Proof Of Justin Trudeau's Intent To Mass Murder Canadians

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
It's very simple. When a country (especially like Canada where it get's cold enough to kill exposed people in the winter) has more people than homes and the person infiltrating the PM chair keeps loading more people into the country (a half million to a million per year) that is proof of that so called leaders intent to kill their own citizens.

Murder is murder whether it is deemed as violent or not! Justin Trudeau belongs behind bars and not free to continue to socially terrorize the lives of Canadian citizens for his sociopath WEF conspirators while he sets us up to be mass murdered due to his own deliberate actions.

I myself have been living in a tent these past couple of days due to it snowing recently after a couple of weeks of sleeping under a tarp in a sleeping bag since my birthday Feb 1 2024. I suppose lucky for me it hasn't been minus 20 lately or I could be dead too. Oh and hey you can get hypothermia when it isn't that cold out. Some days it feels like my body has shut down. I have been looking to rent a room but it really isn't good thanks to so many people loaded into Canada which raises rental rates due to availability issues along with this climate tax which is based upon unproven rhetoric. I'll likely hit much harder in the near future as it appears many lives may depend upon it.


Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ontario Canada
Ps. Be good be strong!