Pro-American, capitalist, biblical etc. theme movies FAAR outpace others at box offic


New member
This really shouldn't surprise anyone. America is, and has always been, a majority conservative and religious country. And its people vastly prefer movies showing traditional values, capitalism, biblical themes, etc., over pro-enemy movies, gay movies, and the rest of the trash that so often comes fromthe cloistered Hollyweird producers.


Surprise! Guess which movies Americans really like
Report finds 9 of Top 10 from 2007 had powerful conservative biblical values

Posted: May 01, 2008
12:15 am Eastern

In the latest addition to a six-year study that might stun Hollywood, the results from 2007 show that Americans preferred – sometimes by a huge margin – movies that are conservative, patriotic and pro-American containing traditional, biblical values over anti-capitalist, socialist, atheist or perverse sexual themes.

"Movies with very strong biblical, traditional values, or capitalist ideals, patriotic ideals and pro-American attitudes, do much better at the box office than movies promoting Marxism, political correctness, atheism, and sexual perversion," said Ted Baehr, publisher of MOVIEGUIDE: A Family Guide to Movies and Entertainment and chairman of the Christian Film & Television Commission ministry, a Christian advocacy group in Hollywood.

The study said during the year 72 percent of the Top 25 at the box office in North America, and 90 percent of the Top 10, contained strong or very strong traditional, conservative biblical values with positive pro-American, capitalist and patriotic content. In contrast, the report said only 16 percent of the Top 25 had any anti-American or unpatriotic content or any strong or very strong atheist content and only 12 percent had any strong or very strong homosexual content or any politically correct content.

"Furthermore, all of the Top 25 had no communist or socialist content," the report said.

The money-making movies with traditional content included "Ratatouille," "Live Free or Die Hard," "Spider-Man 3," "National Treasure: The Book of Secrets," "Alvin and the Chipmunks," "I Am Legend," "Amazing Grace," "The Astronaut Farmer," "Enchanted," "The Ten Commandments," "In the Shadow of the Moon," "Pride," "The Ultimate Gift" and others.

Following the patterns established in earlier years of the study, the movies from 2007 with very strong biblical morality averaged $60.3 million at the box office, those with strong pro-capitalist values averaged $62.7 million, and those with patriotic and pro-American values averaged $73.1 million. Conversely, those with socialist content averaged $8.2 million, strong homosexuality $18.7 million and anti-capitalist content $5.5 million.

Some of those titles included "Sicko," "Redacted," "Redition," "In the Valley of Elah," "I Now Pronounce you Chuck and Larry," "The 11th Hour," "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," "Charlie Wilson's War," "There Will be Blood," "The Golden Compass," "Across the Universe," "Lions for Lambs," "The Mist," "2 Days in Paris," "Hollywood Dreams," "The Walker" and others.

The full 2008 annual report by MOVIEGUIDE to the entertainment industry including details on Christian content, pagan worldview, occult content, environmentalist content, anti-Christian content, MPAA ratings, foul language, sex, nudity, violence and substance abuse was delivered at the recent 16th annual Faith & Values Awards Gala in Beverly Hills.

There were 1,725 movies analyzed by the study from 2002-2007, including 295 from 2007.

MOVIEGUIDE bases its assessments on the standard that the basic moral principles in both the New Testament and the Hebrew scriptures are the same, "though individual Bible-believing Jews and Christians, or individual churches, synagogues and denominations, may differ greatly."

"The term Biblical Morality (or traditional biblical values) refers to MOVIEGUIDE's traditional, grammatical, literary, and historical understanding of what the Bible teaches, morally speaking," the report said.

For 2007, movies with politically correct content averaged $20.6 million, those with anti-American themes $34.6 million, communist content $10.2 million, strong atheism $25.3 million and strong feminism $0.0 million.

The results pretty much repeated from earlier years. During 2006, among the shows with such positive values were "Cars," "Facing the Giants," "The Nativity Story," "Love's Abiding Joy," "Lassie" and "Charlotte's Web."

"In fact, in 2006, 100 percent of the Top 25 at the box office had no communist or socialist content, 100 percent had no strong anti-capitalist or very strong radical feminist content, 92 percent had no anti-American or unpatriotic content, and 92 percent had no very strong perverse sexual content," the report said.

That year, movies with very strong biblical morality averaged $45.6 million at the box office, strong pro-capitalist movies averaged $74.2 million and patriotic movies averaged $40.8 million. Those with socialist content averaged $8.6 million, homosexual content $3.5 million and communist content $5.8 million.

Leading the 2005 movies in positive values were those including "Sky High," "Pride and Prejudice, "Batman Begins," "The Great Raid," "The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe," "Chicken Little," "The Legend of Zorro" and others.

One hundred percent of the Top 25 movies that year had no communist, socialist or anti-American content, and only 20 percent had any politically correct content.
Wait, I thought Hollywood was a bunch of communist anti-America secular progressive moonbats. What are they doing producing pro-American, capitalist, biblical etc. theme movies in the first place?

The real question, though, is why the fuck anyone would bother to do such a study, who the morons are that thought this was a good way to spend money and how the hell you stumbled across this tripe.
"those with socialist content "

Sounds like a biased study there. How does "Harry Potter" end up in there? It raked in close to $300 million. They included it because they're religious wacko's, and one huge grosser wouldn't throw off their "average" too much. Very unscientific & agenda-driven.

Besides, movies are an art form. Lots of movie makers just want to make money, but quite a few are in it more for the artistic expression. I'd hate it if Hollywood only made movies with what one biased group considers to be "traditional values" as the theme.
Besides, movies are an art form.
Oops, here come all the usual excuses for movies that are so unappealing they can't attract an audience worth squat.

Lots of movie makers just want to make money, but quite a few are in it more for the artistic expression.
Don't you love the way oncey tries to imply that the people who make the movies most Americans like, AREN'T creating artistic works? And the even weirder implication that the other, worthless movies are somehow "artistic", by virtue of the fact that no one wants to watch them?

See how far you have to twist the actual truth, to fit it to the leftist agenda? :lolup:

I'd hate it if Hollywood only made movies with what one biased group considers to be "traditional values" as the theme.
That "one biased group" being the American people, who buy tickets and watch movies? :lolup:

Lock them up. Then we'll achieve true equality. At least, equality of the people who are left after the pogrom. :rolleyes:
"Don't you love the way oncey trise to imply that the people who make the movies most Americans like, AREN'T creating artistic works? And the even weirder implication that the poorer movies are somehow "artistic", by virtue of the fact that no one wants to watch them?"

That's crazy paranoid; what a weird interpretation of what I said. Some of the biggest grossers of all time are also very artistic, and incredibly well-made, imaginative movies. I wasn't trying to imply what you are saying at all; just that some movie-makers - especially the indies - aren't thinking along the lines of cash-only.

Anyhoo, it's a bogus study. I see you didn't really address the "Harry Potter" point I made. That's a dead giveaway, Little A - they'd have no reason to include a huge grosser like that, aside from an agenda.
Oops, here come all the usual excuses for movies that are so unappealing they can't attract an audience worth squat.

Don't you love the way oncey tries to imply that the people who make the movies most Americans like, AREN'T creating artistic works? And the even weirder implication that the other, worthless movies are somehow "artistic", by virtue of the fact that no one wants to watch them?

See how far you have to twist the actual truth, to fit it to the leftist agenda? :lolup:

That "one biased group" being the American people, who buy tickets and watch movies? :lolup:

Lock them up. Then we'll achieve true equality. At least, equality of the people who are left after the pogrom. :rolleyes:

You are really stupid. Do you realize that people are rioting because they don’t have food, millions are starving, we are in an unending war, there is death, disease, poverty and suffering, and you are whining about movies? You are one mentally disturbed squeaker, and finally, I’d really like to know what the fuck is con about Spiderman. I happen to go to see all of the Spider man movies. You are a simplistic, stupid fuck, and most here are too polite to tell you so. A shining example of a bush voter. If your mother had flushed instead, it would have been no loss.
Oh, and the "one biased group" are the idiots who did this study. American moviegoers have turned plenty of "subversive" flicks into huge hits; their only bias is toward art & entertainment.
Darla said:
(Darla's usual namecalling, insults, and profanity deleted, leaving an empty post not worth commenting on)

Looks like oncey doesn't understand the concept of averaging... at least, when it proves him wrong he doesn't understand it.

Basically it means that even with an occasional hit like the HP series, whiny Hollywood flops about socialism, gays, and screeds against American traditions STILL rate far below decent movies on average, in terms of acceptance and appreciation by most American people.

Hope this helps. :clink:
Looks like oncey doesn't understand the concept of averaging... at least, when it proves him wrong he doesn't understand it.

Basically it means that even with an occasional hit like the HP series, whiny Hollywood flops about socialism, gays, and screeds against American traditions STILL rate far below decent movies on average, in terms of acceptance and appreciation by most American people.

Hope this helps. :clink:

It doesn't, actually. What was socialist, anti-capitialist or homosexual about "Harry Potter?" And what does it do to their conclusion that the Harry Potter series has grossed close to $2 billion?

The reason they include it is because they are religious nutters, who think Harry Potter is dangerous & subversive to our youth.

Brokeback Mountain was a huge money-maker, too. That's gotta hurt.
Well movies associated with Pastafarianism kick ass. Pirates of the Caribbean, bitches. What?

Let the Flying Spaghetti Monster touch you with his noodly appendage!

It doesn't, actually. What was socialist, anti-capitialist or homosexual about "Harry Potter?" And what does it do to their conclusion that the Harry Potter series has grossed close to $2 billion?

The reason they include it is because they are religious nutters, who think Harry Potter is dangerous & subversive to our youth.

Brokeback Mountain was a huge money-maker, too. That's gotta hurt.

It’s so dishonest to compare a large-budget film to a documentary like Sicko too. A actual comparison would be to compare Sicko to conservative mocumentaries. This is just so beyond stupid, I can’t get over it. The things a repug will feel good about. They shouldn’t be allowed around children. They appear to all suffer in varying degrees from mental disorders.
It doesn't, actually. What was socialist, anti-capitialist or homosexual about "Harry Potter?"
If you're right, then that moves another hit movie over to the column of traditional-style films, and makes the average of the trash flicks look even worse.
That's gotta hurt.

A phrase I'd be very careful about using in reference to "Brokeback Mountain". :1up:

Goes to further support the author's point, though, that even with the occasional hit, the gays-socialism-antiAmericaism genre still can't hold a candle to the strong, traditional films in the eyes of most of America.
"If you're right, then that moves another hit movie over to the column of traditional-style films, and makes the average of the trash flicks look even worse"

Well, that proves a larger point, in that the metrics and 'conclusions' of the study are highly subjective and arbitrary. They also don't take into account the many reasons people decide to go see one movie or another. If "Sicko" was so objectionable, thus resulting in a low gross, why did people flock to Farenheit 9/11? They seem to cherrypick there top grossers, too, with quite a few in there that are neither very "traditional" or subversive.

If a movie is good & entertaining, people tend to go see it, regardless of its content. If homosexual or anti-religious content was so very objectionable, movies like Brokeback & Potter would never be hits. Clearly, there are other factors at work (well, clearly to the discerning, agenda-less mind, anyway)....
Here is the list of Top Grossing movies RELEASED in 2008

144,418,495 Horton Hears a Who! (2008) Movie about an elephant that saves a world the sized of a dust particle. Funny animation with a positive outlook but I would not classify it as Christian or pro american

91,753,844 10,000 BC (2008) Definitely NOT a christian movie since Christians don't believe 10,000 BC existed.

80,034,302 Cloverfield (2008) About a big monster that destroys New York. At least it wasn't part of Al Qaeda

79,166,197 Jumper (2008) Movie about time travel or some such right?

76,624,274 27 Dresses (2008) Movie about all the dresses a woman has worn as a brides maid.

72,266,306 Vantage Point (2008)About the US government faking the assassination of the president.

70,601,440 The Spiderwick Chronicles (2008) Fantasy movie not based on a C S Lewis book.

70,004,505 21 (2008) Movie about a bunch of MIT geeks that get rich gambling.

69,222,160 Fool's Gold (2008)Movie about two people that fuck without being married.

65,220,019 Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus: Best of Both Worlds Concert Tour (2008)Nuf said.

This is from IMDb website at his html
I think hollywood will be swallowed up soon by a big earhtquake and its all because they made the Movie reno 911 in Miami.

Then god will smite Miami.
Top 11 from 2007

1 Spider-Man 3 Sony / Columbia $336,530,303 Movie about a make believe world where one becomes a hero by being bitten by a radioactive spider. No overt christian themes or Pro American themes.

2 Shrek the Third Paramount (DreamWorks) $321,012,359 Story about a fairy-tale world with no basis in reality but good positive movie. Again, no over christian or american themes.

3 Transformers Paramount (DreamWorks) $319,071,806 Stupid movie that lots of kids spent money on.

4 Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End Buena Vista $309,420,425 Movie about people that steal from one another, and conspire to dominate the world using dark magic.

5 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix Warner Bros. $292,004,738 Movie about Witchcraft. Christian churches burn the books, christian authors have denounced.

6 The Bourne Ultimatum Universal $227,471,070 Movie about a CIA spy that US government agencies are trying to murder to keep silent.

7 300 Warner Bros. $210,614,939 Movie about 300 Spartans whose country is wrong invaded by a conquering army that they stand up to.

8 Ratatouille Buena Vista $206,445,654 Movie about a cooking rat in France.

9 The Simpsons Movie Fox $183,126,296 Movie based on one of the most irreverent, blasphemous shows on TV. Makes fun of Christians by poking fun at Ned Flanders and the Church they attend.

10 Wild Hogs Buena Vista $168,273,550 Stupid movie that lots of old people spent their money on.

11 Knocked Up Universal $148,761,765 Movie about a woman and a man that have a one night stand and conceive a child. I guess it is pro christian cause she didn't abort it.

Go here to look at the top 50 movies of 2007.
Here is the list of Top Grossing movies RELEASED in 2008

91,753,844 10,000 BC (2008) Definitely NOT a christian movie since Christians don't believe 10,000 BC existed.


76,624,274 27 Dresses (2008) Movie about all the dresses a really friggin beautiful woman has worn as a brides maid.

fixed that one for ya...

69,222,160 Fool's Gold (2008)Movie about two people that fuck without being married.

Really? Hmmm... maybe I will see that one then.... :rolleyes:

This is from IMDb website at his html
