Racism in America



This is just an unbelivable story of just how backwards some parts of this country still are.

Making Water a Matter of Race
By Claire Suddath Monday, Jul. 14, 2008Getty

To this day, Jerry Kennedy only does laundry when it rains. For the first 54 years of his life, he lived without running water, and rainstorms were the only way he could collect enough water to wash his clothes. But Kennedy isn't from some far-off rural outpost. He was born and raised in the Coal Run neighborhood of Zanesville, Ohio — a former coal-mining center of 25,000 in the eastern part of the state — just a few hundred feet from a municipal water line. Kennedy, now 58, is black. His neighbors, who did not have running water for more than 50 years, are also black. On July 10, the U.S. District Court of Ohio awarded them almost $10.9 million, ruling that they had been denied access to public water because of their race.

The decision comes four years after the water started flowing in Coal Run, a black community of some 25 homes in overwhelmingly white Muskingum County, following a lawsuit filed by the Ohio Civil Rights Commission (OCRC) and 67 Coal Run residents. According to the suit, the community had repeatedly requested water service since 1956, the year the city built a water main that ended just short of the neighborhood, and had watched as the East Muskingum Water Authority built new water lines and increased county water efforts in surrounding areas while their requests went unanswered. When he built his house in the early 1980s, Kennedy says, his water request was denied. He can't even remember the number of times he asked the city's service director for help, only to have nothing happen. Then a house went up next door. A white family moved in, and one day Kennedy saw his new neighbors watering their lawn. "They'd be out there with a hot tub out on the porch," he says, "and I was still going down the road [to the local water treatment plant] with a pickup truck every day." Like many Zanesville area residents, he couldn't drill a well because the surrounding coal mines have contaminated the water, rendering it undrinkable. The mines have been closed for years, but the ground is so full of sulfur that residents say the water runs red. In Coal Run, Kennedy and his black neighbors would either pay to have water hauled in from the treatment plant two miles away or catch the rainwater that ran down their gutters.
Some white people passed over because of their race due to affirmative action also have some cash coming too. Wouldn't you agree, Desh The Just?

Or do you only believe some races have the right to not be discriminated against?

You said on the other thread that the ends don't justify the means. Do you still think that?
the reason this hasnt happen is that there is no case of it happening

I can link you to several cases where whites have been discriminated against, overtly due to their race. Are you denying that affirmative action programs exist? Or that they're not race based?

What is your argument exactly?
My wife went to Muskinghum College, in New Concorde very close by to Zanesville. I will tell you, they are one of the few places I have been with direct and open racism expressed without shame.
I can link you to several cases where whites have been discriminated against, overtly due to their race. Are you denying that affirmative action programs exist? Or that they're not race based?

What is your argument exactly?
When were you ever denied water when the next door neighbor of the majority color who moved in more than a decade after you were repeatedly denied has access? Yeah, AA definitely is racial. But that takes nothing away from this story. These people were harmed and won their lawsuit. That is a good thing.
The people who made the decisions not to extend water to the black families should be in prison. Fuck a civil award of money, there should be criminal civil rights cases and those responsible should go to jail. And Assface anyone you know that has been discriminated on to this extent should file a suit and if they prevail then the person that denied their rights should go to jail as well. My bet is you can't point to this kind of denial of basic services.
Whites will be a minority in a few years and entiltled to affirmative action AH. Don Worry your turn is coming.
Whites will be a minority in a few years and entiltled to affirmative action AH. Don Worry your turn is coming.

I doubt it. Affirmative Action is not based on actual numbers, it's based on perceived historical victimhood. That's how women got labelled as a minority.
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My wife went to Muskinghum College, in New Concorde very close by to Zanesville. I will tell you, they are one of the few places I have been with direct and open racism expressed without shame.

You're not from the Midwest, are you? Hell almost all of rural Ohio is that way. It's why there are very few black populations in Ohio outside of the major urban areas.

I know in my home town area they brag about a sign that used to be at the city limits that said. "Niger, don't let the sun go down on you here."
I doubt it. Affirmative Action is not based on actual numbers, it's based on perceived historical victimhood. That's how women got labelled as a minority.

women get what they get becuase they actually rule.
They are just smart enough not to make targets of themselves.
Whites will be a minority in a few years and entiltled to affirmative action AH. Don Worry your turn is coming.

I agree and have been predicting this the past few years. Watch closely to the hispanic population. I'm so glad that i'm fluent in Spanish. :clink:
Obama is the answer to racism, at least a start.
If he's not just another Uncle tom he will stop arresting 700,000 black kids for pot when white stars just get resort rehab for 1,000 more in COKE.