Questions for Barack Obama on "gun control"


New member
A number of statements from Barack Obama about how he feels on "gun control", can be found here:

In the first group of questions, Obama makes the statement:

"We can make sure that criminals don't have guns in their hands."

I feel the need to ask him: "How?"

Because it looks to me like a flagrantly false statement.

All government can do, is make laws. But criminals are people who don't obey laws, remember? There are already lots of laws on the booksrestricting or "preventing" criminals from getting guns. But guess what: Criminals are getting guns freely and easily, every day, even today. In fact, thanks to those laws, criminals can get them more easily than law-abiding people can... because the laws only restrict the law-abiding. Isn't that result the exact opposite of what you intended the laws to accomplish, Mr. Obama?

Please tell me that WASN'T what you intended to accomplish, Mr. Obama.

No, Mr. Obama, we can't make sure that criminals don't have guns in their hands.

And since that's true, NOW what's your stance on so-called "gun control" laws, Mr. Obama? Do the facts change your opinions at all, on whether we should make laws restricting guns? Since all they do, is restrict or disarm law-abiding people and leave them to the mercy of the still-armed criminals?

Mr. Obama?

(Other anti-gun-rights people please feel free to chime in with your own answers to this question.)

Since we CAN'T make sure criminals don't get guns, the entire premise of "gun control" laws is discredited. The people making those laws, will tell you every time, that the purpose is to disarm the criminals. But the laws don't. They only restrict or disarm the law-abiding.

When will the leftist big-government types (like Barack Obama and many others) start taking this into account when making laws about guns?