Princeton study :how screwed are we?

Princeton Scientists Create Vote-Stealing Program for Diebold AccuVote-
Thursday 14 September 2006

Researchers reveal "extremely serious" vulnerabilities in e-voting machines.

In a paper published on the Web today, a group of Princeton computer scientists said they created demonstration vote-stealing software that can be installed within a minute on a common electronic voting machine. The software can fraudulently change vote counts without being detected.

What a great country. I love it when private citizens take matters into their own hands, and demonstrate to the government where serious problems are.
All machines are capable of being hacked. that is why it is important to have the proper people in place to maintain security.
What a great country. I love it when private citizens take matters into their own hands, and demonstrate to the government where serious problems are.

Well Cypress isn't that pretty much what we had to do against another king George ?
What a great country. I love it when private citizens take matters into their own hands, and demonstrate to the government where serious problems are.

Well Cypress isn't that pretty much what we had to do against another king George ?

A Princeton University computer science professor added new fuel Wednesday to claims that electronic voting machines used across much of the country are vulnerable to hacking that could alter vote totals or disable machines.

In a paper posted on the university's Web site, Edward Felten and two graduate students described how they had tested a Diebold AccuVote-TS machine they obtained, found ways to quickly upload malicious programs and even developed a computer virus able to spread such programs between machines.
The local election boards decide what machines to use. You are barking up the wrong tree Desh.
tobes already did. Local election officials decide on types of machines. At least in every district I have ever taken part in they do.
The point is that we have to convince the local election boards not to use them. This isn't something centrally controlled. You need to know who to go after.
how about ending the money they are given to buy this type of equipment?
LOL. There are many good machines that are easier to use and verify while also leaving a paper trail. It is far better than chads...

I'd prefer to get good machines than to end it entirely.