queen victoria

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
she is the reason that there were no laws in england against female homosexual relations is that when approached on the subject said "women just would not do such a thing"
Strangely enough her real first name was Alexandrina.

A little known fact is that the REAL Queen Victoria died as a child. The monarch everyone thought was Queen Victoria was actually a drag queen from Newcastle named Victor Codswallow.
A little known fact is that the REAL Queen Victoria died as a child. The monarch everyone thought was Queen Victoria was actually a drag queen from Newcastle named Victor Codswallow.

Victor's antics also provided the storyline for the oscar-winning film Victor/Victoria.
And gave whatsherface the first big role in a movie since she sang about hills being alive.

Great film.

Yes, Julie Andrews is still alive. About ten years ago, she had a polyp removed from her vocal chords; the surgeon fucked it up and she can no longer sing.

That's true and she is now running a captive breeding programme for anti-fascist nuns in rural Hertfordshire.

So far the results are not encouraging.