Question: Why were there no exits or even fire exits at this mall?

Oh. So. 'Nigerian Building Codes' are different the the ones we are familiar with.

I suppose so. I mean why not even have fire escape routes and doors? It doesn't make any sense. Even if the place is dangerous, opening a fire door will set off the alarm.
Have you considered writing them about this?

Yeah I have. It's just too bizarre. Maybe I'll finally write to them. LOL.

If they had fire doors (as far as I saw in the documentary apparently there were none), lives would have been saved.
Yeah I have. It's just too bizarre. Maybe I'll finally write to them. LOL.

If they had fire doors (as far as I saw in the documentary apparently there were none), lives would have been saved.

'AProudLefty, Nigerian Building Code Officer'. That has a nice ring to it. (do you speak Nigerian?)