Progressivism is a criminal mentality


Oderint dum metuant
By progressivism, I mean every political philosophy that regards itself as “revolutionary,” or “transformative,” that describes itself as socialist, communist, or jihadist – or that believes “the moral arc of the universe that bends towards justice.”

The belief that history is marching towards justice is a cult ideology refuted by the mass genocides of the modern era, which were carried out by Marxists and Nazis.

The belief that the world is marching towards justice, that progressives are “on the right side of history” is a delusion that will justify any atrocity and already has.

That is why today’s progressives are advancing the same genocidal agendas that the West defeated in World War II and the Cold War.

Led by the 98-member “Progressive Caucus” in Congress, and its racist leaders - Jamila Prayapal, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, AOC and Ayanna Presley - progressives are in full-throated support of the 75-year genocidal campaign conducted by the terrorist dictatorships in Gaza and the West Bank.

The stated goal of Hamas and the Palestine Authority is the destruction of the Jewish state and the expulsion of its Jews.

Even Hitler hid his plans for the Final Solution.

But Hamas, the PLO and the Iranian mullahs trumpet their goal of ethnically cleansing a conquered Israel and rendering it Judenrein – Jew-free.

Nor is the hatred of these neo-Nazis confined to the Jews.

“Death to America” is the preferred chant of their Iranian missile providers as well.

On a less apocalyptic level, the criminal nature of the progressive mentality should be obvious to anyone who takes the time to look at their domestic legislative agenda.

Virtually every progressive proposal, from the moratorium on rent payments to cancelling student debts to handing out other people’s money to their favored constituents for doing nothing is an eloquent expression of the fact that socialism is theft.
By progressivism, I mean every political philosophy that regards itself as “revolutionary,” or “transformative,” that describes itself as socialist, communist, or jihadist – or that believes “the moral arc of the universe that bends towards justice.”

The belief that history is marching towards justice is a cult ideology refuted by the mass genocides of the modern era, which were carried out by Marxists and Nazis.

The belief that the world is marching towards justice, that progressives are “on the right side of history” is a delusion that will justify any atrocity and already has.

That is why today’s progressives are advancing the same genocidal agendas that the West defeated in World War II and the Cold War.

Led by the 98-member “Progressive Caucus” in Congress, and its racist leaders - Jamila Prayapal, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, AOC and Ayanna Presley - progressives are in full-throated support of the 75-year genocidal campaign conducted by the terrorist dictatorships in Gaza and the West Bank.

The stated goal of Hamas and the Palestine Authority is the destruction of the Jewish state and the expulsion of its Jews.

Even Hitler hid his plans for the Final Solution.

But Hamas, the PLO and the Iranian mullahs trumpet their goal of ethnically cleansing a conquered Israel and rendering it Judenrein – Jew-free.

Nor is the hatred of these neo-Nazis confined to the Jews.

“Death to America” is the preferred chant of their Iranian missile providers as well.

On a less apocalyptic level, the criminal nature of the progressive mentality should be obvious to anyone who takes the time to look at their domestic legislative agenda.

Virtually every progressive proposal, from the moratorium on rent payments to cancelling student debts to handing out other people’s money to their favored constituents for doing nothing is an eloquent expression of the fact that socialism is theft.

it is marching towards justice but a revolutionary kill squad isn't justice.

killing all the poor complainers also isn't justice.

your essay is a little overly shotgun blasty.
it is marching towards justice but a revolutionary kill squad isn't justice. killing all the poor complainers also isn't justice. your essay is a little overly shotgun blasty.

Shotguns work.

“Social justice” is invariably a scheme to reward one’s political friends and punish one’s enemies.

It’s a Ponzi scheme that works until you run out of other people’s money, as Margaret Thatcher once observed.

In the vast library of socialist books, there’s not a single volume on how to create wealth, only how to take and “redistribute” it.
Shotguns work.

“Social justice” is invariably a scheme to reward one’s political friends and punish one’s enemies.

It’s a Ponzi scheme that works until you run out of other people’s money, as Margaret Thatcher once observed.

In the vast library of socialist books, there’s not a single volume on how to create wealth, only how to take and “redistribute” it.

there is true justice, though most official movements with any kind of power behind them are what you say, insincere.

there is real justice in the world, sometimes.
By progressivism, I mean every political philosophy that regards itself as “revolutionary,” or “transformative,” that describes itself as socialist, communist, or jihadist – or that believes “the moral arc of the universe that bends towards justice.”

The belief that history is marching towards justice is a cult ideology refuted by the mass genocides of the modern era, which were carried out by Marxists and Nazis.

The belief that the world is marching towards justice, that progressives are “on the right side of history” is a delusion that will justify any atrocity and already has.

That is why today’s progressives are advancing the same genocidal agendas that the West defeated in World War II and the Cold War.

Led by the 98-member “Progressive Caucus” in Congress, and its racist leaders - Jamila Prayapal, Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, AOC and Ayanna Presley - progressives are in full-throated support of the 75-year genocidal campaign conducted by the terrorist dictatorships in Gaza and the West Bank.

The stated goal of Hamas and the Palestine Authority is the destruction of the Jewish state and the expulsion of its Jews.

Even Hitler hid his plans for the Final Solution.

But Hamas, the PLO and the Iranian mullahs trumpet their goal of ethnically cleansing a conquered Israel and rendering it Judenrein – Jew-free.

Nor is the hatred of these neo-Nazis confined to the Jews.

“Death to America” is the preferred chant of their Iranian missile providers as well.

On a less apocalyptic level, the criminal nature of the progressive mentality should be obvious to anyone who takes the time to look at their domestic legislative agenda.

Virtually every progressive proposal, from the moratorium on rent payments to cancelling student debts to handing out other people’s money to their favored constituents for doing nothing is an eloquent expression of the fact that socialism is theft.

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there is true justice, though most official movements with any kind of power behind them are what you say, insincere. there is real justice in the world, sometimes.

After the Confederate insurrection and the civil war that followed, the greatest crime DEMOCRATS committed against other Americans is the calculated destruction of America’s border by progressive transformers.

According to current estimates, this atrocity has led to a situation in which America is now being invaded at the rate of 5 million anonymous illegals, coming from 150 countries, per year.

The new population of unidentified non-citizens includes more than 100,000 violent criminals (measured by past records), terrorists, sex traffickers, and peddlers of the drug fentanyl, which has killed 100,000 Americans in the last year, many of them youth.

An estimated 10% to 20% of the illegals are Covid - 19 carriers, which computes to anywhere between 500,000 and one million annually.

The Biden administration is fully aware that what it is doing is illegal - criminal.

Otherwise, why fly the undocumented “migrants” to destinations across the country in the dark of night? Why conceal their destinations?

Needless to say, taxing Americans to fund a secretive mass breaking of American law is another form of theft – one that characteristically expresses radicals’ contempt for their fellow citizens.

The obvious goals of this progressive assault on American sovereignty are two-fold: 1) the transformation of the electorate to benefit progressives; and 2) the dilution of America’s unique culture, since illegal immigration circumvents the processes of citizenship, which are traditionally an introduction to American values, along with a oath to defend them.

The assault on America’s borders began in earnest with the 2004 creation of law-breaking “Sanctuary Cities.”

These cities suspended the application of immigration laws blocking immigration officials from doing their jobs.

The Sanctuary Cities campaign was, in fact, a criminal attack on America’s immigration laws, which were federal in nature and therefore could not be altered by municipal authorities.

The illegal actions succeeded because of the support of Democrat elected officials. If ever there was a case of sedition, this was it.

The Sanctuary movement was invention of ACLU radicals, and was explicitly designed to sabotage the Patriot Act that Congress had passed to protect Americans after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The border assault escalated with the presidency of America’s first commander-in-chief raised by Communists - Barack Obama.

In 2012 Obama warned on the eve of his re-election that “we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

In order to accomplish any “fundamental transformation,” Obama needed, of course, to break the law – actually many laws – including their foundation in the U.S. Constitution.

In TV appearances he attempted to explain the limits to his constitutional powers to his progressive followers who couldn’t have cared less about them.

They wanted Obama to violate the Constitution and by executive fiat to admit 800,000 illegals who as children had been smuggled into the country by their parents and were now adults.

So great was the pressure from radicals to break the law that Obama publicly explained to them in television appearances at least twenty-two times that the Constitution and subsequent statutory law prohibited him from declaring a general amnesty for people illegally residing in the United States.

In fact, the prosperous, opportunity-rich country these illegal immigrants coveted was actually created by such constitutional limits to government authority.

When defending the American system suited his ends, Obama was a shrewd enough politician to understand its rationale and functions. But he himself was a born and bred radical. As a radical Obama didn’t believe in the system itself, or the constitutional restraints the founders had created. For the same reason, his civics lectures fell on deaf ears.

On June 15, 2012 Obama did what he had repeatedly said the law and the Constitution barred him from doing. He issued an “executive branch memorandum” called the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals – DACA.

This unilateral executive action provided a provisional amnesty for the 800,000 youth who had entered the United States illegally as minors, and were still under the age of 31 as of that date.

DACA allowed these individuals to gain temporary legal status, work permits, access to publicly funded social services, and protection from deportation. All of which were un-constitutional and illegal.

Two years later, having witnessed scant resistance from Republicans, and gotten away with his brazen action, Obama decided to expand the scope of his crime.

He undertook a second executive action, this time granting provisional amnesty to 4 million illegal aliens under the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) program - an expansion of DACA.

That opened the floodgates to the destructive invasion of the country we are witnessing today, although to achieve its true fruition it had to wait several years until Joe Biden destroyed America’s borders on the first day of his presidency, and invited all of South America and even unaccompanied minors to enter America anonymously.

In practice, the invitation extended to the entire world.

In this way America was fundamentally and illegally and unconstitutionally transformed by a party that was now completely dominated by progressive criminals.
After the Confederate insurrection and the civil war that followed, the greatest crime DEMOCRATS committed against other Americans is the calculated destruction of America’s border by progressive transformers.

According to current estimates, this atrocity has led to a situation in which America is now being invaded at the rate of 5 million anonymous illegals, coming from 150 countries, per year.

The new population of unidentified non-citizens includes more than 100,000 violent criminals (measured by past records), terrorists, sex traffickers, and peddlers of the drug fentanyl, which has killed 100,000 Americans in the last year, many of them youth.

An estimated 10% to 20% of the illegals are Covid - 19 carriers, which computes to anywhere between 500,000 and one million annually.

The Biden administration is fully aware that what it is doing is illegal - criminal.

Otherwise, why fly the undocumented “migrants” to destinations across the country in the dark of night? Why conceal their destinations?

Needless to say, taxing Americans to fund a secretive mass breaking of American law is another form of theft – one that characteristically expresses radicals’ contempt for their fellow citizens.

The obvious goals of this progressive assault on American sovereignty are two-fold: 1) the transformation of the electorate to benefit progressives; and 2) the dilution of America’s unique culture, since illegal immigration circumvents the processes of citizenship, which are traditionally an introduction to American values, along with a oath to defend them.

The assault on America’s borders began in earnest with the 2004 creation of law-breaking “Sanctuary Cities.”

These cities suspended the application of immigration laws blocking immigration officials from doing their jobs.

The Sanctuary Cities campaign was, in fact, a criminal attack on America’s immigration laws, which were federal in nature and therefore could not be altered by municipal authorities.

The illegal actions succeeded because of the support of Democrat elected officials. If ever there was a case of sedition, this was it.

The Sanctuary movement was invention of ACLU radicals, and was explicitly designed to sabotage the Patriot Act that Congress had passed to protect Americans after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

The border assault escalated with the presidency of America’s first commander-in-chief raised by Communists - Barack Obama.

In 2012 Obama warned on the eve of his re-election that “we are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

In order to accomplish any “fundamental transformation,” Obama needed, of course, to break the law – actually many laws – including their foundation in the U.S. Constitution.

In TV appearances he attempted to explain the limits to his constitutional powers to his progressive followers who couldn’t have cared less about them.

They wanted Obama to violate the Constitution and by executive fiat to admit 800,000 illegals who as children had been smuggled into the country by their parents and were now adults.

So great was the pressure from radicals to break the law that Obama publicly explained to them in television appearances at least twenty-two times that the Constitution and subsequent statutory law prohibited him from declaring a general amnesty for people illegally residing in the United States.

In fact, the prosperous, opportunity-rich country these illegal immigrants coveted was actually created by such constitutional limits to government authority.

yes. this isn't justice.
Shotguns work.

“Social justice” is invariably a scheme to reward one’s political friends and punish one’s enemies.

It’s a Ponzi scheme that works until you run out of other people’s money, as Margaret Thatcher once observed.

In the vast library of socialist books, there’s not a single volume on how to create wealth, only how to take and “redistribute” it.

yet there is still real justice in the world, occasionally.

insincere justice is not justice. you're right.
When defending the American system suited his ends, Obama was a shrewd enough politician to understand its rationale and functions. But he himself was a born and bred radical. As a radical Obama didn’t believe in the system itself, or the constitutional restraints the founders had created. For the same reason, his civics lectures fell on deaf ears.

On June 15, 2012 Obama did what he had repeatedly said the law and the Constitution barred him from doing. He issued an “executive branch memorandum” called the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals – DACA.

This unilateral executive action provided a provisional amnesty for the 800,000 youth who had entered the United States illegally as minors, and were still under the age of 31 as of that date.

DACA allowed these individuals to gain temporary legal status, work permits, access to publicly funded social services, and protection from deportation. All of which were un-constitutional and illegal.

Two years later, having witnessed scant resistance from Republicans, and gotten away with his brazen action, Obama decided to expand the scope of his crime.

He undertook a second executive action, this time granting provisional amnesty to 4 million illegal aliens under the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) program - an expansion of DACA.

That opened the floodgates to the destructive invasion of the country we are witnessing today, although to achieve its true fruition it had to wait several years until Joe Biden destroyed America’s borders on the first day of his presidency, and invited all of South America and even unaccompanied minors to enter America anonymously.

In practice, the invitation extended to the entire world.

In this way America was fundamentally and illegally and unconstitutionally transformed by a party that was now completely dominated by progressive criminals.

Leprosy, you might consider using a reliable source of info in the future instead of off the wall right wing propaganda.


Student loans guaranteed by the federal government were a progressive legislative achievement.

They led directly to a rampant inflation of student fees as university administrators raised tuition rates because they could.

These student “victims,” championed by progressives, weren’t forced to take loans, nor did anyone twist their arms to spend the money on frivolous courses in woke agendas which would probably not lead to paying jobs that would allow them to honor their debts.

Consequently, now that the program is a burden on those who took advantage of it, the progressive solution is to make the taxpayers – including students who paid their debts - foot the bill for those who couldn’t be bothered to.


Student loans guaranteed by the federal government were a progressive legislative achievement.

They led directly to a rampant inflation of student fees as university administrators raised tuition rates because they could.

These student “victims,” championed by progressives, weren’t forced to take loans, nor did anyone twist their arms to spend the money on frivolous courses in woke agendas which would probably not lead to paying jobs that would allow them to honor their debts.

Consequently, now that the program is a burden on those who took advantage of it, the progressive solution is to make the taxpayers – including students who paid their debts - foot the bill for those who couldn’t be bothered to.



Everyone understands the basic causes of Bidenflation.

If you print more money than you have assets like gold to back it up, you devalue your currency and make everything cost more.

If you declare war on fossil fuels, shut down pipelines, close vast oil fields like Anwar, and don’t approve drilling licenses generally, you cause the price of everything to go up, because virtually everything requires energy to produce.

If you spend vast amounts of government money inducing individuals not to work, employers will raise wages to entice them to work, and that, too, will cause prices to go up.
Everyone understands the basic causes of Bidenflation.

If you print more money than you have assets like gold to back it up, you devalue your currency and make everything cost more.

If you declare war on fossil fuels, shut down pipelines, close vast oil fields like Anwar, and don’t approve drilling licenses generally, you cause the price of everything to go up, because virtually everything requires energy to produce.

If you spend vast amounts of government money inducing individuals not to work, employers will raise wages to entice them to work, and that, too, will cause prices to go up.

all true.

except everyone already knows they're not getting gold for their dollars.

it is an explicitly fiat currency.
all true.

Despite understanding these consequences, the illegitimate Biden regime instituted all these inflationary measures, and avoided taking responsibility for them and the suffering they cause.

They did this to advance their progressive agenda, which is really a reactionary socialist agenda that has not changed its fundamental premises since 1848, when Marx published what is and has always been the progressive agenda.

The Biden reactionaries denied their responsibility for the costly and dangerous inflation their policies have created in the way they normally cover up their assaults on the public - with two obvious lies.

First by claiming that the inflation was “transitory,” and then by blaming it on Vladimir Putin – calling it “Putin’s price hike.”

The brazen character of these lies and the fact that Biden has kept repeating them in the face of devastating refutations reflects the fact that the DEMOCRATS know full well what they are doing, which is stoking the fires of a volatile inflation which is causing profound hardship to the very constituencies they pretend to care about – people on the lower rungs of the economic ladder.
Despite understanding these consequences, the illegitimate Biden regime instituted all these inflationary measures, and avoided taking responsibility for them and the suffering they cause.

They did this to advance their progressive agenda, which is really a reactionary socialist agenda that has not changed its fundamental premises since 1848, when Marx published what is and has always been the progressive agenda.

The Biden reactionaries denied their responsibility for the costly and dangerous inflation their policies have created in the way they normally cover up their assaults on the public - with two obvious lies.

First by claiming that the inflation was “transitory,” and then by blaming it on Vladimir Putin – calling it “Putin’s price hike.”

The brazen character of these lies and the fact that Biden has kept repeating them in the face of devastating refutations reflects the fact that the DEMOCRATS know full well what they are doing, which is stoking the fires of a volatile inflation which is causing profound hardship to the very constituencies they pretend to care about – people on the lower rungs of the economic ladder.

it's not actually a sincere justice movement.

it promotes dependancy, followed by dehumanization, followed by mass murder.

it's a marxist divide and conquer kill script.

marxism has never been sincere justice.
it's not actually a sincere justice movement. it promotes dependancy, followed by dehumanization, followed by mass murder. it's a marxist divide and conquer kill script. marxism has never been sincere justice.


There is another consideration to take into account. Runaway inflation has the power to destroy societies.

Money is a social glue.

It provides incentives to work and to be law-abiding. It is a bargaining chip that can deflect and avoid social violence.

When you destroy the value of money you destroy an indispensable social bond.

That is what happened to the Weimar Republic in the 1920s, and what led to the election of Adolf Hitler in 1933.

What, then, could the DEMOCRATS be thinking in pouring fuel on the fires of inflation?

The Biden DEMOCRATS who have poured trillions of dollars into an already heated economy look on the United States Treasury as a bank, which can be robbed.

As progressives, they feel licensed to rob the nation’s bank by the nobility of their mission, which is to 'save the planet'.

In their eyes, the money represents the fruits of exploitation made possible by a “white supremacist” capitalist system.

In such a system, money is not earned but is extracted by socially sanctioned power.

This is a system which they are pledged to destroy.

There is another consideration to take into account. Runaway inflation has the power to destroy societies.

Money is a social glue.

It provides incentives to work and to be law-abiding. It is a bargaining chip that can deflect and avoid social violence.

When you destroy the value of money you destroy an indispensable social bond.

That is what happened to the Weimar Republic in the 1920s, and what led to the election of Adolf Hitler in 1933.

What, then, could the DEMOCRATS be thinking in pouring fuel on the fires of inflation?

The Biden DEMOCRATS who have poured trillions of dollars into an already heated economy look on the United States Treasury as a bank, which can be robbed.

As progressives, they feel licensed to rob the nation’s bank by the nobility of their mission, which is to 'save the planet'.

In their eyes, the money represents the fruits of exploitation made possible by a “white supremacist” capitalist system.

In such a system, money is not earned but is extracted by socially sanctioned power.

This is a system which they are pledged to destroy.

while they get the maximum out of it for themselves and their friends.

but there is real justice.

right now it's on the populist right, more so than anyplace else.
while they get the maximum out of it for themselves and their friends. but there is real justice. right now it's on the populist right, more so than anyplace else.


The money progressives rob from the nation’s bank will be redistributed according to the dictates of “social justice” – a measure based on their social whims.

In the name of social justice, for example, the illegitimate Biden regime has allocated $7.5 billion to put a black female astronaut on the moon because she is black and female.

This is a preposterous virtue signal that violates the very spirit of America’s color- and gender-blind Constitution.

But a government that has no respect for the Constitution or the nation’s laws needn’t be bothered by that.

The money progressives rob from the nation’s bank will be redistributed according to the dictates of “social justice” – a measure based on their social whims.

In the name of social justice, for example, the illegitimate Biden regime has allocated $7.5 billion to put a black female astronaut on the moon because she is black and female.

This is a preposterous virtue signal that violates the very spirit of America’s color- and gender-blind Constitution.

But a government that has no respect for the Constitution or the nation’s laws needn’t be bothered by that.

consider a lot of big contractors will get that crony payola too. just saying.