race vs sexism

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
if you think that black men have it bad (and they have it worse than whites but things are slowly shifting) what about women

females comprise 51% of the us population but we have never had a female president

black men were freed about the time of the civil war and have been trying to break even ever since

black men got the vote in the 19th century but women had to wait until the 20th century (actually, i should say that it took until then for black votes to count the same as white votes - previously, a black vote (free blacks that is, not slaves) counted as a percentage of a white vote

women agitated for freedom for black men but when they got it, the black men forgot about it and left women on the side of the road and never looked back

women (all races (some races more than others)) are still the largest group in this nation that are discriminated against

so if we are talking about a group deserving of a president of their own, how about women before blacks

of course the qualifications should have something to do with it, but we all know it is whoever raises the most money and makes the fewest mistakes that is most likely to win

ps i am a white male age 63 and born a WASP

pps i used to like mc, but his swerve to the right is nauseating - whatever happened to moderation
Women are smart enought to really run things from behind the scenes.
the last I heard they controlled the majority of the money and all of the whoopie.
Women are smart enought to really run things from behind the scenes.
the last I heard they controlled the majority of the money and all of the whoopie.


yep, women control/ have more money than men - as for whoopie...that remains to be seen