Proud neocon AOL refugee


Proud MAGA Semi-Facist
Hello! The title says it all. I'm looking for a more cerebral political intercourse here. Pure blogs seem to be too one-sided, and message boards like AOL require you to wade through the juvenile crap. I am a hard-core believer in minimally regulated honest capitalism. I am retired military. I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I still believe that oath binds me, though I disagree with some small portions of that sacred document. I will not pretend to be highly educated in the formal sense, which seems to be so vitally important to most "liberals". I have traveled the world over which has allowed me to compare social, economic, political and religious systems to an extent that cannot be duplicated in a classroom. I am pretty set in my ways, but maybe some reasonably well informed NEOCOM(This is a word I made up to describe the new breed of hyper-leftist in this country that has taken over the democrat party)can take me back to school. I doubt it, but good luck. I look forward to some stimulating debate.

Why anyone would persist in believing obviously failed policy is beyond me though.
If, as you say, you have travelled extensively you will know that what America calls 'left' and what we in the rest of the world call 'left' are quite different. The furthest left Mr Obama appears to go is what we would call the middle ground.
Anyway, although it is not for me to say, I bid you welcome. Let the cerebral calesthenics begin.

Hello! The title says it all. I'm looking for a more cerebral political intercourse here. Pure blogs seem to be too one-sided, and message boards like AOL require you to wade through the juvenile crap. I am a hard-core believer in minimally regulated honest capitalism. I am retired military. I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I still believe that oath binds me, though I disagree with some small portions of that sacred document. I will not pretend to be highly educated in the formal sense, which seems to be so vitally important to most "liberals". I have traveled the world over which has allowed me to compare social, economic, political and religious systems to an extent that cannot be duplicated in a classroom. I am pretty set in my ways, but maybe some reasonably well informed NEOCOM(This is a word I made up to describe the new breed of hyper-leftist in this country that has taken over the democrat party)can take me back to school. I doubt it, but good luck. I look forward to some stimulating debate.
Hello! The title says it all. I'm looking for a more cerebral political intercourse here. Pure blogs seem to be too one-sided, and message boards like AOL require you to wade through the juvenile crap. I am a hard-core believer in minimally regulated honest capitalism. I am retired military. I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I still believe that oath binds me, though I disagree with some small portions of that sacred document. I will not pretend to be highly educated in the formal sense, which seems to be so vitally important to most "liberals". I have traveled the world over which has allowed me to compare social, economic, political and religious systems to an extent that cannot be duplicated in a classroom. I am pretty set in my ways, but maybe some reasonably well informed NEOCOM(This is a word I made up to describe the new breed of hyper-leftist in this country that has taken over the democrat party)can take me back to school. I doubt it, but good luck. I look forward to some stimulating debate.

Welcome, maybe you need to change the name to "Hardwired" for life!

And liberals respect informed opinions and wisdom based on experience, at least this liberal does. Education doesn't mean bunk if you don't use common sense. I have a problem with making all liberals villains because our opinions differ from yours. Didn't you take a vote to protect us also? The ones I usually find turning up their noses at the uneducated at the ubber rich and not middle American conservatives or liberals. I find it more to be a class thing than a political party thing. The pundits on radio who don't have educations feel threatened by their liberal counterparts who do and so they attack and use the words like elitists. I think it is all a part of their greed. They need a divided America, or they won't last in the business. This comes from both sides, but I have far more venom pointed at the liberal than vice versa, far more hate speech from the right than the left. Remember, as i believe Rush says, we are the Kumbya gang!

The only branch of the military not represented by members of my family has been the Coast Guard. My brother in law wanted both of my sons for West Point, but neither was interested. They both speak, read and write Japanese, twelve years of a school immersion program. It killed him and he always blamed me, but I guess I was indirectly to blame. I always told them, make love, not war!
If, as you say, you have travelled extensively you will know that what America calls 'left' and what we in the rest of the world call 'left' are quite different. The furthest left Mr Obama appears to go is what we would call the middle ground.
Anyway, although it is not for me to say, I bid you welcome. Let the cerebral calesthenics begin.

Agreed, but I do not want to see this country going the way of Europe. Give Obama time, perhaps even a second term, and America will have lost that spark of insanity that drives us to spectacular success and dismal failure. Yeah, it's kind of a "wild, wild west" mentality. But overall, it works out better than anything else I've seen.
Hello! The title says it all. I'm looking for a more cerebral political intercourse here. Pure blogs seem to be too one-sided, and message boards like AOL require you to wade through the juvenile crap. I am a hard-core believer in minimally regulated honest capitalism. I am retired military. I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I still believe that oath binds me, though I disagree with some small portions of that sacred document. I will not pretend to be highly educated in the formal sense, which seems to be so vitally important to most "liberals". I have traveled the world over which has allowed me to compare social, economic, political and religious systems to an extent that cannot be duplicated in a classroom. I am pretty set in my ways, but maybe some reasonably well informed NEOCOM(This is a word I made up to describe the new breed of hyper-leftist in this country that has taken over the democrat party)can take me back to school. I doubt it, but good luck. I look forward to some stimulating debate.

Sounds like you need to go to
Sounds like you need to go to

Ah yes, the popular "liberal" fantasy that all conservatives drop to their knees and face the radio every weekday from noon until three, just to hang on every word of their master's voice. Sorry, if my values require reinforcement, I tune in to the likes of Rachel Maddow, Kieth Olbermann and Stephanie Miller. Occaisionally I will pilfer a copy of the New York Times if the opportunity presents itself. Researching the opposition is far more illuminating, don't you agree?
Ah yes, the popular "liberal" fantasy that all conservatives drop to their knees and face the radio every weekday from noon until three, just to hang on every word of their master's voice. Sorry, if my values require reinforcement, I tune in to the likes of Rachel Maddow, Kieth Olbermann and Stephanie Miller. Occaisionally I will pilfer a copy of the New York Times if the opportunity presents itself. Researching the opposition is far more illuminating, don't you agree?

Naah no agreement. To me it is sort of like my toilet. I really do not care to research how it works and where the crap goes. I just like that it goes.
Hello! The title says it all. I'm looking for a more cerebral political intercourse here. Pure blogs seem to be too one-sided, and message boards like AOL require you to wade through the juvenile crap. I am a hard-core believer in minimally regulated honest capitalism. I am retired military. I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I still believe that oath binds me, though I disagree with some small portions of that sacred document. I will not pretend to be highly educated in the formal sense, which seems to be so vitally important to most "liberals". I have traveled the world over which has allowed me to compare social, economic, political and religious systems to an extent that cannot be duplicated in a classroom. I am pretty set in my ways, but maybe some reasonably well informed NEOCOM(This is a word I made up to describe the new breed of hyper-leftist in this country that has taken over the democrat party)can take me back to school. I doubt it, but good luck. I look forward to some stimulating debate.

I hate when people pretend that the Democratic Party was once something worthwhile and good. The 19th Century DNC did more damage to this country than the 21st C. one can ever dream of.
Hello! The title says it all. I'm looking for a more cerebral political intercourse here. Pure blogs seem to be too one-sided, and message boards like AOL require you to wade through the juvenile crap. I am a hard-core believer in minimally regulated honest capitalism. I am retired military. I took an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States. I still believe that oath binds me, though I disagree with some small portions of that sacred document. I will not pretend to be highly educated in the formal sense, which seems to be so vitally important to most "liberals". I have traveled the world over which has allowed me to compare social, economic, political and religious systems to an extent that cannot be duplicated in a classroom. I am pretty set in my ways, but maybe some reasonably well informed NEOCOM(This is a word I made up to describe the new breed of hyper-leftist in this country that has taken over the democrat party)can take me back to school. I doubt it, but good luck. I look forward to some stimulating debate.

A neocon? Neoconservatives neo (new) conservatives are hawks from the far left that found a home in today's radical GOP...

Their founders were followers of Leon Trotsky...

If you're retired military, then you should know first hand that unregulated leads to waste and pollution (the US military is the worst polluter on the planet)

I believe in capitalism, but in the form of a TRUE free market. In a true free-market, you can't make yourself rich without making your neighbors rich and without enriching your community.

A formal education isn't required for common sense and the willingness to continue learning...all it requires is an open mind...

"In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people's money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative."

President Dwight D. Eisenhower