Progressive Socialism On Display In Venezuela


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Bernie Sanders, the NY Times and the Hillary Clinton promise on display in Venezuela.

Venezuela Is Collapsing and the Left Is Afraid to Admit Why

Margaret Thatcher was right when she famously warned that the problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.

To be sure, we already had proof from Greece, France, the Soviet Union, Brazil, and many other places. But it’s still nice to have another piece of evidence that big government eventually produces very dire results.

I get a warm feeling of Schadenfreude when watching leftists try to explain what’s happening in that formerly rich nation.

Even the New York Times feels the need to report on the mayhem in Venezuela.

“The courts? Closed most days. The bureau to start a business? Same thing. The public defender’s office? That’s been converted into a food bank for government employees. Step by step, Venezuela has been shutting down. … Venezuela keeps drifting further into uncharted territory. … that is only the start of the country’s woes. Electricity and water are being rationed, and huge areas of the country have spent months with little of either. … the Mexican company that bottles Coke in the country, has even said it was halting production of sugary soft drinks because it was running out of sugar.”
And why is the economy in free fall? Is it possible that the left-wing policies the NYT wants for the United States are failing when tried elsewhere?

Not according to the story. It’s the fault of external forces. Or maybe even rich people.

“The growing economic crisis — fueled by low prices for oil, the country’s main export; a drought that has crippled Venezuela’s ability to generate hydroelectric power; and a long decline in manufacturing and agricultural production. … Venezuela’s government says the problems are the result of an ‘economic war’ being waged by elites who are hoarding supplies.”
Finally, in the 27th paragraph, there’s a mention that maybe, just maybe, some of the blame belongs to government.

“… most economists agree that Venezuela is suffering from years of economic mismanagement, including … price controls that led many businesses to stop making products.”

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Too-many facts, for you, huh??


Not at all! FACT IS you cannot debunk the FACT that Venezuela has been corrupted and being brought down by progressive socialist policies. So, you attempt to avoid the FACTS with idiot response. I understand lefty.:rofl2::cof1: