Put a Fork in them...These candidates are finished....


New member
Stick a Fork in them...These candidates are done....

1. Ron Paul ...... after all his neoconfederate letters gets media attention his band of emo university geeks will disappear as fast as they appeared

2. Fred Thompson ...... The great white hope? No the great white hype... Never came into his own... Must have been the writers strike cause he seemed to be lost for lines...

3. John Edwards ...... Flyboy talked a bunch of crap that didnt mesh with his record.... Two is company three is just a crowd....

4. Mike Gravel ....... Should join Desh back in the conspiracy psychiatric hospital....

5. Dennis Kucinich...... Going back to getting laid by his young wife..... What a life!

6. Duncan Hunter ...... Talks a big game but just like that "Office Commercial" from FedEx Kinkos..... He has got nothing there....

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