Question for Mods about APP and Desh

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
I am going to be posting some very thought provoking threads on APP and in an effort to offer a fig leaf to the lefties for the recent tensions, I do not want to employ my usual Thread Bans. However, I have no desire to have Desh crap flood the hell out of my threads. So my question is that from an APP standpoint is crap flooding against the rules in APP, or are the rules more of a content and tone nature?

Thanks in advance for your answer
Desh has Joe Biden's disease and is missing the brain to mouth filter most have. Most people have the capability of not cursing and insulting people when it is inappropriate (such as while posting in the APP section of the board). Desh demonstrated that she is incapable of that and therefore could not post in that area of the board.
Desh has Joe Biden's disease and is missing the brain to mouth filter most have. Most people have the capability of not cursing and insulting people when it is inappropriate (such as while posting in the APP section of the board). Desh demonstrated that she is incapable of that and therefore could not post in that area of the board.

"...Joe Biden's disease..."

What are you talking about?
The Above Plain Politics forum on this site. In that forum we have stricter rules against insults and off-topic posts, no cursing, etc.

In order to post there you have to ask for access as this shows that you know you are requesting it and that there are different rules there, if you cannot follow the rules there after you've been granted access you would have that access removed.
I can not post in APP, it takes too much effort and I forget I am there and cuss profusely and insult to high heaven.

It's just not worth it.
The Above Plain Politics forum on this site. In that forum we have stricter rules against insults and off-topic posts, no cursing, etc.

In order to post there you have to ask for access as this shows that you know you are requesting it and that there are different rules there, if you cannot follow the rules there after you've been granted access you would have that access removed.

That's not what I mean. This thread is in APP, isn't it?