PUMAs could be a problem

Aw, screw 'em. I know I'd be pissed off too if Hillary had gotten the nomination, but I would have been part of a vocal minority.

The way this race is shaping up, I can't see McCain winning. I don't think it will be a landslide, but it's Obama's to lose, no matter who these malcontents vote for...
Aw, screw 'em. I know I'd be pissed off too if Hillary had gotten the nomination, but I would have been part of a vocal minority.

The way this race is shaping up, I can't see McCain winning. I don't think it will be a landslide, but it's Obama's to lose, no matter who these malcontents vote for...

yeah but you'd have been justified if hillary got the nod.

You are right about McCain, but who knows what the repugs have up their sleeves for the fall. Its best for Obama to have a false sense of security.

Many pundits and even posters here asserted that in a couple of moths all the venum that Hillary supporters had would die down and it wouldn't be an issue for democratic unity. These people are pissed and they are organizing.

This will blow over by the convention. I just do not see a scenario where the Dems could be dumb enough to blow this gimmee election. Yes, I know, they are masters at pulling defeat from the jaws of victory... but everything is stacked in their favor this time.
This will blow over by the convention. I just do not see a scenario where the Dems could be dumb enough to blow this gimmee election. Yes, I know, they are masters at pulling defeat from the jaws of victory... but everything is stacked in their favor this time.

Two words:


I have little doubt that they are capable of losing the election. They always seem to politically cannabalize themselves.
Two words:


I have little doubt that they are capable of losing the election. They always seem to politically cannabalize themselves.

The only shot McCain has at Michigan is if Romney is on the ticket.

Florida I think will go to McCain. But OH, IA, and CO will go Obama and he could also pick up VA, MO and NV.

There are few others at this point that McCain could take that Kerry won in 2004.
The only shot McCain has at Michigan is if Romney is on the ticket.

Florida I think will go to McCain. But OH, IA, and CO will go Obama and he could also pick up VA, MO and NV.

There are few others at this point that McCain could take that Kerry won in 2004.

I meant that as an example of how the dems politically canabalize themselves.
The stupidest thing they say is that the primaries were rigged. The primaries were set back when Hillary was inevitible. Now that she is just plain old evitible these cry baby losers want to say the system was rigged. They should go pound salt.
The only shot McCain has at Michigan is if Romney is on the ticket.

Florida I think will go to McCain. But OH, IA, and CO will go Obama and he could also pick up VA, MO and NV AND NEW MEXICO.

There are few others at this point that McCain could take that Kerry won in 2004.