questions about the trump/k. west WH televised meeting

1. did you watch it?
2. Did your kids watch it with you?
3. If your kids watched it did they laugh when K. West said "motherfucker"?

4. Do you think K. West is a good moral role model for your kids?
5. Is trump a good moral role model for your kids?
6. Would you like to have your kids to be like West or Trump when they grow up.
7. Have you ever heard the word, "motherfucker", telivised live from the WH said by anyone in American History?
8. Do you think it should be repeated?
9. What do you think West hoped to gain by being so profane?
10. Is West's wife a good role model or a slut?
11. Do you think that after seeing this show that it reinforced your belief that the republican party is the party of family values.
12. What did you like about it?
13. What did you hate about it?

Let the spin begin!

1. did you watch it? No
2. Did your kids watch it with you? N/A since I didn’t watch it.
3. If your kids watched it did they laugh when K. West said "€£¥§@#$&%"? N/A But if we had been watching it ... well, I’ve changed the channel or turned the set off for less colorful language. My kid is 15 and knows what I think of such language...and while realizing it is part of life, has developed a healthy disdain for it as well.

4. Do you think K. West is a good moral role model for your kids? No
5. Is trump a good moral role model for your kids? No
6. Would you like to have your kids to be like West or Trump when they grow up. Neither
7. Have you ever heard the word, "€£¥§@#$&%", telivised live from the WH said by anyone in American History? No
8. Do you think it should be repeated? No
9. What do you think West hoped to gain by being so profane? Who knows. He’s what we call a nut.
10. Is West's wife a good role model or a slut? I refuse to answer a loaded question.
11. Do you think that after seeing this show that it reinforced your belief that the republican party is the party of family values. Never thought that. But at least they’re not the party of killing babies, restricting gun rights, promoting sodomites, etc....
12. What did you like about it? Nothing that I've heard reported on it.
13. What did you hate about it? That our country is so shallow that what someone like Kanye West (or Taylor Swift for that matter) thinks is deemed worthy enough to make the national news.

Let the spin begin! Whether you think it is “spin” or not, if the democrats keep putting up candidates like Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, etc AND if the news media keeps villifying guys like Rubio and/or Cruz on the other side you’re apt to have to put up with an additional 4 years of Trump. I hope not but it is apt to happen ...


My “spin.”
1. did you watch it?
Yes, I did.

2. Did your kids watch it with you?
I don't have children.

3. If your kids watched it did they laugh when K. West said "motherfucker"?
Non applicable.

4. Do you think K. West is a good moral role model for your kids?
Non applicable. -- IF I had kids, I would say yes for certain aspects, no for other aspects.

5. Is trump a good moral role model for your kids?
Non applicable. -- IF I had kids, I would say yes for certain aspects, no for other aspects.

6. Would you like to have your kids to be like West or Trump when they grow up.
Non applicable. -- IF I had kids, I would say yes for certain aspects, and no for other aspects.

7. Have you ever heard the word, "motherfucker", telivised live from the WH said by anyone in American History?
Many people say that word all the time...

8. Do you think it should be repeated?
Fine by me.

9. What do you think West hoped to gain by being so profane?
You would have to ask Kanye... My guess is probably nothing and my guess is that is the way that he typically talks...

10. Is West's wife a good role model or a slut?
This shows how much I "care" about pop culture... I have no clue who his wife even is.

11. Do you think that after seeing this show that it reinforced your belief that the republican party is the party of family values.
This "show" didn't change my stance from what it was before the "show"... One person doesn't change my mind either way.

However, I would think that the party that hasn't slaughtered countless millions of children (like the Democrat Party has wholeheartedly supported) would be the party that seems to care much more about family values...

12. What did you like about it?
That Kanye seems to not be a completely ignorant celebrity when it comes to various political issues.

13. What did you hate about it?
The Marxist (Democrat Party) reaction to it, acting like the man "isn't actually black" and all the similar shit that they always pull whenever a minority actually takes a stand against their "mind-enslavement" tactics...

Let the spin begin!
Spin away...
Yes, I did.

I don't have children.

Non applicable.

Non applicable. -- IF I had kids, I would say yes for certain aspects, no for other aspects.

Non applicable. -- IF I had kids, I would say yes for certain aspects, no for other aspects.

Non applicable. -- IF I had kids, I would say yes for certain aspects, and no for other aspects.

Many people say that word all the time...

Fine by me.

You would have to ask Kanye... My guess is probably nothing and my guess is that is the way that he typically talks...

This shows how much I "care" about pop culture... I have no clue who his wife even is.

This "show" didn't change by stance from what it was before the "show"... One person doesn't change my mind either way.

However, I would think that the party that hasn't slaughtered countless millions of children would be the party that seems to care much more about family values...

That Kanye seems to not be a completely ignorant celebrity when it comes to various political issues.

The Marxist (Democrat Party) reaction to it, acting like the man "isn't actually black" and all the similar shit that they always pull whenever a minority actually takes a stand against their "mind-enslavement" tactics...

Spin away...

the man is a self admitted unmedicated mental patient

your religion doesnt have the right to tell other Americans how to believe and live.

most people in America who have abortions are Christians

Most Americans are Christians

tell us all what you know about WHY America decided abortion should be safe and legal?

clue: it was to prevent deaths