Putin; West should have condemned Jews' illegal attack on Iranian consulate


Satire for Sanity
And so we should have.

Why didn't we ?



Was the Iranian missile response the end of the matter regarding the Jews' trashing of international law regarding diplomatic facilities ? Er.....................no.
Was the Iranian missile response the end of the matter regarding the Jews' trashing of international law regarding diplomatic facilities ? Er.....................no.

Was it violation of international law? The Vienna Convention says a hosting country is required to keep diplomats safe. Syria was the hosting country, not Israel. If Israel had been an ally of Syria, then maybe, but not even that.

It was an attack on a military command headquarters that was being used to actively target civilians in Israel. At worst, that would be an act of war, because it is considered Iranian territory, but given that missiles were already flying, it was not even that. If you have a problem with that, then Israel can declare all of Israel a diplomatic facility to itself, and outlaw any attacks.

When trump killed a diplomatic mission to Iraq, that was more problematic. We were allies with Iraq, so while maybe not a violation of the letter of the Vienna Convention, it was definitely a violation against the spirit of the Vienna Convention.