Question for property-grabbing liberals

"Following President Bush's call on Wednesday for the re-opening of the Outer Continental Shelf to oil exploration after a 27-year moratorium, Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y., endorsed the idea of national ownership of at least some U.S. oil refineries.

But on Thursday, Hinchey wouldn't repeat his call for nationalization, only saying he thought it was important to put pressure on oil companies to bring prices down, and that there should be a greater push for alternative energy sources.

On Wednesday, Hinchey criticized Republicans for what he said was a hypocritical approach to energy prices: 'Our Republican friends also talk about the need to set up ways in which the material can be refined, refineries. Well, do we own refineries? No. The oil companies own refineries. Should the people of the United States own refineries? Maybe so. Frankly, I think that's a good idea.'

Hinchey said that would allow the federal government to better 'control the amount of refined product much more capably' than the oil companies

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) has also called for the seizure of oil company assets:

My questions are:

What has the government ever done to prove it can run any industry better than the private sector?

Isn't the forcible seizure of property by the government a violation of the US Constitution?
What has the government ever done to prove it can run any industry better than the private sector?

What has the private sector ever done to prove that it can run oil refineries better than the government?

Besides gouge the hell out of us and get away scott free, that is. And I'm sure that does take quite a bit of ingenuity.

Isn't the forcible seizure of property by the government a violation of the US Constitution?

What has the private sector ever done to prove that it can run oil refineries better than the government?

Besides gouge the hell out of us and get away scott free, that is. And I'm sure that does take quite a bit of ingenuity.


You know Water, I understand that this indisputable guy is a total partisan retard who wholly lacks the ability to think for himself.

That being said, a broken clock is still right twice per diem.

No, the government is not designed to be the arbitor of industry you idiotic socialist. Nor are they designed to run businesses. Again, you're being a total dumbass retard idiot vagina.

Government is there to keep infrastructure going, not your stupid, high school wet dreams.

So until you want to flip burgers for free, cool it.
I don't see any reason to nationalize any refineries. The problem isn't the refineries. It just seems like a desperate attempt to look like you're doing something.

Seriously, this dude is providing the Republicans with SOOOOO much fodder, about something that would never pass the house even. WTF is he trying to do? Cost us the election? Someone in the DNC should tell him to STFU before he causes too much damage.
I don't see any reason to nationalize any refineries. The problem isn't the refineries. It just seems like a desperate attempt to look like you're doing something.

Seriously, this dude is providing the Republicans with SOOOOO much fodder, about something that would never pass the house even. WTF is he trying to do? Cost us the election? Someone in the DNC should tell him to STFU before he causes too much damage.

FYI It is a 'she'.

And HER problem seems to be that she is honest in a way that most Democrats are not.
The USA has taken cntrol of key industires several times in our history. No reason to think it will not happen again.
The USA has taken cntrol of key industires several times in our history. No reason to think it will not happen again.

Yeah our Constitution forbids it, but you're absolutely right there is no reason to think it won't happen again.

Liberals and conservatives alike are more than willing to ignore the Constitution when it suits their prejudices.
Why do you guys insist on feeding the troll? If you stop feeding him, maybe he'll go away.
