Pure good


Dave Tiderman wondered if the decimal point was in the wrong place when he opened his $35,000 company bonus. Jose Rojas saw his $10,000 check and thought, "That can't be right."

Valentin Dima watched co-workers breaking down in tears over their bonus checks and didn't trust his emotions. He drove home first, then opened his envelope: $33,000.

Nice of the owners. My hats off to them.

I could only afford about a 5.5% bonus / profit sharing payout for my employees.

But most in my area give out turkeys or hams at the most for a holiday bonus.
Many have gotten layoff notices lately.
My employees are happy and eager for our company to do well.
I only took out for myself as much as my highest paid employee was paid, and my employees know that.
I have no doubt you are a great boss.

Its nice to know their are good people out there who care about the service their employees give them.

It insures a better life for all of you.