Public polls are stupid and dangerous

The Democrats lost faith in polls when the polls indicated Hillary would win, and she didn't, and so many Democrats do not even participate in polls anymore.

The Republicans still believe if they can control the polls, they can control the election. So, Republicans will always participate in polls, and in a way where most all polls taken today are always dominated and a bit overwhelmed by Republicans being polled.

Amazingly, there are more American people that align themselves with the Democrats politically speaking, rather than the Republican Hate agenda, and in every major poll today, more Republicans are voicing their opinions, than Democrats, so naturally they are going to be skewed, and look like the Republicans are leading in the election.

But, here is the deal, POLLS do not vote- people do.

There is also a faction of the Democrats, that basically are also Hillary Haters and hardcore socialists, that are still mad about Hillary wining the Democrats Nomination in the 2016 election. And these same Bernie Bots got even madder and more revolutionary in 2020 when Biden won the Democratic nomination. Not all of the Bernie supporters rebelled and stopped voting for Democrats, but as I said, many dud rebel, and have rebelled against the Democratic party, and GOD only knows how many of them exist, and who knows whether they are showing up on election days, or who the fuck they are even voting for, and no one knows how they are responding to polls, when they are being asked to participate in a poll. Many Bernie Bots are still placing there votes and participating on Polls with a VENDETTA in mind towards the Democratic Party.

Just as the Republican Party is now divided by Trump ass-kissers, and NEVER-AGAIN Trumpers, the Democratic Party has divided up in terms of Socialists, Moderates, and Centrists.

So ever since Donald Trump has been in the mix, and ever since Bernie Sanders ran for president twice now, THE POLLS HAVE BEEN UNTRUSTWORTHY AND ARE NOT EVEN WORTH THEIR WEIGHT IN SALT.

The only poll that is accurate and will actually count, will be the poll that comes on election day from actually placing your vote, and after the votes are all in, counted, and certified.
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