We have to stop it.”
- Deals, Donny? You want to make deals? Be profitable? Good for you, but this is our Government, not a board room, and you’re not running for CEO.
"We're going to have strong, incredible borders”
- What’s going to make them “incredible”, Donny?
"And we're going to work really hard to get those people that are so addicted off the habit. We're going to work like hell to take care of the situation. It's a huge problem in New Hampshire. It's a huge problem all over our country. We're going to have borders given and we're going to work with you people to help you solve that very big problem and we'll get it done."
- Borders are going to solve the problem, Donny? Will those borders be incredible too?
"We're going to education our children locally. We educate our children locally."
- That’s good, Donny. Educationing our children locally just might work. When is the last time you were in a classroom, Donny?
"I am going to be the greatest jobs president that god ever created. Remember that."
- We’ll remember, Donny. How many jobs presidents has god created?
“by the way we're going to knock the hell out of ISIS. We're going to knock the hell out of them. And it's going to be done the right way.”
- What is the right way, Donny?
"We are going to make our country so strong. We are going to start winning again. As a country we don't win on trade; we don't win with the military, we can't beat ISIS. We don't win with anything. We are going to start winning again and we're going to win so much, you are going to be so happy, we are going to make America so great again, maybe greater than ever before.”
So, what do we win? Donny?
