Pro-Gun Control Bills FLOOD State Legislatures


Today is Gun Appreciation Day. While (lol) HUNDREDS of gun nuts protest for guns in one or two cities, the real action is taking place in state legislatures, where gun control legislation is rampant.

Sounds like the beginning of the end of the influence of the NRA.

New gun control bills are flooding into state legislatures around the country, among the clearest signs that the shooting deaths of 20 children and six adults in a Connecticut elementary school last month have galvanized lawmakers and the public on the issue of guns.

While pro-gun lawmakers have filed dozens of measures to loosen gun regulations since the shooting, including bills allowing schoolteachers to carry concealed weapons in the classroom, these proposals are significantly outnumbered by bills pushing stronger gun laws, according to data that the Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence, an advocacy group that tracks federal and state gun laws, shared with The Huffington Post.

Indeed, the states are much more active around gun legislation than lawmakers in Congress, highlighting the role states can and will play in the gun control debate even if the divisive issue continues to stymie the federal government.

Perhaps most significantly, legislators are floating bills to strengthen gun regulations in swing states like Virginia and Colorado, where pro-gun advocates have long been perceived to have the upper hand.

"We're seeing it in places you might expect, and places you might not expect, and we're seeing it because Sandy Hook broke America's heart," John Feinblatt, chairman of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, and a top advisor to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, said of the recent burst of state legislation.
THOUSANDS protest Wal-Mart sale of assault weapons!

This week, thousands across the United States put pressure on retail giant Walmart to stop selling assault weapons and ammunition.

According to an earlier report by The Huffington Post, Walmart is facing "increased criticism for continuing to sell assault weapons" in the wake of the tragic shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., last month.

On Jan. 15, dozens of activists and gun violence survivors gathered for a rally at a Walmart store in Danbury, Conn., and delivered four petitions. With a total of more than 300,000 signatures, the petitions called for the world's largest retailer to stop selling and advertising assault weapons in stores.

"Walmart is making it easy and appealing to purchase an assault weapon. Assault weapons cause mass murder and should be left for law enforcement and military. Civilians do not need to have any assault weapons in their homes," writes one petition. "Advertising is something that creates wants and needs. To create a want for such a weapon only promotes violence."