question for conservatives

I have lost the right to freely choose to enter into a business arrangement with a private business (freedom of association). Certain religious groups and individuals have lost the right to free expression.
with the passage of PA2 and NDAA, i've lost my right to life, due process, and privacy if a single person slaps me with the label of 'enemy combatant', with little to no proof.
Could you please tell me what rights you have lost in the Oama presidency?

Obama has presided over a massive curtailing of our civil liberties, allowing and supporting the NSA to spy on virtually all americans.

I am now forced to purchase a product against my will (sorry.. i'm 'taxed' if I don't buy what the government demands I buy)

this product is a RIPOFF for me and I don't FUCKING NEED IT. I want disaster coverage. THAT'S IT. I'm not an old faggot I don't need viagra or my adult diapers subsidized like many of you on here. I'M ALSO NOT A FUCKING GIRL AND I DON'T NEED MATERNITY COVERAGE

If you didn’t include maternity coverage, insurers could charge women more than men for insurance, notes Jonathan Gruber, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology who helped design the Massachusetts health plan and advised on Obamacare. Why should women be discriminated against just because they are the only ones, biologically speaking, who can bring children into the world?

tough fucking shit! not my problem. so INSTEAD MEN have to pay MORE for shit they don't need. Dollar for dollar men put in more than they get out and that's all done in the name of "fairness".

what it actually is women taking men's money. This whole god damn world is upside down.

tough fucking shit! not my problem. so INSTEAD MEN have to pay MORE for shit they don't need. Dollar for dollar men put in more than they get out and that's all done in the name of "fairness".

what it actually is women taking men's money. This whole god damn world is upside down.

The problem is we have distorted the definition of insurance as it applies to healthcare. You shouldn't ensure maternity coverage.

Now of course the shallow thinker KKKhristiefan will say "how will I afford to pay for my spawn"
To Christie if she gets knocked up its "unfair" That I don't want to help her pay for it. This is what women like her actually believe.
To Christie if she gets knocked up its "unfair" That I don't want to help her pay for it. This is what women like her actually believe.

True. She has been taught that bearing children is actually a burden. And it was only the lousy luck of the draw that she was saddled with a vagina. So since men can't spend nine months carrying a baby they just pay.

Of course KKKhristiefan doesn't mind all the fawning attention she got when she was knocked up with her fetuses
Dear Stoned:

You know those 'free speech' zones where political dissidents are cowed into an area where they are politically irrelevant and can be intimidated by heavily armed gunmen in military fatigues?

Well, I recall a time when the United States was a free speech zone.

Of course, that didn't begin with the Obama Presidency. But neither did he roll back this incursion. Indeed, he extended the use of this policy.

Then there is that little matter of domestic surveillance. Supposedly, we are protected from unwarranted search. Yet come to find out, our great, lordly kakistocracy [look it up] spies on about everyone on the planet, including the German Chancellor, ostensibly an ally.

Eventually, people are going to outgrow this partisan blame-shifting, scapegoating and bickering. Eventually, people are going to turn to class analysis to explain what is happening in society. When they do, the ruling powers will tremble. Of course, they will also turn guns on their own people. You may have noticed the increasing militarization of our society. But of course, no liberties are being lost. And this is for your own good. We're 'protecting' you. Remember that? The 'protection' racket?

Even though I've posted on this thread, I'm really not interested in pursuing this line of inquiry. I'm much more interested in declaring rights. Moreover, I don't call upon the state to recognize these rights, because rights which the state supposedly bestows, it can also remove. So this is more a matter of one person, dictating to the state.

We have the right to be a people.
We have the right to have institutions and processes of state that are truly our own.
We have the right to have leaders who speak through our own lips.
We have the right to create new institutions and processes of state.
We have the right to call upon the military to protect a committee as it does the work of drafting a Second Constitution for a Second Republic.
We have the right to task that committee with a mandate to enshrine the separation of the powers of corporation and state.
We have the right to convene a national convention to suspend the existing constitution, ratify the new constitution, to dissolve the government, call elections to create a new government.

Etc., etc., etc.

We don't NEED permission to do these things. The right is ours.


PS: Howdy to any Homeland Insecurityniks out there!