Progressive vs Regressive

I'm Watermark

It’s not merely Republicans versus Democrats, or conservatives versus liberals. The larger battle is between regressives and progressives.

Regressives want to take this nation backward — to before Social Security, unemployment insurance, and Medicare; before civil rights and voting rights; before regulations designed to protect the environment, workers, consumers, and investors. They want to sabotage much of what this nation has achieved over the last century. And they’re out to do it by making the rich far richer, turning Americans against one another in competition for a smaller and smaller slice of the pie, substituting private morality for public morality, and opening the floodgates to big money in politics.

Progressives are determined to take this nation forward — toward equal opportunity, tolerance and openness, adequate protection against corporate and Wall Street abuses, and an economy and democracy that are working for all of us.

The upcoming election is critical but it’s not the end of this contest. It will go on for years. It will require that you understand what’s at stake. And that you energize, mobilize, and organize others.
This is the bottom line reason we're on jpp arguing politics. You've gotten to the core of the battle that's been going on for over 100 yrs with the corporatists who want to profit at our expense.

It's really nothing new...

Progressives, learning from history.
Regressives, ignoring it.

Regressive policies that have destroyed entire civilizations in history.

Welfare states.
Weakened military.
Reliance on "miracle weapons".
Tax and spend.

Need more?

Every collapsed civilization, shrunken empire and failed society in history utilized any or all of the above ideas prior to their collapse/failure.
I love how so-called progressives claim their opponents want to unmake Social Security, while they go to work overtime trying to bankrupt it. I suppose the plan is to blame regressives when it comes crashing down upon us?
It’s not merely Republicans versus Democrats, or conservatives versus liberals. The larger battle is between regressives and progressives.

Regressives want to take this nation backward — to before Social Security, unemployment insurance, and Medicare;

Who are the ”regressives?” I don’t know any! I know lots of Democrats & Republicans and the vast majority of them are ”Progressives” progressing toward authoritarian totalitarian ”BIG GOVERNMENT.”

The libertarians certainly aren’t regressives, they simply want to be left alone and follow the Constitution And leave the social programming to the States as the Constitution mandates.

“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are RESERVED TO THE STATES RESPECTIVELY, or to the people.” (Amendment 10, United States Constitution)

Progressives are determined to take this nation forward — toward equal opportunity, tolerance and openness, adequate protection against corporate and Wall Street abuses, and an economy and democracy that are working for all of us.

Actually the people that I know and observe that call themselves progressives are really the same corrupt gang that takes bribes from Wall Street, instigated the BIG banks to make absurd fraudulent loans to people that couldn’t pay them back, the same gang that accepts bribes from special interest gangs and rewards them with quid-pro-quo legislation and the same gang that extorts the most productive among us and uses the proceeds thereof to bribe the least productive among us with socialist programs to bribe their vote. The only thing I find progressive about them is their ”PROGRESS” toward bankrupting the nation, enslaving the poor to government reliance and enslaving the rich and middle class to financing the whole scam.
That's the biggest problem with the Left, they think government is the end all to society's problems.

I don't agree. I don't that is what motivates them. They truly believe that left to their own devices people won't make the right decisions. You know:

Drive the right cars
Use the right lightbulbs
Use public transportation
Hire who you want
Etc etc etc

So they need to do it for you. For your own good. That is what gobblement is there for in their eyes.
I will. When the time comes, I'll be happy to have medicare paying a doctor to come discuss end-of-life issues.

Yup, that is all it will be. Go with that.

Why wait? No better time to discuss it than when you feel healthy. I would consider it an honor to pull your plug
I love how so-called progressives claim their opponents want to unmake Social Security, while they go to work overtime trying to bankrupt it. I suppose the plan is to blame regressives when it comes crashing down upon us?

Eliminate the earnings cap.