Psychiatory is EVILK!!!!!


Ain't I a cutie? HEHE
Problems are caused by the DEVIL and GOD is the solution. If you'd just live a GODLY lifestyle ALL YOUR PROBLEMS WOULD BE SOLVED. But spychtrist try their voodoo and purport to answer thing siwth "science" that can't be answered, things that are not of theis world, and they are OF THE DEVIL. Get your mind OUT OF THIS EVIL.

Psychology and psychiatry ― so dangerous because they stand as competing authorities against the Bible! - EVIL!!!!! STANDING UP TO GOD IS EVIL!!!!

Why are the pseudo-sciences of psychology and psychiatry so dangerous? They are dangerous because, unlike the other sciences, they are in direct competition with the Bible. By their very nature they are in competition. They are involved with the same area, the same questions, the same concerns as the Bible. Both they and the Bible are concerned with the questions of how one should live life; both offer guidance to man for dealing with the problems, frustrations, and stresses of life. And both claim to be authorities. Thus the situation is that one has two parallel and contending authorities on the same subject to choose from and one must decide which one he is going to choose. He has to decide which one he has faith in, which one he really believes in.

In essence, Psychology and Psychiatry represent the voice of the world, the voice of ungodly man, and the Bible is the voice of God. And in general these two authorities are in deep conflict. Psychology says that sin liberates and the Bible says it enslaves; Psychology says sexual permissiveness is OK and the Bible says it is sinful. Psychology has always been strongly atheistic and agnostic in its basic sympathies, inclinations and assumptions. And as a consequence it has always been deeply antagonistic toward the Bible, forever challenging the Bible in its most basic tenets, assumptions, conclusions and authority. Psychology asserts that there is no absolute moral law, that Right and Wrong are just ideas evolved by society; that moral law has no divine authority, that it was invented and created by man and can be changed by man as he sees fit, as situations change and his "knowledge" increases and evolves. To the psychologist the Bible is just literature. But the Bible claims for itself divine origin.

Another reason Psychology and Psychiatry are so very dangerous is their false, deceitful, and dishonest claims about what they are and what they can do. They claim to be a "Science" and thus endeavor to benefit from the prestige and reputability achieved by the exact sciences (such as Chemistry and Physics). In fact they deal with a subject matter so totally different in its basic nature from that of the exact sciences that the tools and techniques of the exact sciences are inapplicable and don't work at all. The exact sciences deal with natural processes and phenomena that operate in exact, precise accordance with underlying exact natural laws; laws relating quantities that can be measured by instruments of one kind or another; laws which can be expressed with mathematical exactitude.

In contrast Psychology and Psychiatry deal with the subject matter of emotions, feelings and attitudes; of human relationships, outlooks and values. Their "quantities" and "variables" are these kinds of things. In essence, they arrogantly purport to provide "scientific" answers to questions that wise men and thinkers have been pondering for ages. In actual fact it is all self-deception, delusion, sham, hoax and foolishness. In actual fact the answers they provide are far less trustworthy, far less reliable, than those given by the wise men and thinkers of past ages. In my opinion, Psychology and Psychiatry, like a false religion, with its system of false ideas, beliefs, assumptions and teachings, has been responsible for an untold amount of wrong, suffering and harm in this world. It has done enormous damage.

Many religious people are going to psychologists and psychiatrists these days. That is very dangerous and foolish. Why are they doing it? They do it because they are confused, frustrated, and unhappy, and have, in despair, given up on Christianity as being able to solve their problems. What they have really done is given up on their conception of Christianity, their brand of Christianity, Christianity as they know it. And what they are really doing is turning from Christianity and going to the world, to the ungodly, to Satan himself, for the solutions to their problems. How foolish!

Psychology and Psychiatry are indeed dangerous and perilous snares for the gullible. For those easily taken in. They are one of the most gross and clever deceptions yet of that subtle and articulate Liar, that Prince of this World, and many there be that are falling into his net.

"Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly ... but his delight is in the law of the Lord" (Psalm 1:1).
Gotcha. I wasn't sure if you got defensive or not simply by a then unidentified acronym :) Anyway, its no small secret that I am an anti-South bigot...
Psychiatry and psychology are valid to some extent. But they have become politicized and oppressive. They attempt to label any mindset that is not consistent with the NWO fascist totalitarian agenda as a "disease".
Psychiatry and psychology are valid to some extent. But they have become politicized and oppressive. They attempt to label any mindset that is not consistent with the NWO fascist totalitarian agenda as a "disease".
That's my boy. Make the New World Order quake in their boots, my son. You have the power.

in some ways that could be said for all of us

but then what would i do for entertainment...:p


I just find it odd that Asshat is the only person on this board consisting only of losers who is actually losery enough to trudge the depths of the board looking for posts to grave dig every week or so.