Rabbi Dr. Laura Novak Winer is an Extraordinary Scam Artist


Well-known member

I have to give credit where it's due. Laura Winer knows how to capitalize on the gullibility of American Jews. She noticed how American Jews will believe WHATEVER they are told, without applying ANY critical reasoning or EVER calling "Bullshit", if the speaker clams to be a rabbi or wears a yarmulke. She knows that pandering is the kryptonite for American Jews and she knew very early in life that she wanted a piece of that action.



You'll notice how she got guno regurgitating her quotes like they are profound wisdom... even though they aren't true, or even plausible, e.g. “One of the very first lessons of the Torah gives it a place of high priority: All human beings are created equal. This belief in equality compels action in response to discrimination, racism, and racial injustice.” – Rabbi Dr. Laura Novak Winer

The Torah doesn't say this, much less make it one of the first lessons. Of course, guno will OBEDIENTLY display it word for word in his signature with nary a question or even doubt.

Multiply guno by the number of American Jews and you can see how easy it was for the Democrat Party to cast the entire community into political bondage, i.e. slavery. Laura Winer was sharp enough to cash in.

I have to give credit where it's due. Laura Winer knows how to capitalize on the gullibility of American Jews. She noticed how American Jews will believe WHATEVER they are told, without applying ANY critical reasoning or EVER calling "Bullshit", if the speaker clams to be a rabbi or wears a yarmulke. She knows that pandering is the kryptonite for American Jews and she knew very early in life that she wanted a piece of that action.



You'll notice how she got guno regurgitating her quotes like they are profound wisdom... even though they aren't true, or even plausible, e.g. “One of the very first lessons of the Torah gives it a place of high priority: All human beings are created equal. This belief in equality compels action in response to discrimination, racism, and racial injustice.” – Rabbi Dr. Laura Novak Winer

The Torah doesn't say this, much less make it one of the first lessons. Of course, guno will OBEDIENTLY display it word for word in his signature with nary a question or even doubt.

Multiply guno by the number of American Jews and you can see how easy it was for the Democrat Party to cast the entire community into political bondage, i.e. slavery. Laura Winer was sharp enough to cash in.

IBD's antisemitic hero!
View attachment 24751
IBD's antisemitic hero!
Leftists, being the cognitive dullards that they are, know how to growl and bark in only one way, "RRRRRACIST!".

Some of the sniveling snakes have more of a yap, "SSSSEXIST!".

Some of the metroshepherds have a distinctly sharper "HOOOOOOOMOPHOBE!"

The American Jews have an interesting blurt of "A-A-A-ANTISEMITE!"
Leftists, being the cognitive dullards that they are, know how to growl and bark in only one way, "RRRRRACIST!".

Some of the sniveling snakes have more of a yap, "SSSSEXIST!".

Some of the metroshepherds have a distinctly sharper "HOOOOOOOMOPHOBE!"

The American Jews have an interesting blurt of "A-A-A-ANTISEMITE!"

Sieg Heil cocksucker
Neither were the Nazis,cocksucker breath
The NAZIs were far left socialist. They were the National Socialist Labor Party.

Now we both know that you are a gullible, undereducated, scientifically illiterate leftist, with the key word being "gullible" in this case. Did you fall for the line that NAZIs are somehow "right wing" because terms like "troll" and "right wing" designate people you have been told to HATE?

Were you told to believe that fascists are "right wing" as well? Did you fall for that too?

Too funny.
Neither were the Nazis,cocksucker breath
By the way, I can see that you are YET ANOTHER leftist who absolutely HATES gays. Do you believe that homosexual men are "right wing" also?

You aren't very smart, are you? Is that why you became a leftist? Did you figure your chances were much better with the uneducated crowd? Were you drawn by the perk of being able to at least HATE the people you were ordered to virtue-signal?
The NAZIs were far left socialist. They were the National Socialist Labor Party.

Now we both know that you are a gullible, undereducated, scientifically illiterate leftist, with the key word being "gullible" in this case. Did you fall for the line that NAZIs are somehow "right wing" because terms like "troll" and "right wing" designate people you have been told to HATE?

Were you told to believe that fascists are "right wing" as well? Did you fall for that too?

Too funny.

Hitler didn't hug trees and saved no whales,you nazis love to pretend right-wing fascist are pink!
Oh wait ,pink ended up in concentration camps too!
By the way, I can see that you are YET ANOTHER leftist who absolutely HATES gays. Do you believe that homosexual men are "right wing" also?

You aren't very smart, are you? Is that why you became a leftist? Did you figure your chances were much better with the uneducated crowd? Were you drawn by the perk of being able to at least HATE the people you were ordered to virtue-signal?

I guess you haven't read all my posts, you must be the last one to know I'm bisexual!
you nazis love to pretend right-wing fascist are pink!
We have already exhaustively covered your lack of education and your cognitive shortcomings, and you have already provided ample demonstration of such, that I need not cover it again.

Fascists are extreme far left Gentile-socialism ideologues who add heavy nationalism to their marketing. You and your leftist propaganda are firmly in the NAZI camp. You and your HATRED for homosexuals, along with your leftist leanings make you an ideal NAZI.

Oh wait ,pink ended up in concentration camps too!
Yes. Despite being entirely socialist (Marxist), the NAZIs went after the communists (Marxists) first.
Well Dr Fraud you couldn't be more wrong. I have more gay friends than Straight friends.
I know that's what you were told to write, just like you were told to have more gay friends so that you would appear more credible when writing as you are instructed. The fact remains that you nonetheless HATE gays. Your knee-jerk hurling of the "cocksucker" slur gives you away ... which then reveals that you are a self-loather.

Which rational adults do you honestly believe that you are going to fool? I'm not asking which indoctrinated leftists will be ordered to come to your rescue because I know that there are many homosexual slaves to the DNC that will make ironic candidates for being ordered to come to your rescue. It will be too funny when that happens. When gays come to support you, make sure to call each and every one a "cocksucker" for good measure.

You HATE gays. Now everyone is aware of it. Any charade you might have been playing is over.
I know that's what you were told to write, just like you were told to have more gay friends so that you would appear more credible when writing as you are instructed. The fact remains that you nonetheless HATE gays. Your knee-jerk hurling of the "cocksucker" slur gives you away ... which then reveals that you are a self-loather.

Which rational adults do you honestly believe that you are going to fool? I'm not asking which indoctrinated leftists will be ordered to come to your rescue because I know that there are many homosexual slaves to the DNC that will make ironic candidates for being ordered to come to your rescue. It will be too funny when that happens. When gays come to support you, make sure to call each and every one a "cocksucker" for good measure.

You HATE gays. Now everyone is aware of it. Any charade you might have been playing is over.

Who's telling me what to write? Enquiring minds want to know! I would hate to find out you just make up your bullshit!
I know that's what you were told to write, just like you were told to have more gay friends so that you would appear more credible when writing as you are instructed. The fact remains that you nonetheless HATE gays. Your knee-jerk hurling of the "cocksucker" slur gives you away ... which then reveals that you are a self-loather.

Which rational adults do you honestly believe that you are going to fool? I'm not asking which indoctrinated leftists will be ordered to come to your rescue because I know that there are many homosexual slaves to the DNC that will make ironic candidates for being ordered to come to your rescue. It will be too funny when that happens. When gays come to support you, make sure to call each and every one a "cocksucker" for good measure.

You HATE gays. Now everyone is aware of it. Any charade you might have been playing is over.

[incindiary Jewish superiority video deleted]
I don't like Jews but I'm not convinced guno is a jew. I think he's some disphit reading a DNC script.
Guille, I have to agree with you. American Jews that are leftist (and not all of them are) are so because they were willing to enter DNC slavery on bent knee, for the mere promise of that oh-so-addictive victim status that you just can't get from conservatives who will only treat others as equals. American Jews have become far too addicted to this status that heroin addicts will willingly go without their fix before American Jews let go of their victim status which fuels their Jewish superiority complex and their unabated HATRED of all "goyim."

With that in mind, guno is not posting as a "victim" but as a NAZI who, like the NAZIs, hates Jews. His manner of posting seems to be intended to generate ire for Jews. It's devious and is exactly the gaslighting that NAZIs would do to Jews. After all, it was guno who posted the incendiary videos of Jewish superiority and it was guno who motivated this thread by quoting an obvious Jewish scheister who takes full advantage of Jews.
So there's no one! You assumed it all.
Did you conveniently IGNORE my post that you quoted, or could you simply not read it for comprehension?

I hope you realize that you are the cause of all of your problems. I get it that you are desperate to blame others for your confusion but you did it to yourself.