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During the opening ceremonies of the Paris Olympic Games, what the French refer to as a tableaux vivant (trans "living picture") was on display. A tableax vivant traditionally uses a group of models and/or actors to portray a famous scene from history or literature and in this case it was ,Leonardo da Vinci's, 15th-century mural, "The Last Supper" - a priceless masterpiece of Western art. "The Last Supper" represents the scene of the Last Supper of Jesus with the Twelve Apostles, specifically, the moment after he announces that one of his apostles will betray him.

The tableaux vivant that was displayed during the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games in Paris was intended to be a parody of Leonardo's masterpiece, but publicly lampooning the image of Jesus Christ and his apostles at the last supper is something only a fool would contemplate. Especially when the role of Christ in the tableaux is played by a grotesque, obese, tattooed, Lesbian and (LGBTQ activist) named Barbara Butch (NB: in the queer subculture, "Butch" refers to a Lesbian who behaves or dresses in a masculine manner). To Ms Butch's left and Right' behind a long table, there were 20 or so "Drag Queens" (gay males who use make-up, hair-styling and outfits that exaggerate female sexual signifiers) intended to represent the twelve apostles.

This blasphemous spectacle provoked outrage around the world from disgusted Christians.

It is hardly surprising. When a sacred scene from Jesus' life is mocked and ridicule by depicting Christ and his apostles as sexual perverts and degenerates, any Christian would be furious.

One excuse for this disgusting tableaux vivant was that was intended to celebrate and promote "diversity."

When will people in the West finally get the message. LGBTQ people are not biologically/mentally healthy, normal people. They are people who are afflicted with a mental disorder. For example, if you are a biological male, and you are sexually attracted to other males and you have gay sex (by taking it up the "Gary Glitter" or poking another male in the same hole, or you enjoy giving and receiving oral sex from other males, and females don't attract you at all in the slightest, it means that there is something wrong with the structure/functioning of your Brain. Likewise, if you are a lesbian. It is NOT NORMAL, and it is NOT HEALTHY in any way. What it is, a psychiatric disorder called a PARAPHILIA.

Having a psychiatric disorder is something unfortunate. It is not something you thrust in the rest of (normal) society's face by, for instance, staging "PRIDE" rallies to publicly celebrate "Diversity."

If you are a sexual pervert of any kind - with the exception of a pedophile, or a violent sexual predator (in which case you ought be in jail or securely confined in an appropriate institution) I don't give a fuck, PROVIDED you don't stick your revolting, abnormal paraphilia (whatever it is) in my face or my family's face, in ANY region or aspect of the PUBLIC DOMAIN. Because I do not care about your sexual perversion - that is a psychiatrist's job, and I do not want to know any of the "mechanical" details about it. Whatever unnatural, perverted, depraved and degenerate, sexual behaviours "ring your bell", just make sure you carry them out in private, "behind closed doors."

Getting back to the profane tableaux vivant in Paris, there should be an investigation in who exactly on the Olympic committee, gave the OK for a group of perverts to mock and deride the Christian religion in the way that they did. That person should then be fired, and after that "hung, drawn and quartered".

Meanwhile, back in "KAMALOT", (i.e. America), President ,Joe Biden, and VP ,Kamala "Heels Up" Harris, have been facing a torrent of criticism for their ongoing silence about the blasphemous tableaux vivant that featured in the Paris Olympic Games opening ceremonies. Gee Whizz, his is quite strange because Joe has often told us what a good Catholic he is ???

Dachshund Dawg

Dachshund the Loyal TRUMPER Hound !!
Telling someone that
They're post is "unread" is like fake They read every word...;)