Putin; ' There are no countries hostile to Russia- just their elites. '


Satire for Sanity
Do we all just just adopt the policies of our ' leaders ' out of some sense of patriotism ?

No Russian ever did me any harm at all. Nor any Iraqi, Syrian, Afghan, Libyan, Palestinian, Chinaman nor Vietnamese.


KYZYL, September 2. /TASS/. There are no languages or countries hostile to Russia, there are hostile elites who want to weaken and split it; they think that such a big country as Russia threatens them, Russian President Vladimir Putin said while speaking at an open lesson Talking about the important at Kyzyl’s school No. 20.

"We do not reject anything: we don't have hostile languages, we don't even have hostile countries. We have hostile elites in some countries that have been fighting against Russia for centuries in order to weaken our country because they think it is too big. They think that they are threatened by a big country like Russia, and they try to slow down our development," Putin said.

He added that hostile elites were obsessed with the idea of dismembering Russia. In reply to a schoolgirl's question about the development of relations with China, Putin said that the People's Republic of China had no such intentions toward Russia.

"The People's Republic of China and Russia are allies in every sense of the word. We first of all pool our efforts in the economy, culture and humanitarian ties," Putin said.
